
shōu pán jià
  • closing price;closing quotation
  1. 价格比昨天的收盘价稍高。

    The price is slightly above yesterday 's closing price .

  2. 按昨日收盘价折算,中石油的市值超过了埃克森美孚与荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)市值的总和。中石油是中国最大的石油及天然气生产商。

    At yesterday 's closing price , PetroChina – China 's largest oil and gas producer – was valued at more than Exxon and Royal Dutch Shell combined .

  3. 这家公司的股票收盘价为265便士。

    Shares in the company closed at 265p .

  4. 每Trace对象包含一组Day对象,定义了当天的最高价、最低价和收盘价。

    Within each Trace object is a set of Day objects , which define the low , high , and close for that day .

  5. 接下来,选择一个具有持续增长趋势的个股的收盘价进行分析,检验得出用几何Brown运动可以描述该股票的收盘价。

    We analyzed a sustainable growth stock , and concluded it can be described by the geometric Brown motion .

  6. 周一,Facebook股票收跌0.99美元,跌幅3%,收盘价为32.06美元。

    On Monday , shares closed down 3 % , or 99 cents , to $ 32.06 .

  7. 此外,Trace对象知道如何为图像中的最高、最低和收盘价部分创建Path对象。

    Additionally , Trace objects know how to create a Path object for either the high-low portion of the graph or the close portion of the graph .

  8. 并利用建立的BP神经网络模型,采用单隐层多输入单输出系统,预测股票市场第2个交易日的收盘价变化趋势。

    A BP network model with single hidden layer and single output is used to forecast the trend of the index of the coming day .

  9. 认为可以由前两日的△f的变化以一定的概率预测次日的股价指数收盘价的涨落。

    This article deemed the rise or fall of closing price can be probability predicted with the fluctuations of Af between last two days .

  10. 同样将此模型应用于微软收盘价的预测,并将其预测结果与BP网络模型预测结果进行对比。

    Similarly , the model is applied to predicting the close price of Microsoft Company stock and the experimental results are compared with that of BP neural networks .

  11. 然而,平安证券(pingansecurities)驻深圳的李先明表示,中铁首日收盘价低于几周之前可能达到的水平。

    However , Li Xianming at Ping An Securities in Shenzhen said the first-day close had been lower than seemed likely a few weeks ago .

  12. 定量分析证明指数的日收盘价和日成交量之间存在均衡关系,收盘价是成交量的Granger原因。

    Quantitative analysis results show that Equilibrium relationship exist between price and volume and price Granger Cause volume .

  13. 即便假设针对新加坡石油公司(singaporepetroleumcompany)其余股份的强制性全面收购要约进展顺利(这并非十拿九稳:周一该股收盘价低于要约出价),此笔交易也微不足道。

    Even assuming a mandatory offer for the remainder of Singapore Petroleum Company proceeds smoothly ( not a given : shares on Monday closed below the offer price ) , this is small beer .

  14. 所谓的IPO抑价,是指首次公开发行的股票上市后,新股发行价低于首日收盘价的现象。

    IPO under-pricing refers to the phenomenon that on the first trading day of the initial public offering , the closing price is above the issue price .

  15. IPO首日超额收益是指新股上市首日收盘价远远高于其发行价,认购到新股的投资者在上市首日能获得超额收益率。

    IPO abnormal initial return means the closing price on the first day is far higher than issuing price , investors who purchase the new share can obtain high earnings .

  16. IPO短期表现普遍呈现出发行价低于上市首日收盘价的现象,这种现象被称为IPO抑价(Underpricing)。

    Short-term performance of IPO issue price generally is lower than the closing price listed on the first day , which has been referred to as IPO underpricing .

  17. 最后,对恒生指数日收盘价时间序列进行相空间重构,对其关联维数以及Kolmogorov熵进行了计算。

    At last , we do the reconstruction of the phase space and compute its correlation dimension and Kolmogorov entropy .

  18. 新股发行折价是指IPO企业上市后首日收盘价高于发行价的现象,这种现象在发达资本市场还是新兴资本市场上都普遍存在。

    The initial public offering under-pricing is the phenomenon that the closed price is higher than the issuing price in the first day when a company is listed in the stock market .

  19. 最后,本文应用上述并行模型优化的RBF神经网络对非线性函数值以及证券个股收盘价进行预测。

    At last , this paper uses the RBF neural network that was optimized by the mentioned parallel model to predict the value of some nonlinear functions and the close of several stocks .

  20. 买家包括深圳上市的艾派克科技(ApexTechnology),以及香港上市的联想控股(LegendHoldings)旗下的风险投资部门,他们将支付36亿美元现金,相对于前一日的收盘价有17%的溢价。

    The buyers , including Shenzhen listed Apex Technology and a venture capital arm of Hong Kong listed Legend Holdings , will pay $ 3.6bn in cash , a 17 per cent premium to the previous close .

  21. 周四纽约商品期货交易所(NewYorkMercantileexchange)Comex分部的黄金期货收盘价报每盎司1331.60美元,较前日微涨,但和一年前相比仍下跌了16%。

    Gold futures ended Thursday at $ 1, 331.60 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange , up slightly for the day but down 16 % from a year ago .

  22. 然而自从以每股38美元的价格公开发行股票以来,Facebook的股价已经下跌了29%。上周五,Facebook在纳斯达克市场(NasdaqStockMarket)的收盘价为每股27.10美元,公司的市值也下降到了731.7亿美元。

    Yet Facebook 's shares are off 29 % since they priced at $ 38 ending at $ 27.10 on the Nasdaq Stock Market at 4 p.m. Friday and the company 's market capitalization has sunk to $ 73.17 billion .

  23. NKE昨天的收盘价是多少?

    What did NKE close at yesterday ?

  24. 以基于中石油港股上周收盘价的标准计算,该公司市值为4370亿美元,排名全球第二,超过了通用电气(GeneralElectric),仅次于埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)。

    PetroChina 's market capitalisation , using one measure based on its closing price in Hong Kong last week , was $ 437bn ? ranking the company as the world 's second-biggest ? ahead of General Electric but behind ExxonMobil .

  25. 在微机上运行Delphi程序的实验结果表明,从上海和深圳股市1072支股票70期周末收盘价计算出20个最优投资组合仅需314次迭代和45s。

    The experiment by running a Delphi program on the microcomputer shows that only 314 iterations and 45 seconds are required to obtain 20 different optimal portfolios from 70 weekly data of 1 072 stocks of China .

  26. 对于个股上海石化股价给出了最高价、收盘价、最低价的GM(11)预测值与实际值的比较。

    For the stock of a Shanghai chemical plant , a comparison was done between the highest price , closing price , the GM ( 1.1 ) of the lowest price , the predicted value , and the actual value .

  27. 对于每个轨迹,使用SVGPath($closeSVG)获得收盘价,并将该值使用toSVG()方法转化成SVG绘图命令。

    From each trace , I get the SVG Path ( $ closeSVG ) for the close value , then convert that value to SVG drawing commands using the toSVG () method .

  28. 计算MACD首先要选定移动平均线的初值,一般以起始日的收盘价作为指数平滑移动平均线(EMA)的初值。

    Firstly select initial value of moving average to calculate MACD ; we generally consider the close of beginning date as the initial value of EMA .

  29. 而在股票上市以后由于二级市场的弱式有效及浓重的投机氛围,造成首日收盘价很高,存在超额收益率现象,这就是IPO抑价现象。

    When the stock get into the secondary market , due to the weak efficiency and the speculation , resulting in a high closing price on the first day , there are extra earnings , this is the phenomenon of IPO underpricing .

  30. 该公司IPO募资约2.54亿美元,首日收盘价略高于每股50美元,较31美元的IPO价格涨了60%多。

    And yet , it raised around $ 254 million in its initial public offering and closed its first day of trading at just over $ 50 per share , up more than 60 % from its IPO price of $ 31 .