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  1. 据警方消息,曾出演过《心灵捕手》,《早安越南》和《窈窕奶爸》等知名影片的63岁男星威廉姆斯被发现死于加州北部蒂布龙的家中。

    The 63-year-old star of revered movies such as Good Will Hunting , Good Morning Vietnam and Mrs Doubtfire was found dead at his home in Tiburon , northern California , shortly before midday , police said .

  2. 1987年,他在《早安越南》里饰演了滔滔不绝的部队播音员AdrianCronauer,这个角色也让他迎来了人生中第一个奥斯卡提名,在随后的演艺生涯里,他共提名四次。

    Those abilities were showcased in 1987 's " Good Morning , Vietnam , " where his performance as motormouth military disc jockey Adrian Cronauer earned him the first of four career Oscar nominations .

  3. 尽管《早安越南》的角色是为威廉姆斯的喜剧才华量身定做的,但他对于严肃剧情的演绎也赢得了评论家的赞扬。

    But while that role could have been tailored for Williams ' comic skills , he also earned critical plaudits in weightier dramas .