
  1. 加入WTO与我国党、政和工会关系的调整劳动党的下院议员中有好几名脱党而加入了该新政党。

    The Adjustment of the Relation Between the CPC , Administration and the Trade Unions During the WTO Era ; Several of the Labour MPs defected to the new party .

  2. 对于劣政和腐败的失望情绪十分常见。

    Laments about shoddy administration and corruption are commonplace .

  3. 他们是埃及王的酒政和膳长。

    They were the chief butler and chief baker of the king of Egypt .

  4. 我本人在福建政和。

    I am in the governance of Fujian .

  5. 法老就恼怒酒政和膳长这二臣。

    Pharaoh was furious with his two officials , the chief cupbearer and the chief baker .

  6. 白茶是中国传统六大茶类之一,主产于福建的福鼎、政和、建阳、松溪等县。

    White tea is one of Chinese six traditional tea brands , which mainly produced in Fujian province .

  7. 政和是我国著名的白茶原产地,产茶历史悠久。

    Governance and is a famous place of origin of white tea , tea production has a long history .

  8. 政和地区变质岩石形成于晋宁期,遭受了四期复杂的构造变形作用。

    Discovery and geological significance of metamorphic and intrusive rock ( system ) of Qimantage region in Jinning epoch ;

  9. 茶叶作为政和的支柱产业之一,在推动政和经济发展上起到重要的作用。

    As one of the pillar industries , tea plays an important role in promoting the economic development of Zhenghe .

  10. 亚洲各国政党在实践中积累的治国理政和党的自身建设的有关经验,都是值得我们学习和借鉴的。

    The experience they have gained in serving their countries and in improving themselves is well worth learning and drawing upon .

  11. 负责生产计划安排和车间管理、存控制、力资源、货计划、政和总务工作。

    You will need to manage production and production scheduling , inventory control , manpower and shipment scheduling , administration and general affairs .

  12. 政和石门金多金属矿成矿地质条件有利,找矿前景好。

    Mineralization geological condition of the Shimen Area in Zhenghe County is favorable for Au-polymetallic deposit , which has prospect well to find Au-polymetallic ore deposits .

  13. 白茶为福建的特产,主要产区在浙江,福鼎、政和、松溪、建阳等地。

    White tea is the specialty of Fujian Province , the main producing areas in Zhejiang , Fuding , governance , Songxi , Jianyang and other places .

  14. 由此我希望谈谈四个值得特别关注的领域:贸易、发展、良政和妇女权益。

    And with that in mind , I 'd like to focus on four areas that warrant special attention : trade , development , good governance , and women .

  15. 因而,他为汉王朝制定了实施仁义之政和重建礼制的汉政和汉制。

    Thus , for Han Dynasty he had constituted Han policy and Han system to actualize the " policy of benevolence " and to reestablish " system of rite " .

  16. 本文以一位几乎被人们遗忘的音乐教育家柯政和为中心人物,论述他在中国近现代音乐史上所做出的音乐贡献。

    This thesis , centering on Cheng-Ho Ko , the musical educationist who has almost been forgotten by us , discusses his music achievement in Music history of neoteric and modern China .

  17. 监狱管理问题不仅关系到监狱的安全稳定和罪犯的改造成果,还会对国家政和社会的安全稳定产生广泛的影响。

    Prison management issues not only relate to prisons ' security and stability and results of rehabilitation of offenders , but also influent the security of the state governance and social stability widely .

  18. 是这些非洲人在加大步伐-常常冒着巨大的个人牺牲甚至风险,为他们的国家带来和平、良政和正确的政策,成为希望的理由。

    It is those Africans who are stepping up – often at great personal sacrifice and even risk , to bring peace , good governance and sound policies to their countries that are the reason for hope .

  19. 被囚在监之埃及王的酒政和膳长二人同夜各做一梦,各梦都有讲解。

    5 each of the two men-the cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt , who were being held in prison-had a dream the same night , and each dream had a meaning of its own .

  20. 以黄骅港金港花园政和大酒店基础施工为例,介绍了振动沉管灌注桩的施工工艺、施工方法以及质量控制措施。

    Taking the case of the foundation construction of Zhenghe Grand Hotel in the Golden Port Garden of Huanghua Harbor , this paper introduces the techniques , methods of construction and quality-control measures of vibration , immersed tube and pouring stakes .

  21. 在法国度假城市戛纳出席会议的许多欧盟成员国内政和司法部长欢迎法国的建议。希腊内政部长表示,希望法国的欧盟轮值主席国在12月期满之前最后通过这项协议。

    A number of European interior and justice ministers meeting in the resort city Cannes hailed the French proposals , with Greece 's interior minister saying he hoped it would be finalized by the end of France 's EU presidency in December .

  22. 外国电信称他们的纲原主户订为政主和商务人士。

    China Telecom says it 's targeting politicians and businessmen .

  23. 媒体可发挥制衡作用,确保良政治理和问责性。

    Media can play role ensuring good governance and accountability .

  24. 头两条就是促进良政治理和维护法律至上。

    The first two were promoting good governance , and upholding the supremacy of the law .

  25. 我们将继续协助各国制定和实施良政治理和反腐败改革规划。

    And we will continue to work in assisting countries on governance and anti-corruption reform programs .

  26. 纺织类高分子专业学生思政工作和专业教学的实践与探索

    Practice and Discussion on Political and Ideological Work and Major Teaching for Macromolecular Material Speciality with Textile Leaning

  27. 作为中国近代建警第一人,黄遵宪在警政理念和实践上都有突出的贡献。

    As the pioneer to create China 's modern police system , Huang Zunxian has highlight contribution in the concept and practice .

  28. 本文提出了网络文化环境下高校思想政治教育在工作方法、思政教学和平台建设三方面的实践创新理论。

    This paper presents innovative theories of ideological and political education from three aspects : working methods , teaching jobs and platform construction in network cultural environment .

  29. 八城政基和波提的目标是,将透明度和责任制引入管理层,在决策过程和人力资源问题上,逐步建立一种系统的、透明的程序,并要达到在日本国内非比寻常的程度。

    The aim has been to bring transparency and accountability to management and instill a systematic and transparent approach to the decision-making process and to human resources issues , to a degree that is unusual in Japan .

  30. 这将使意大利政府顷刻瓦解,导致政乱和新一轮选举,更加有损于意大利经济的稳定性。

    This would lead to an immediate collapse of the Italian government , resulting in political chaos in Italy and the possible calling of a new election , which could be even more destabilizing for the Italian economy .