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pánɡ xì qīn shǔ
  • collateral relatives;collateral kinsmen or kinswomen;collaterals:they include collateral descents and collateral affinity.
旁系亲属 [páng xì qīn shǔ]
  • [collaterality;collateral relative] 直系亲属以外在血统上和自己同出一源的人及其配偶,如兄、弟、姐、妹、伯父、叔父、伯母、婶母等(以别于直系亲属的名称)

  1. 兄弟姐妹是近亲而表亲只是旁系亲属。

    Brothers and sisters are closely related whereas cousins are collateral relatives .

  2. 该家庭的旁系亲属可以在澳大利亚和加拿大找到。

    Collateral branches of the family can be found in Australia and canada .

  3. 中国社科院中国历史研究所研究员史杰鹏(音译)表示,随着旁系亲属关系日渐淡薄,和直系家庭成员——兄弟姐妹、父母、祖父母团圆的欲望也就变得越来越强烈。

    Shi Jiepeng , a researcher at the Institute of Chinese History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , explains that with horizontal kinships becoming weaker , the urge to reunite with close , or vertical , family members - siblings , parents and grandparents - is becoming stronger .