
mínɡ mǎ biāo jià
  • Clearly marked price;sell at expressly marked price
  1. 卢埃林・克里埃尔(LlewellynKriel),TopEditorInternationalMediaServices的CEO:所有东西――所有东西――都将在网上明码标价地出售。

    Llewellyn Kriel , CEO of TopEditor International Media Services : ' Everything -- every thing -- will be available online with price tags attached .

  2. Dolce&Gabbana在官网上列出了许多手表,却并未给出价格,上面只写着“按需定价”。但DS5金表倒是明码标价了,却相当惊人——34500欧元,约合37000美元。

    Dolce & Gabbana lists a number of watches on its website without a price tag . Rather , all it says is " prices upon request . " But the DS5 Gold 's price is listed : it is a whooping 34500 euros , or around $ 37000 .

  3. 恐怕不能讲价,本店是明码标价。

    I 'm afraid the prices are fixed in this store .

  4. 广告服务,如何明码标价?

    Ad 's Service , how is it Priced Clearly ?

  5. 不按照规定的内容和方式明码标价的;

    Failing to mark prices in accordance with prescribed contents and ways ;

  6. 广告服务明码标价何以成为问题

    How does Ad Services ' clearly Pricing Become a Topic

  7. 只是一纸关于价格公示的规定&就《广告服务明码标价规定》专访广告监管司综合处副处长吕志诚

    Just a Piece of Paper about Rules of Clear Prices

  8. 商店提供商品应当明码标价。

    Shops shall clearly mark the prices of their commodities .

  9. 商品一律明码标价,广告必须实事求是。

    Prices for goods must be clearly marked and advertising must be honest .

  10. “明码标价”这个大家耳熟能详的词,在房地产市场似乎稍显陌生。

    To mark clear price tags is familiar with any product but houses .

  11. 对在服务过程中销售的美容美发用品应当明码标价。

    All commodities for beauty treatment can only be sold at marked prices .

  12. 每件商品都已明码标价

    Each article has a marked price tag on it

  13. 违反明码标价规定的其他行为。

    Conducting other acts in violation of the regulations of marking prices expressly .

  14. 广告服务明码标价后广告业可能之动静

    Possible Responses after Ad Services ' Clearly Pricing

  15. 广告业期待合理的明码标价

    Advertising Looks Forward to Reasonable Clear Pricing

  16. 中国式的广告代理制如何允许广告服务明码标价

    How does " China " Ad Agent System Allow Ad Services to be Priced Clearly

  17. 广告服务,应实行明码标价

    Advertising Services must be Priced Clearly

  18. 执行停车收费规定,在醒目位置明码标价;

    Executing the parking fee collection regulation , with charges clearly marked at the conspicuous place ;

  19. 你可以在晚上或和周末用时间15分钟进出一趟。明码标价;

    You can get in and out in15 minutes during hours that extend into evenings and weekends .

  20. 人们也许经常会想要或者需要你的帮助,但价值都是明码标价的。

    While people will always want and need your help , value comes with a price tag .

  21. 要合理确定墓穴和骨灰存放格位的价格,明码标价;

    Prices of graves and cells for the storage of ashes shall be fixed reasonably and marked clearly .

  22. 零售商还必须对塑料袋明码标价,列出数量和单价,并与其它商品分开摆放。

    Retailers would also have to list the number and prices of shopping bags separately on the sales documents given to consumers .

  23. 在医疗服务制度日益明码标价的情况下,想通过增加收入来实现经济效益显然很困难。

    But under the condition of clear medical price , obviously it is difficult to gain economic benefit by increasing medical service revenue .

  24. 对不起。我不能给您打折。这些免税品都是明码标价的商品。

    I 'm sorry . I can 't give you any discount . All the items we sell on board are marked prices .

  25. 他们可以观看如何对明码标价的奶牛、猪和其他动物进行辨别。

    They can do many things at the fair . They can watch the judging of the priced cows , pigs and other animals .

  26. 眼下的财富膨胀令富人群落空前壮大,只要存心掘金,不论男女都会有更好的机会,明码标价的结合以及用支票了断的分手越来越多地占据了新闻的头条。

    With the wealth boom creating unprecedented riches and greater opportunities for gold-digging by both genders price-tag partnerships and checkbook breakups are increasingly making headlines .

  27. 提供能支持实际竞价的详细的说明文件,明码标价(包括所有行政和营运费用)。

    We will maintain specific documentation that directly supports the actual bid sale price and all of the administrative and operational fees that are charged .

  28. 它给所有的东西赋予价值,通常用美元来明码标价,体现不同方案的成本以及收益的效用。

    And what it involves is placing a value , usually a dollar value , to stand for utility on the costs and the benefits of various proposals .

  29. 但同时,仍有个别单位没有对一次性日用品实行明码标价或有捆绑销售之嫌。对此,长沙市能源办表示将按照相关规定进行处罚。

    Punishment will be given if some individual hotel does not respond to the regulations on the current move for environmental protection , chiefs of Changsha Energy Administration Office said .

  30. 哈尔芬斯在全国各地开办了高级旅馆,让夫妇两人住在不同的房间里(如果他们希望这样的话),还提供明码标价的调解人和法律咨询服务。

    Mr Halfens uses high-end hotels around the country , putting up the couple in separate rooms ( if they wish ) and providing mediators and legal advice for a set fee .