
  • 网络Efficiency;efficiency standards;efficiency criterion;PUE;MEPS
  1. 公共物品的特性及其效率标准,要求公共物品的供给采取集体供给方式。

    The characteristics and the efficiency criterion request the way of joint supply in the provision of public goods .

  2. 其次,讨论了投资效率的形式特征。指出投资效率标准的多样性、投资效率实现过程的跨部门和跨领域性以及投资效率的外部性是投资效率的最根本特征。

    Second , the writer discusses the features of investment efficiency which the writer points out are the diversity of investment efficiency criterion , the multi-department and multi-field and the externality of investment efficiency .

  3. 一个解决方案是:针对乘用车制定新的燃油效率标准。

    One solution : new proposed fuel-economy standards for passenger cars .

  4. 能源效率标准和标记特设专家组

    Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels

  5. 合理的优化教学标准主要是指质量标准、效率标准和过程标准。

    Its criteria include standards on quality , efficiency and process .

  6. 具体的评价标准有帕累托最优标准和卡尔多&希克斯效率标准。

    Specific evaluation criteria are Pareto efficiency and Kaldor-Hicks efficiency .

  7. 医用面罩材料空气微生物过滤效率标准测试方法与装置的研究

    Test and Evaluation of Airborne Microbe Filtration Efficiency of Medical Face Mask Materials

  8. 论波斯纳法律经济学的理性假定和效率标准

    On the Rational Hypothesis and Efficiency Standard of Posner 's Economic Analysis of Law

  9. 国际机构必须制定严格的产品使用效率标准。

    The international community must place strict efficiency standards on the use of products .

  10. 论综合运输体系的效率标准&兼论运价在综合运输体系中的作用

    The Efficiency Standards of the Coordinated Transportation System

  11. 某种公有制的实现形式在现实经济中的生存权利与发展前景,最终还要由效率标准决定。

    The development of a realization form of public ownership depends fundamentally on its efficiency .

  12. 对家用电器也可象住宅本身一样建立能源效率标准。

    Energy efficiency standards can be established for household appliances as well as for houses themselves .

  13. 能源效率标准和标识

    Energy efficiency standards and labels

  14. 简要介绍了国际上能源效率标准和标识的实施情况。

    Briefly presents the implementation of energy efficiency standards and labels for air conditioners throughout the world .

  15. 此外,作为一种减少依赖石油的直接步骤,能源效率标准也应该被提高。

    In addition , fuel-efficiency standards should be raised as an immediate step towards reducing dependency on oil .

  16. 合理确定效率标准,明确侦查工作范围;

    An appropriate standard of efficiency should be rationally set and the scope of investigation should be defined .

  17. 布什还支持提高机动车辆的燃油效率标准,并加大对替代能源的投资。

    Mr. Bush has also endorsed higher fuel efficiency standards for automobiles and greater investment in alternative energy .

  18. 本周国会议题是围绕通过提高机动车燃料效率标准来减少气体排放量这一论点展开的,其中也包括提高越野车的标准。

    Congressional action this week will center on reducing emissions by raising vehicle fuel-efficiency standards , including those for SUVs .

  19. 阐述了我国新颁布的房间空调器、单元式空调机和冷水机组的能源效率标准。

    States the lately issued energy efficiency standards for room air conditioners , unitary air conditioners and water chillers in China .

  20. 市场经济条件下,土地在不同产业部门的配置服从于效率标准。

    Under the condition of market economy , different efficiency of land allocation in different industry sections will influence land allocation .

  21. 举个例子,当我们向汽车制造商提供援助时,我们与他们合作从而提高了轿车的燃料效率标准。

    When we rescued our automakers , for example , we worked with them to set higher fuel efficiency standards for our cars .

  22. 日益严格的排放和燃料效率标准促进了安全、清洁、高效的新能源汽车的发展。

    Stringent emissions and fuel efficiency standards promote the development of new energy vehicles , which is safe , clean , and efficient .

  23. 认真的节能努力会给中国带来高额回报。中国的能源效率标准远低于发达国家。

    A serious drive for energy efficiency would pay high dividends in China , where standards are much lower than in the developed world .

  24. 我们也希望看到随着金砖四国燃油效率标准的提高,复合材料在每辆汽车中的平均使用率也得到提高。

    We also expect to see a rise in the average use of composites per vehicle rise as efficiency standards rise in the BRIC markets .

  25. 本文从人力资源配置过程的视角具体分析探讨了投入产出的效率标准、经济效益和社会效益标准、总量和结构均衡标准以及人与自然、社会、环境协调和人的全面发展的和谐标准。

    Economic and social benefits ; aggregate and structural balance ; and the natural , social , and environmental development of a harmonious and comprehensive standards .

  26. 能源效率标准与标识是减少能源消耗及保护环境的有效政策工具之一,在世界上受到了广泛重视。

    Energy efficiency standards and labels are the most effective policy tools for reducing energy consumption and protecting the environment , which have received broad attention worldwide .

  27. 我们并未止步于此。在未来的几周和几个月,我们将发布第二轮重型汽车的燃油效率标准。

    But we 're not done yet . In the weeks and months ahead , we 'll release a second round of fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty vehicles .

  28. 这是目前正在重建的原始尺寸,并在会议上非常严格无源之家的效率标准,但没有复杂的前期分析的目的。

    It is now being rebuilt with the original dimensions and with the goal of meeting the very stringent Passive House efficiency standard but without the complex upfront analysis .

  29. 中国的做法包括执行远高于美国的汽车燃料效率标准,以及要求千大企业落实节能目标。

    They are doing this by implementing fuel efficiency standards for cars that far exceed our own and by going after their top thousand industries with very aggressive efficiency targets .

  30. 幸亏,新型前端装载洗衣机普遍使用永磁电机,符合能量效率标准,完成洗衣工作时也不会毁坏。

    Happily , the new front-loading washers , which universally use permanent magnet motors , meet the energy efficiency standards and do a good job of cleaning clothes without destroying them .