
  • 网络Invalid delegates
  1. 对乙方电脑系统和证券交易所交易系统拒绝受理的委托,均视为无效委托。

    Any trust rejected by the computer system and securities transaction commissioning system shall be regarded void .

  2. 根据规定,超过涨跌限制的委托为无效委托,当日不能成交。

    According to the regulation , go up more than drop limitative Commission is entrusted to disable , cannot clinch a deal that day .

  3. 保底条款无效不应影响委托理财合同其他条款的效力,比如盈利分配约定应属有效。

    Invalidity of the minimum-guarantee clause should not affect the effect of other clauses of the entrusted wealth management contract , such as profit distribution clause .