
  • 网络lkr;Sri Lankan rupee;Sri Lanka Rupee
  1. 斯里兰卡卢比(货币代码LKR)是斯里兰卡的官方货币。

    The Sri Lankan rupee ( currency code LKR ) is the official currency of Sri Lanka .

  2. 斯里兰卡卢比是唯一在背面垂直打印的货币。

    Sri Lankan rupee is unique in that it is the only currency which is always printed vertically on the backside .

  3. Nazeera获得了一笔150美元(15000斯里兰卡卢比)的贷款和一笔50美元(5000斯里兰卡卢比)的现金赠款,以便从头开始。

    Nazeera received a loan of $ 150 [ LKR15,000 ] and a cash grant of $ 50 [ LKR5000 ] to start afresh .

  4. 兑换率会根据国际市场而有所变化,目前$1折合斯里兰卡卢比110~111。

    The current exchange rate is US $ 1 equal to110 or111 rupee .

  5. 这个荒废的面包房的租金是每月20美元(2000斯里兰卡卢比)。

    The rent for the dilapidated bakery is US $ 20 [ LKR2000 ] a month .

  6. 他说,如果他一天可以挣七美元(700斯里兰卡卢比)就很幸运的了。

    He says he is lucky if he can make $ 7 [ LKR700 ] a day .

  7. 他需要3000美元(300000斯里兰卡卢比)的重建费用,但目前还看不到希望。

    He needs about $ 3000 [ LKR300,000 ] to rebuild but can 't yet see the light at the end of the tunnel .

  8. 卖鱼和买菜的则得到了秤和自行车等物品以及100美元(10000斯里兰卡卢比)的生意本钱;

    The vegetable sellers and fish sellers received scales , bicycles , and other items and an initial capital of US $ 100 [ LKR10,000 ] to start their businesses .

  9. 在该项目下,全部毁坏的房屋可以获得2500美元(250000斯里兰卡卢比)的赠款,部分毁坏的房屋可以得到1000美元(100000斯里兰卡卢比)的赠款。

    Under this program , people receive grants of US $ 2500 [ LKR250,000 ] for a fully damaged house and $ 1000 [ LKR100,000 ] for a partially damaged house .

  10. 碰上好的月份,我一个月大约可以赚3000美元(30000斯里兰卡卢比)。因此我又开了第二家裁缝铺,让我弟弟负责。

    " Business was good and on good months I earned about $ 3000 [ LKR30,000 ] a month and I opened a second shop and put my brother in charge there ," he adds .