
  • 网络political interest;political gain
  1. 这场争论有着神学思想的交锋和辩论,更存在着政治利益的权衡和较量。

    This debate has theological and more political interest exists .

  2. 精神利益、政治利益都为经济利益服务。

    Spiritual interests , political interest for economic benefit .

  3. 这是为了获取短期政治利益而损人利己地对局势进行操纵。

    This is a cynical manipulation of the situation for short-term political gain

  4. 欧洲成员国害怕会打乱各政治利益集团间的微妙平衡。

    The European members are afraid of upsetting the delicate balance of political interests

  5. 这片繁荣景象是总理为了短期政治利益而精心安排的。

    This boom has been engineered by the Chancellor for short-term political reasons .

  6. 作为回应,他们自己也被指责推动自己的(左翼)政治利益。

    In return , they are themselves accused of furthering their own ( leftist ) political interests

  7. 双边自由贸易协定(FTA)的签署可以为成员国带来巨大的经济利益与政治利益。

    The establishment of FTA brings huge economic interests and great political benefits to member countries .

  8. 实际上,看似有吸引力和基于政治利益的金融工程比如,在花旗集团(citigroup)第三次纾困中使用的方案有可能削弱多年来在美国发挥了良好作用的长期原则。

    Indeed , seemingly attractive and politically expedient financial engineering , such as that used in the third Citigroup bail-out , risks undermining long-standing principles that have served the us well for years .

  9. 指出关于气候变化问题的国际争议产生的原因是科学的不确定性,实质是经济和政治利益问题,焦点是限制CO2的排放。

    This thesis points out that the emergence of world wide argument over the climatic change is due to the uncertainty of science , essentially a problem revolving around economical and political interests , focused on the restrictions on the discharge of carbon dioxide .

  10. 韩国统一部部长玄在泽(HyunIn-taek)也怀疑朝鲜夸大困难为的是寻求政治利益。

    The South 's unification minister , Hyun In-taek , also suspects North Korea of exaggerating its troubles for political gain .

  11. 与WTO体制相比,区域性的能源安排往往具有较好的地缘优势,其成员也具有较为接近的经济政治利益,因而更容易达成利益的平衡,更能促进区域能源市场的发展。

    Compared with WTO system , the regional energy arrangements tend to have a better geographical advantage , and its members also have closer economic and political interests , and thus it is easier to achieve a balance of interests , better to promote the development of regional energy markets .

  12. 为了短期的政治利益,可以打破黄金规则或《马斯特里赫特条约》(maastricht)的标准,而付出的成本就是破坏惊心培育出的“审慎”图景。

    Golden rules or Maastricht criteria can be broken , for short-term political gain , only at the expense of destroying the carefully cultivated picture of " prudence " .

  13. 政治利益视角下的人民内部矛盾

    Contradictions among the People from the Visual Angle of Political Interests

  14. 国家利益包括国家的安全利益、经济利益和政治利益。

    National interests include security interests , economic interests and political interests .

  15. 我们还得感谢让自由港得到目前的政治利益。

    We have you to thank for freeport 's present political gain .

  16. 他们试图从悲剧中捞取政治利益。

    They had tried to make political mileage out of a tragedy .

  17. 达成这样一项协议也会带来相当大的政治利益。

    There would also be considerable political advantages to concluding a deal .

  18. 以中国人民根本政治利益为出发点;

    Second , considering first the basic political benefits of Chinese people ;

  19. 民主国家对短期政治利益的追逐可能加剧割裂。

    Democracies " pursuit of short-term political interests can contribute to fragmentation .

  20. 设法利用他对手弱点以谋求政治利益。

    Trying to make political capital out of the weakness of his rival .

  21. 事实上这只是美国用来推进政治利益的托词。

    It 's just a subterfuge for advancing the realpolitik interests of the U.S.

  22. 因为政治利益而正在牺牲重要原则。

    Important principles are being sacrificed for political advantage .

  23. 政治利益、经济利益是两国共同追求的目标。

    Political interests and economic interests are the common goals of the both countries .

  24. 但是当然,我们将坚定地保护我们的地缘政治利益。

    But of course we shall protect our own geopolitical interests firmly and consistently .

  25. 或者,他们是否为追求政治利益而践踏了奥林匹克精神?

    Or are they guilty of trampling on the Olympic spirit for political gain ?

  26. 经济或政治利益值得牺牲你们的自然环境的破坏?

    Economic or political rewards at the expense of your natural environment 's destruction ?

  27. 一个重要的因素是政党煽动宗教情绪为自己谋取现实政治利益;

    A important factor is political parties to instigate religion emotion for themself profits ;

  28. 力拓一位主要股东说:“这是出于政治利益的全球资本主义。”

    One leading Rio shareholder said " this is global capitalism for political gain . "

  29. 我为了最小的政治利益而招致了最大的政治憎恨。

    I had incurred the maximum of political odium for the minimum of political benefit .

  30. 然而,这些冲突都是经济、政治利益之争。

    However , all of them without exception are clashes of economic or political interests .