
  • 网络News gathering and editing;Newsgathering;Editor and Reporter;Cover and Edit News;Political and Social News Reporter and Editor
  1. 她在新闻采编部工作。

    She works on the news desk .

  2. 山西日报社新闻采编大楼空调设计

    Conditioning Design of News Gathering and Editing Building of Shanxi Daily

  3. 梳理的热点事件报道模式对新闻采编及报道有一定的启示意义。

    The hot events trigger-continuous mode has some enlightenment to report news .

  4. 梧州日报新闻采编系统解决方案

    The Solution of Wuzhou Daily News Collection & Edit System

  5. 新闻采编与制作专业核心课程改革理论研究

    On the Theory of Core Curriculum Reform for News Edit and Production

  6. 新闻采编与制作专业的发展背景是媒介融合;

    The developing background of news editing and production is media integration ;

  7. 电视新闻采编网络改造与管理要点

    The Key Points in the Network Mend and Management of TV News Editor

  8. 请接新闻采编部

    Can I get the news desk , please ?

  9. 新闻采编过程的电子化、流程化,一直是媒体行业信息化的重要内容。

    The informationization of news producing process is always an important part of media industry .

  10. 随着竞争的日趋激烈,合格的财经新闻采编人员将成为紧缺人才。

    With the increasingly fierce competition , the eligible journalists of business newspapers will be in shortage .

  11. 结果表明,该新闻采编系统的可行性和有效性达到了设计要求。

    As a result , the feasibility and validity of the news collecting and editing system have achieved the requirement of design .

  12. 目前国内外在数字化新闻采编管理系统研究方面发展很快,并且广泛应用到了新闻媒体企业管理中。

    At home and abroad Press releases editor system has developed rapidly , and widely applied to the corporate management of the news media .

  13. 目前,美国的新闻采编队伍包括新闻编辑部的员工、大学师生、博主,以及配备智能手机的市民。

    The ranks of newsgatherers in the US now include newsroom staffers , university faculty and students , bloggers and citizens armed with smartphones .

  14. 记者也只有在可以保护自己新闻采编的成果不受政府或私人实体审查的情况下,才能保持编辑的独立性。

    They must also be able to protect the fruits of their news gathering from scrutiny by government or private entities in order to maintain their editorial independence .

  15. 换句话说,在媒介机构的新闻采编室文化中存在着&套约定俗成的写作模式,为新闻报道提供了主干框架以及可直接套用的叙述结构。

    In other words , there is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing new .

  16. 新闻采编是一个工作量大数据量庞杂的工作,对这个庞大的工程进行信息化管理便成为了具有挑战而又意义重大的问题。

    The work of news collection is a huge project that has large amount of data . The extensive work on this huge project for information management has become a challenging and significant problems .

  17. 随着广播电视数字技术、网络技术以及视听新媒体业务的快速发展,加快建设一支高素质的新闻采编人才队伍显得尤为重要。

    Along with the rapid development of the broadcast TV digital technology , network technology and audio-visual new media business , speed up the construction of a high-quality news reporters talent team is particularly important .

  18. 比如,你会发现该专业课程涉及影视录音制作、新闻采编、杂志采编、公共关系和各种形式的广告以及其它领域。

    For example , you will find programs in video and radio production , newspaper writing and editing , magazine writing and editing , public relations , various forms of advertising , and many other areas .

  19. 新闻采编系统主要用于记者随时随地通过网络将采集到的新闻信息发到系统平台上,便于报社或其他新闻媒体及时查看和采用。

    News collection system is mainly used for correspondents that will be collected at any time to get the network news and information sent to the system platform , newspaper or other media to facilitate timely review and adoption .

  20. 目前国内大型媒体早已实现新闻采编的自动化,拥有功能全面的新闻采编系统。然而众多中小型媒体并不具备自己的采编系统,形成了对新闻采编系统软件巨大的需求市场。

    Nowadays most domestic major media have already achieved the automation of their abilities of news collecting and editing , and owned powerful news collecting and editing systems . However , not all the small news agency has their systems .

  21. 新闻采编系统既能使编辑部工作告别笔和纸,减少工作环节,提高工作效率,缩短出报时间,又能加强新闻的时效性与交互性。

    News gathering system , both makes the editorial department of " Farewell to pen and paper " to reduce the work areas , improve efficiency , shorten the reported time , but also to enhance the timeliness of news and interactivity .

  22. 而新闻采编系统是新闻传媒行业业务发展的技术基础,一个便捷高效的基于信息平台的采编系统将对提升媒体工作效率、加强媒资管理、促进媒体本身发展有着十分积极的作用。

    News reporting and editing system is the technical base for the development of the media industry . An information system of high-efficiency and easy-to-use will greatly improve the work productivity of media industry , not only in work efficiency but also in the management of media assets .

  23. 基于Web的新闻自动采编系统

    Automatic News Gathering and Editing System Based on Web

  24. 新闻数字采编综合实验平台的优化设计和实践

    Design Optimization and Practice of Integrated Digital Experimental Platform for News Gathering and Editing

  25. 新闻敏感是新闻采编人员的核心能力之一。

    News sensitivity is regarded as one of the key abilities for journalists to possess .

  26. 都市报的核心竞争能力是新闻信息策划能力+新闻信息采编能力。

    The core competition capability is " news planning ability + news editing ability " .

  27. 但是因为各家报纸利用的是相同的新闻资源和受众,所以在新闻采编体制上不能从根本上改变。

    However , the news collecting and editing process cannot be fundamentally changed because all newspaper station use the same news resources and face the same audience .

  28. 要采写有价值的新闻作品,就要处理好新闻写作与日常采编工作的关系;

    Write the valuable news , need news reporters deal properly with all kinds of connections , which include the connection between news writing and edit and gather news ;

  29. 它不仅能够树立新闻媒介的组织形象,沟通媒介组织内外关系,提高新闻采编水平,而且还是一种有效的经营管理战略。

    It can build up favorable figure of media , communicate media with the other organizations , and improve the level of the interview and editing , but also being an effective management strategy .