
bān yùn
  • transport;carry;portage;flitting
搬运 [bān yùn]
  • (1) [carry]∶承受负载并运送到另一个地方

  • 油、水及食物在荒凉的村庄均可得到,但其他物品则需搬运去

  • (2) [transport]∶通过一段较长距离将(如货物)从一地运送到另一地

  • 搬运货物

搬运[bān yùn]
  1. 汉代,旧式私塾的学生用竹箱来搬运书籍上学。

    In the Han Dynasty , students in old-style private schools used bamboo boxes to carry books to school .

  2. 该多Agent模型有两个层面的模型:(1)车间作业层面的生产物流多Agent模型,此模型包涵加工Agent、搬运Agent、零部件Agent等7个子Agent;

    This multi-agent model has two levels : ( 1 ) the multi-agent model of enterprise production logistics of the workshop level , which has seven agents including process agent , carry agent , part agent , etc.

  3. 查看一下你的保险单,看其是否对搬运过程中的破损和毁坏赔偿。

    Check that your insurance policy covers breakages and damage during removals .

  4. 他们做家具搬运生意。

    They were in the furniture removal business .

  5. 一个身材瘦高的男士正挥舞双臂想指挥一辆大型搬运车行驶。

    A tall , thin man was waving his arms in an effort to direct the movements of a large removal van

  6. 这些货物必须小心搬运。

    This freight must be carefully handled .

  7. 搬运工人用吊车才把钢琴吊到3楼。

    By using a hoist the movers were able to sling the piano to the third floor .

  8. 搬运回家的这段路程特别长,到家时我们已精疲力尽。

    It was a long haul home and we arrived exhausted .

  9. 一家唯利是图的搬运汽车公司还是把她的住址泄露了。

    A venal moving-van company had revealed her address .

  10. 搬运这些沉重的袋子可不是闹着玩的。

    It is no joke carrying these heavy bags .

  11. 搬运工人正往驳船上装货。

    The porters are loading a barge .

  12. 搬运石头是件苦差事。

    It 's hard graft carrying stones .

  13. 当一组工人搬运垃圾时,另一组工人开始移走座位和其他剧院设备,为拆除建筑做准备。

    As one group of workers carried out the rubbish , another group began removing seats and other theater equipment in preparation for the building 's end .

  14. 包装必须十分坚固,以承受粗率的搬运。

    The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling .

  15. 他们磨磨蹭蹭不肯往前走,就在这天晚上,他们开了小差,扛着搬运的东西溜走了——一次地道的抗命叛逃。

    They jibbed , sneaked off with their load in the night-quite a muting .

  16. 此外,搬运路线上的道路均重新铺过,确保路途顺畅。

    Roads along the route have also been repaved to keep the journey smooth .

  17. 一般的准则是,如有人帮你搬运行李,给一新元就够了

    As a general guide , S $ 1 should be adequate for baggage-lugging service .

  18. 他十分努力的建造这座山,并且花了很多时间挖土、搬运泥土。

    He worked very hard and spent a lot of time digging and carrying earth .

  19. 适用于各种造纸、包装、印刷等行业对各类纸卷进行高效、无破损的搬运与堆垛作业

    Meeting the needs of industries from stevedoring to printing for damage free roll handling with efficiency .

  20. 基于PLC与步进电机的气动搬运机械手控制

    The Control of Pneumatic Carrying Manipulator Based on PLC and Stepper Motor

  21. CIMS环境下的物流系统及搬运机构选择

    The material handling system and the method of choosing carrying equipment in CIMS

  22. 本研究的目的是设计一种基于协作协进化的多Agent协作机制,在该机制下,多Agent协作搬运多个物体能在更短的时间内完成。

    In this paper , the cooperation mechanism of multi-agent based on cooperative co-evolution is proposed , with which the task can be completed in shorter time .

  23. 通过对军用物资装卸搬运系统的作业分析,在EXTEND仿真平台上建立了物资装卸搬运系统作业仿真模型;

    By analysing the process of military material handling system , a simulation model of the military material handing process was built in Extend simulation software .

  24. 车道上停着宝马(bmw),房顶上架着卫星天线,街道上跑着家具搬运货车。

    There are BMWs in the driveways , satellite dishes on the roofs and furniture delivery vans on the streets .

  25. LDA型电动单梁起重机适用于机械加工车间、仓库等场所作一般装卸和搬运物件的工作。

    LDA cranes are suitable for hoisting , handing and transporting weights in machine shops and stores , etc.

  26. 为提高生产率,先进制造系统中广泛采用自动导向小车、机器人和抓钩(Hoist)等自动化材料搬运装置。

    To increase the output in advanced manufacturing , automated material transport devices , such as automated guide vehicle , robot and hoist are widely used .

  27. Au在水系沉积物中以化学作用形式搬运迁移,一般距离为800~1600m。

    Au migrates in stream sediment in form of chemical attack , the removing distance is usually 800 ~ 1 600 m.

  28. 近年来,AGV(AutomaticGuidedVehicle,自动引导车或自动搬运车)已经成为了国内外移动机器人领域广泛研究的热点,路径跟踪控制是AGV的主要研究的问题之一。

    In recent years , AGV ( Automatic Guided Vehicle ) has become the hotspot of domestic and foreign mobile robots field , and path following is one of the problems on AGV research .

  29. 介绍了在TFT-LCD液晶生产线中非接触式搬运设备的应用,说明了其技术原理和特点,并分析了非接触式搬运设备现状和发展前景。

    The paper introduces the application of magic move equipments in TFT-LCD production line , explains its technique theory and peculiarity and analyzes its current situation and the future .

  30. 高尚堡油田沙三段二、三亚段为一套粗碎屑扇三角洲沉积,沉积物主要来自NE方向,具有近物源、短距离、快速搬运、快速堆积的特点。

    The deep Es 3 2 + 3 submembers consist of a set of coarse detritus fan deltaic deposits which come from NE direction and are characterized by near provenance , short transportation and rapid accumulation .