
  • 网络Broadcasting and Hosting Art;Techniques of Broadcasting & Anchoring
  1. 电视播音与主持艺术专业是培养电视节目主持人、播音员的专业。

    Broadcasting and hosting major works at cultivating professional TV show host and professional announcer .

  2. 播音与主持艺术专业招生考试方案的设计与实践&以广州大学术科考试方案设计为例

    On the Design and Practice of the Entrance Examination Program for Broadcasting and Anchor Majors of Guangzhou University

  3. 开办播音与主持艺术专业的院校如雨后春笋般涌现了出来,使得该专业骤然升温。

    Open the broadcast and the management art professional colleges have mushroomed out that the professional suddenly to heat up .

  4. 同时,分析了播音与主持艺术专业其他特色人才培养方案、体育新闻专业人才培养方案、其他特色专业人才培养方案,从中得到启发与借鉴。

    Meanwhile , the analysis of the radio and host of other features Arts Training programs , sports training plan , training plan other features , be inspired and learn from .

  5. 教学模式包括两个方面:第一,建立健全实践教学模式;第二,建立播音与主持艺术专业教师与体育专业教师共同教学模式。

    Teaching model includes two aspects : First , establish and improve the practice of teaching ; Second , to establish radio and host of professional teachers and arts teachers to teaching physical education .

  6. 据统计,目前我国开办播音与主持艺术专业的高校有三百多家,规模层次也越来越全面。

    According to statistics , at present our country open the broadcast and the management of the professional art college , more than three hundred are , the scale level also more and more comprehensive .

  7. 中国的播音与主持艺术专业教育,已走过了近半个世纪的历程。完成了大专、本科、硕士、博士一套完整的教学序列构建。

    The education of Broadcasting and Hosting Art , after going through a journey of nearly half a century in China , has established its complete teaching sequence : junior college education , undergraduate education , master education and doctor education .