
  • 网络practice;Teaching Practice;teaching experiment
  1. C语言程序设计课程教学实践与创新

    Teaching Practice and Innovation in " The C Programming Language " Course

  2. 多媒体CAI教学实践的反思

    The Review of Teaching Practice with Multimedia CAI Courseware

  3. 教学实践中经常会出现突然的变化与改革。

    Educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes

  4. 在就医学研究专题讨论一天后,会议接下来的主题集中在教学实践上。

    Following a day of medical research , the conference focused on educational practices .

  5. STS思想应用于建筑经济与企业管理教学实践探索

    Mix the ideology of STS with the study and practice of the course of architectonic economy and enterprise management

  6. 针对这一问题我们研制了《篮球3人裁判法》CAI多媒体课件;课件研制成功后,进行了长达几年的篮球裁判教学实践的应用、修改和推广。

    Aiming at the demand , the CAI multimedia courseware of Basketball Referees ' Manual-3-Person Officiating was worked out ,( revised ) and popularized in the teaching for years .

  7. 采用基于PowerPoint的多媒体教学实践证明了本文提出的教学改革方法的有效性。

    The validity of teaching reform method proposed in this paper is proved by the teaching practice with the aid of PowerPoint multimedia .

  8. 长达5年的教学实践证明,EDA技术的确是实现电工学研究型教学的一种极其有效的手段。

    The teaching experience in past 5 years proves that the EDA technology is truly an effective approach for realizing the research-type education in electrical engineering course .

  9. 文章结合教学实践,提出将数据库建模工具应用于数据库原理课程教学以达到提高教学质量的目的,并且以PowerDesigner为例,阐述了数据库建模工具在教学中的具体作用。

    According to teaching practice , this paper proposes the teaching method of using database-modeling tools in order to improve the quality of teaching . The current study , taking power designer as an example , also expatiates on the several functions of database-modeling tools in teaching .

  10. 涉外公共政策:学科建设与教学实践

    Foreign - Related Public Policy : Discipline Construction and Teaching Practice

  11. 然而,在具体的教学实践中却存在诸多问题。

    However , there are various problems in specific education practice .

  12. 并介绍了教学实践中的具体实施方法和教学效果。

    It introduces concrete means and results of that teaching practices .

  13. 逻辑思维训练教学实践与理论探讨

    On the Teaching Practice and Theory Inquiry of Logical Thinking Trains

  14. 钢结构课程教学实践与改革的探讨

    A Probe into Teaching Practice and Reform of Steel Structure Course

  15. 改革聋教育课程,开展双语双文化教学实践。

    Reform deaf education curriculum , conduct bilingual and bicultural teaching practice .

  16. 计算机公共课的教学实践与认识

    Computer as a Common Course : Teaching Practice and Understanding

  17. 房地产财务会计课程教学实践与思考

    Teaching Practice and Thinking of Real Estate Financial Account Course

  18. 建构主义理论在儿科护理学的教学实践

    Practice of applying construction theory in teaching nursing of children

  19. 火器伤动物模型的建立与教学实践

    Establishment animal model of firearm injuries and its teaching practice

  20. 高校公共体育课程改革与教学实践研究

    On the College Curriculum Reforms for Non PE Majors and its Practice

  21. 结构力学综合训练方案的教学实践

    Teaching practice of the comprehensive exercise plan for structural mechanics

  22. 文检课的教学实践与思考

    Teaching practice and reflections on literature retrieval and utilization course

  23. 电子工艺基础教学实践体系的研究

    Analysis of the Education Practice System of Fundamental Electronic Process

  24. 体育教学实践合理性初探

    An Initial Research into the Rationality of PE Teaching Practice

  25. 谈建构主义理论在高校文学素质教育教学实践中的合理运用

    The Application of Constructivism in Literature Quality Education on College

  26. 反思教学实践总结教学经验。

    Review teaching practice and sum up teaching experience .

  27. 双极性晶体管等效电路的教学实践

    Teaching Practice on Equivalent Circuit of Bipolar Junction Transistor

  28. 体育教师的性格特征在教学实践中有着重要的作用。

    PE teachers ' personality plays an important part in the teaching practice .

  29. 高职《低频电子线路》课程教学实践与思考

    Practice and Reflection on teaching Low Frequency Electronic Circuit

  30. 通信原理课程的教学实践

    The Teaching Practice in " Communication Principle " Course