
  • 网络policy system
  1. 基于人群健康的国家宏观卫生政策系统框架研究

    Study on framework of population-targeted national macro health policy system

  2. 推动企业生态经济管理的政策系统研究

    Study on policy system promoting eco-economic management of enterprise

  3. 卫生政策系统综述方法研制与实例研究

    Systematic Review Method and Case Study for Health Policy Research

  4. 创新政策系统分析:钻石模型的提出及应用

    Innovation Policy Analysis : the Diamond Model and Its Application

  5. 林业政策系统运行问题探讨

    Discussing on the operation problems of forestry policy system

  6. 三是如何使政策系统适应于环境系统?

    What measures should be adopted to make policy system adaptable to the environment ?

  7. 非零和博弈的结构贸易政策系统分析

    Systems Analysis on Structural Trade Policy of Cooperative Game & Solution to Sino-U.S. Trade Conflicts

  8. 支持保障系统包括政策系统、法律系统、组织系统、培训系统等子系统;

    Ensure system include policy system , law system , organization system , training system ;

  9. 呼吁政策系统也要实现战略前移,重心下沉。

    The authors appeal that related policy also needs to be changed at the same time .

  10. 中国八五和后十年区域政策系统的构思

    An Outline of China 's Regional Economic Strategy for the 8th Five Years and Next Ten Years

  11. 这种允许是批准还是被拒绝,可由网络管理或政策系统来决定。

    Whether admission is granted or denied could be decided by a network management or policy system .

  12. 前言:目的:研究基于人群健康的我国宏观卫生政策系统框架及改革措施。

    Objective : To study the framework of population-targeted national macro health policy system and its reforming measures .

  13. 中国县区级出生性别比治理的社会政策系统协调性分析

    Analysis of System Coordination in Social Policy on Managing Sex Ratio at Birth at the County Level in China

  14. 从一般政策系统看科技政策系统完善化的方向

    An Analysis of Direction of Perfection of System of Science and Technology Policy from Viewpoint of General Policy System

  15. 本文在对环境管理手段进行系统剖析的基础上,就政府部门建立推动企业生态管理的政策系统作了有益的探讨。

    By analyzing the means of environmental management , the environmental policies are discussed to promote ecological management in an enterprise .

  16. 国家公园管理政策系统而科学,是保护原始自然景观和维护生态完整性的重要依据。

    The managing policy , as the important foundation to protect natural landscape and maintain ecological integrality , is very systemic and scientific .

  17. 首先,优化政策系统必须增加农民养老的政策供给,而增加政策供给有其基本的理论缘由。

    First of all , optimizing the policy system should increase the policy supply . And increasing the policy supply has adequate theoretical reasons .

  18. 与公共政策系统中其它政策子系统一样,新闻传播政策实践从出现之日起,就具有浓厚的政治色彩。

    Like other policy subsystems in the policy system , communication policy practice has very strong political color since the date of its birth .

  19. 教育理论与教育实践发生作用的过程也是教育政策系统的运行过程、完善过程、发展过程。

    The process of interaction between educational theory and practice also is the processes of fulfillment , improvement and development in the educational policy system .

  20. 从政策系统、政府角度以及市场角度三方面分析,公共政策失灵不能完全等同于政府失灵。

    The two kinds of ineffectiveness are not completely equal to each other when viewed in the perspective of the policy system , the government and the market .

  21. 文章由公共政策系统入手,分析了新疆地区公共政策制定的特点,针对特点概括出了新疆公共政策制定的基本原则。

    Starting with public policy system , this paper analyzes the characteristics of the formulation of public policies in Xinjiang and summarizes accordingly the underlying principles of the policy making .

  22. 例如,公司和大学可能都承担着研究和开发的任务,同时它们又都要参与帮助制定议程和做出决定的政策系统。

    For example , companies and universities may both undertake research and development , and both may also participate in the policy networks that help to set agendas and make decisions .

  23. 科学发展观是我国对传统发展方式的反思和修正,在实施科学发展观的过程中,公共政策系统起着至关重要的作用。

    The scientific concept of development is the introspection and revising of the traditional development way of our country , during the process of implementing scientific concept of development , the public policy system plays an essential role .

  24. 结论:新型宏观卫生政策系统框架拓宽了卫生工作内涵,有利于提升医疗卫生服务系统工作绩效,促进人群健康目标的实现。

    Conclusion : The framework of national macro health policy in this article broadens the connotation of the health delivery system , which may help to achieve population health by improving the performance of the health delivery system .

  25. 中国的文化产业要“走出去”,必须在全球化的背景下重新考虑中国文化产业的发展道路和发展模式,重建我国文化外贸的政策系统和法律系统,改革我国的文化贸易体制。

    If the Chinese cultural industry is to " go out " , its developmental mode must be reconsidered in the context of globalization . This will touches on the restructure of China 's policy system of cultural international trade and legal system .

  26. 基于两化融合的内涵以及系统工程学、技术扩散等理论,构建了两化融合的理论模型、技术扩散模型、政策系统模型、支撑系统模型、动力系统模型和外部环境系统模型。

    Based on the connotation of the integration of information and industrialization , together with technology diffusion theory and system engineering , we build the theoretical model , technology diffusion model , policy system model , supporting system model , dynamic system model and external environment system model .

  27. 以浙江省为例研究了林业政策系统的运行现状;深入剖析了林业政策运行中存在的问题:政策制定不完善,执行效果不理想,评估和监测不规范和政策终结不重视;

    Regarding Zhejiang province as the example , the paper studies the current situation of the operation of forestry policy system , deeply analyses the problems of the forestry policy operation : incomplete policy constituting , un-ideal executing effect , un-criterion evaluating and monitoring system , ignored policy ending .

  28. 基于CGE模型的政策模拟系统的研究

    Research of policy simulation system based on CGE model

  29. 与TPP课程的整体性观点一致,我们特别强调发展一个对组织分析及公共政策的系统性概念。

    Consistent with the overall perspective of the TPP Program , we give special emphasis to developing a systems'view of organizational analysis and public policy .

  30. 论河南经济可持续发展的政策保障系统

    On the Safeguard of a Sustainable Economic Development in Henan Province