
  • 网络The Satanic Verses;Satanic Verse
  1. 几年前我在这方面有过教训,那是在萨尔曼•拉什迪(SalmanRushdie)受到威胁后,我试图阅读他写的《撒旦诗篇》(TheSatanicVerses)。

    I learnt my lesson in this regard a few years ago , when I tried to read The Satanic Verses after threats were made against its author , Salman Rushdie .

  2. 当小说《撒旦诗篇》(TheSatanicVerses)遭到攻击时,图书行业组成了统一战线。

    When the novel The Satanic Verses was under attack , the book industry formed a united front .

  3. 伊朗政权确立了先例,发出针对作家萨尔曼•拉什迪(SalmanRushdie)的追杀令,就为了他写的小说《撒旦诗篇》(TheSatanicVerses)。

    The Iranian regime set the precedent when it issued a fatwa against the author Salman Rushdie in response to his book The Satanic Verses .

  4. 大一时,他们最激烈的辩论议题是关于一本小说--萨尔曼.拉什迪写的《撒旦诗篇》。

    One of their most heated debates in that first year was over a novel .

  5. 伊朗已故领导人霍梅尼认为拉什迪1989年出版的《撒旦诗篇》亵渎神明而下达追杀令。

    Iran 's late leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa for Rushdie in 1989 after the publication of Rushdie 's book Satanic Verses which Khomeni called blasphemous .

  6. 帝国的崛起与撒旦的诗篇&重解赫尔曼·沃克的二战题材小说

    The Rise of Empire and the Satanic Verse : Reinterpretation of Herman Wouk 's World War ⅱ Novels