
  • 网络delivery of goods without production of bill of lading
  1. 一起无单放货案例评析

    Analyses on case of delivery of goods without production of bill of lading

  2. FOB术语下卖方在承运人无单放货时的诉权

    The Seller 's Right of Complaint under FOB about the Carrier 's Delivery without Bills of Lading

  3. 关于FOB卖方对无单放货承运人诉权问题之思考

    Consideration on the FOB Sellers ' Right of Action against Carriers Delivering Goods without Bills of Lading

  4. 在这类案件中,承运人明显违反《海商法》第78条i的规定,那么FOB卖方是否有权依《海商法》第78条向承运人主张无单放货法律责任呢?

    Under this kind of cases , the carrier obviously infringes the provision of article 78 of " China Maritime Codes ", is FOB seller entitled to require the carrier to undertake the legal liability in accordance with " China Maritime Codes " article 78 ?

  5. 无单放货之研究

    A Research on Delivery of Cargo Without Original Bills of Lading

  6. 记名提单无单放货的解释论

    The Interpretive Position of Delivering Goods Without Original Straight Bill of Lading

  7. 无单放货的表现形式及责任

    Manifestation and Liability of Delivery of Cargo without Production of Original Bills of Lading

  8. 无单放货的法律性质探析

    Analysis on the Legal Natures of Delivery of Goods Without the Original Bill of Lading

  9. 无单放货法律责任的归责与程序分析

    The Analysis of Identify and Procedure of Legal Liability about Release Cargo without Presenting Bill of Lading

  10. 第三部分讨论无单放货法律适用方面的问题。

    The third section discusses the law issues of delivery of goods without the Bill of Lading .

  11. 对无单放货行为法律性质的理论研究

    The Fundamental Research to the Law Nature of Delivery of Goods without Presentation of Bills of Lading

  12. 第四部分进一步讲述了无单放货法律诉讼中的相关问题。

    Part IV describes the legal proceedings issues in the delivery of goods without the Bill of Lading .

  13. 在国际海上货物运输中,无单放货频频出现,并有不断增加的趋势。

    In international marine cargo transportation , disputes between shippers and carriers happen frequently and tend to increase .

  14. 这导致处理涉外无单放货案件时不可避免地要面临和解决法律冲突,并准确选择法律予以适用。

    The foreign-related disputes are inevitably faced with resolving legal conflicts , and accurately choosing the applicable law .

  15. 第四章分析无单放货的法律责任。

    The fourth chapter mainly discusses the legal responsibilities of delivery the goods without original bill of lading .

  16. 无单放货现象在国际贸易中大量存在。

    There are many cases of delivery of goods without producing the bill of lading in international trades .

  17. 传统上,承运人无单放货法律责任为单一特殊侵权责任。

    Traditionally the form of legal liability of release of cargo without presenting bill of lading is only special tort .

  18. 由几起纠纷案比较分析“无单放货”的法律问题

    Comparison and Analysis on a few disputes involving the legal issue of " goods delivery without licensed delivery order "

  19. 第3章介绍了《鹿特丹规则》有关无单放货问题的创新规定。

    Chapter three is about the new solution of Rotterdam Rules to the problem of delivering goods without bill of lading .

  20. 因此,在无单放货案件频发的现在,其审判难度也日益增加,这就严重制约了国际货物买卖和海上航运业的健康发展。

    So currently the difficulties of trial are increasing , which limits the development of international sales of goods and shipping industry .

  21. 同时通过分析无单放货的法律问题,也从中得到了许多启示。

    By also we can get a lot of inspiration from analyzing the delivery of goods without bill of lading legal issues .

  22. 本文对无单放货产生的原因、风险防范等进行了分析,并提出了防范无单放货的具体措施。

    In this paper , the causes of non-delivery of goods , and risk prevention are analyzed and specific preventive measures are proposed .

  23. 在出口贸易中,因为无单放货而导致出口企业货款两空的现象越来越多。

    In the export trade , delivery of goods without payment leads to enterprise 's " two empty " of loads and payments .

  24. 无单放货及承运人的抗辩其意味着单从形式而言该命题始终为真。

    Delivery without Original Bill of Lading and Carrier 's Defences This means that the argument is always true by virtue of its form .

  25. 第三章主要论述承运人对其无单放货责任的救济与抗辩问题。

    Then comes to the issue of carrier 's potential responsibility of delivery of cargo without original bills of lading and the scope of compensation .

  26. 其中主要是对无单放货时其他直接经济损失赔偿问题的分析。

    In this section , the main problem is the range and limitation of other direct economic losses when Delivery Goods without Original Bill of Lading .

  27. 随着国际贸易与航运的发展,记名提单无单放货的现象越来越普遍。

    Along with the development of international trade and shipping , the delivery of goods without straight bill of lading has become more and more popular .

  28. 该章主要是阐述无单放货的概念及其形成的原因和所带来的危害。

    This chapter basically explain the concept of delivery the goods without original bill of lading and its contributing factors of origination and the harm it brings about .

  29. 本文作者从签单的风险、无单放货的风险及船舶被扣押的风险三方面对定期租船合同下出租人的风险进行分析,并对相关规定加以介绍。

    This paper analyzes the risks that shipowners confront through three aspects including signing bill of lading , delivery without original bill of lading and arresting of ships .

  30. 无单放货极大的危害性和高度的复杂性使得该问题已经成为各国海商法普遍关注的焦点。

    The tremendous hard and enormous complexity of delivery the goods without original bill of lading has brought this issue to the focus of maritime laws world wide .