
wú xínɡ zī běn
  • invisible capital;incorporeal capital;immaterial capital
  1. 因此,必须深化企业制度改革,加强无形资本的保护和评估,制定无形资本经营的国际化战略。

    Therefore , the reform of the enterprise system should be improved , the protection and evaluation of the immaterial capital should be strengthened , and the international strategy of the immaterial capital management should be set up .

  2. 社会资本是一种无形资本,它是企业家求得生存和取得成功的必要资源。

    Social capital is the invisible capital but necessary resources for entrepreneurs to survive and succeed .

  3. 理论上,作为国际间要素转移的载体,FDI在转移大量资本的同时,也给东道国企业带来先进的技术、管理经验等无形资本。

    As the vector of international element , not only can foreign direct investment transfer a great number of capital , but also intangible capital as advanced technology , experience in management and so on to the host country .

  4. 是企业参与竞争的无形资本。

    It is the intangible capital that the business enterprise participates the competition .

  5. 无形资本选择文章遵循双盲、同行评审过程。

    Intangible Capital selects its articles following a double blind , peer review process .

  6. 购并过程中目标企业无形资本的损耗与保护

    Losses and Protection of the Invisible Capitals of Target Firms in M & A

  7. 第二章研究中小企业无形资本融资担保法律制度。

    Chapter 3 , studies about MSSE financing guarantee agency and credit intermediary service agency .

  8. 所以说,无形资本也和有形资本一样具有增殖性和扩张性。

    Consequently , intangible capital becomes the dominant force at the third time of capital expansion .

  9. 无形资本盘活有形资本,这是资本运营铁的规律。

    Aeriform capital dish vivid tangible capital , this is the rule of capital operation iron .

  10. 商誉的构成要素:基于清算企业无形资本损耗的研究

    Composing Factors of Goodwill : Based on the Study of the Intangible Capital Wastage in Liquidated Corporations

  11. 无形资本计量属性的选择强调公允价值计量属性。

    The choosing of measurement attribute for intangible capital should be emphasized on fair value measurement attribute .

  12. 它还是一种无形资本和公共物品,具有非均衡性。

    In addition , social capital is intangible capital and public goods , has the non-equilibrium characteristic .

  13. 资本运营的内容包括实业资本运营、产权资本运营、金融资本运营和无形资本运营。

    It consists of operating of industry and commerce capital , property right , financial capital and invisible capital .

  14. 传统公司资本的功能在现代正逐渐衰落,无形资本的作用日趋明显。

    The function of traditional company capital has declined in modern society while the invisible capital takes obvious effects .

  15. 而作为企业无形资本的企业信誉,是建立在企业过去的行为和整体表现的基础之上。

    As an intangible capital , corporate reputation is a comprehensive representation of the behavior and result in the past .

  16. 市场经济就是信用经济,在市场经济条件下,信用是企业的无形资本可称为信用资本。

    Market-oriented economy is credit economy . In the context of market-oriented economy , credit is the invisible credit capital of enterprise .

  17. 构建起无形资本融资担保制度是有效解决中小企业融资担保难的一个关键。

    So the study of financing guarantee by means of intangible asset is the key solution to the above-mentioned difficulty confronted by MSSE .

  18. 诚信作为市场主体的无形资本,是非常宝贵的社会资源,而且对市场经济起引导和促进作用。

    As the invisible capital of market main bodies , honesty is a very precious social resource and will lead and promote market economy .

  19. 核心层次无形资本信息披露的两种理想模式解决的是无形资本信息与会计信息系统的兼容性问题。

    The two information disclosure modes of intangible capital resolve the problem of the compatibility between intangible capital accounting information and accounting information system .

  20. 核心层次无形资本包括土地使用权资本、知识产权资本、特许经营权资本和经营能力资本。

    Intangible capital in the core level includes land tenure right capital , intellectual property right capital , franchise right capital and operation capacity capital .

  21. 推动经济回升的宏观扩张性政策取向所以说,无形资本也和有形资本一样具有增殖性和扩张性。

    Option of Macro Expansionary Policies to Promote Economic Recovery Consequently , intangible capital becomes the dominant force at the third time of capital expansion .

  22. 文章论述了实物资本、人力资本、虚拟资本、无形资本、知识资本的特点及相应会计特征。

    The thesis summarizes the characteristics of physical capital , human capital , fictitious capital , Intangible capital , knowledgeable capital and the related accounting characteristics .

  23. 无形资本计量单位的选择不应受单一货币计量单位的约束,可以采用多元化的计量单位。

    The choosing of measurement unit for intangible capital should not be restricted to one single monetary unit , and we can adopt diversified measurement units .

  24. 知识经济时代,企业价值和社会经济增长主要受无形资本驱动的论断得到了社会的广泛认可。

    It has been widely accepted that the value of enterprises and the growth of socio-economic is mainly driven by intangible capital in the knowledge economy area .

  25. 外国直接投资技术外溢是外国直接投资内含的人力资本、研发、管理经验等无形资本的非自愿性扩散。

    Technology spillovers from FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment ) is a phenomenon of unwillingly diffusion of FDI-embodied invisible capital including human resource , R & D , management experience etc.

  26. 无形资本作为一种生产要素也引起了经济学者们浓厚的研究兴趣,相应的研究成果也十分丰富。

    As a factor of production , the intangible capital has drawn great interest to many economists , and a large number of research results about it have been done .

  27. 在分析股权融资存在问题的基础上,提出了企业融资方式的创新,如货币资本融资、无形资本融资,等等。

    And on the basis of analyzing existing problems of stock financing , the innovation way of enterprise financing such as money-captial finance and incorporeal capital finance etc was proposed .

  28. 目前正在进行的第三次经济全球化不同于以往的两次经济全球化,在这次浪潮中无形资本成为资本扩张的主导力量。

    The now-going third economy globalization is different from the last two that had happened , and the intangible capital has become the main guiding power of the capital expansion .

  29. 融资难是我国中小企业发展的一个主要障碍,其根本原因在于担保难。构建起无形资本融资担保制度是有效解决中小企业融资担保难的一个关键。

    The difficulty in financing becomes a main obstacle for the development of Middle-and-Small-Sized Enterprise ( MSSE ) in our country , the fundamental reason of which is the difficulty in guarantee .

  30. 中小企业无形资本融资担保机构运作应遵循担保业务市场化原则,操作程序规范化、制度化和公开化原则,管理和监督法制化原则。

    Common guarantee for the loans of members , Such financing agencies should abide by market principles , and normative and institutional and open operating process , and management and suspension legality .