
  • 网络line;tourist route;tour
  1. 实施多元开发战略,完善旅游线路;

    To implement the pluralistic stratagem exploitation and perfect tour line ;

  2. 旅游线路开发正外部性问题内在化分析

    Analysis on Internalization of Positive Externality of Traveling Line Development

  3. 旅行从帕尔马开始,可以在一些旅馆或任何旅行社预订这些旅游线路。

    Tours leave from Palma and are bookable at some hotels or any travel agency .

  4. 这些旅游线路在宣传中被称为“洗肺游”,受雾霾困扰地区的游客到了这些地方可以吸入更多干净的空气。

    These tours are advertised as lung-clearing tours where people from smog-hit regions can feed their lungs with more clean air . For example :

  5. 由于北京等城市频繁出现的雾霾天气,一些旅行社推出了前往空气质量较好的城市的旅游线路,包括中国南方的桂林、丽江、三亚以及巴厘岛、马尔代夫以及普吉岛等海外目的地。

    Given the frequent smog in cities like Beijing , some travel agencies have promoted tours to places known for good air quality like the southern Chinese cities of Guilin , Lijiang and Sanya and overseas destinations of Bali , Maldives and Phuket .

  6. 景区旅游线路设计的技术路线。通过这条技术路线,利用GIS技术对旅游路径进行分析,把案例区内各种旅游资源,组合成旅游线路。

    The designing route of the tourism itinerary : The article integrates the tourism resources and then verifies the tourism itineraries using the GIS technology .

  7. JayWayTravel(jaywaytravel.com)提供“卡夫卡的布拉格”旅游线路,带领热爱文学的游客追寻卡夫卡从生到死的足迹。

    JayWay Travel ( jaywaytravel . com ) offers tours of Kafka 's Prague , taking literary travelers from his birthplace to his grave and everywhere else in between .

  8. 基于随机LLE变换的旅游线路最近邻保密算法

    Nearest Neighbor Tour Circuit Encryption Algorithm Based Random LLE Transformation

  9. 其次,本文提出一种基于Ontology的规则推理和案例推理集成推理方法,设计并实现了一个基于该方法的旅游线路服务系统。

    Secondly , this paper compared the CBR and RBR , and a new integrated reasoning approach is presented . Then a tourism service system , in which case description is written by ontology description language - OWL , is designed and realized based on this approach .

  10. 旅游线路产品的设计应该更趋多样化,充分发挥4A级景区(点)对旅游线路的支撑作用,全面提高4A级景区(点)利用率,以满足不同层次消费者的需求。

    The design of tourist itinerary should be various by making 4A tourist attractions absolutely perform a supporting function to tourist itinerary , raising the using frequency of 4A tourist attractions , to satisfy customers of different levels .

  11. 利奥:您想参加什么样的旅游线路?

    Leo : Now , what did you have in mind ?

  12. 环准噶尔盆地旅游线路开发构想

    Contemplation on the Development of the Tour Itinerary Around Junggar Basin

  13. 最后,从开发模式和旅游线路设计方面进行产品组合的深度开发。

    At last , developed models and tourism routes are designed .

  14. 我们在外滩可以看到黑龙江省旅游线路风格的建筑。

    We can see buildings of different styles along the bund .

  15. 带日本话导游的观光旅游线路有吗?

    Do you have any sightseeing tours with a Japanese-speaking guide ?

  16. 进一步修复整合文化资源和旅游线路;

    To restore and integrate cultural resources and tourist routes ;

  17. 滇黔桂联合开发国际旅游线路问题探讨

    Joint development of international tourism lines in yunnan , Guizhou and Guangxi

  18. 师生共同归纳旅游线路设计的原则。

    Teachers and students together sum up the principles of travel route .

  19. 有参观白金汉宫的旅游线路吗?

    Is there a tour that visits the Buckingham palace ?

  20. 有去海洋世界的旅游线路吗?

    Is there any tour that goes to sea world ?

  21. 基于游客行为的旅游线路组织研究

    A Study on Organization of Tour Routes Based on Tourists ' Behaviors

  22. 论武夷山旅游线路的创新

    A Study on innovating the Tourist line in Wuyi Mountain

  23. 我郑重推荐3号市区观光旅游线路。

    I highly recommend tour No. 3 the city tour .

  24. 中国旅游线路的合作网络描述

    A Collaboration Network Description on the Chinese Travel Route System

  25. 完善旅游线路,形成旅游网络。

    Perfecting tourist routes and forming a tourist network .

  26. 旅游线路设计与优化中的运筹学问题

    Operational Research Problems in Tour Itinerary Design and Optimization

  27. 基于改进遗传算法的旅游线路选择问题

    Traveling Route Selection Problem Based on Improved Genetic Algorithms

  28. 这车在牛津是作为旅游线路吗?谢谢。

    Are there buses in Oxford use for travel routes ? Thank you .

  29. 最后对区域旅游线路进行了构想。

    The fourth conception is about the tourism line .

  30. 关于构造旅游线路使用权市场初探

    Preliminary discussion on the foundation of the market on usufruct of tourist route