- 网络metaphor
Liu Mengyin was a Korean famous writer , he loved Chinese culture and accumulated many Chinese culture words and stories and put them in his prose by all kinds of ways .
I always do my renders a little darker and with a more uniform color with no burst point .
This new type of ultraviolet absorbent has brown colour in solid form , but when it mixes with alcohol and water , its colour changes to light yellow in liquid form .
One day , when you return home , you will tell the computer to dim the light , use a hand gesture to turn on the TV and glance at the air conditioner to lower the temperature , said Yang .
The dark mode spectra are measured by prism coupling method and the refractive index profiles are reconstructed by iWKB method .
This name is a misnomer and has inevitably gained a negative connotation .
Pathological diagnosis bases mainly on the finding of spirochete in exudates of exanthema , placenta , or umbilical cord .
I 'm afraid did this when I hung on that rock on the eastern bank of the Yellow River with just this one arm , he thought to himself . I must have strained a muscle .