
  • 网络Service catalog;service directory;service catalogue
  1. 在上述模型的基础上,本文设计开发了ICT服务目录管理原型系统,验证了ICT服务目录模型的有效性。

    Based on the model , ICT service catalogue management system is designed and developed , which verify the validity of the model .

  2. 建立并维护ICT服务目录有助于服务提供商和客户进行有效沟通、理解ICT服务的确切价值和在业务流程中发挥的作用,并对ICT服务的成本进行恰当预算。

    ICT service catalogue helps service providers and customers communicate effectively , understand the exact value of services in the business process , and estimate the cost of services appropriately .

  3. deploy&此选项把对象和所需的其他文件复制到Web服务目录。

    Deploy – This option copies the objects and other files necessary to the Web services directory .

  4. 一个服务目录维护在MetaDataServer基础结构上构建的所有可用服务。

    A services catalog maintains all available services built on the MetaData Server infrastructure .

  5. 利用类别本体对领域本体的组织,提出了层次式Web服务目录系统。

    By utilizing category ontology to organize domain specific ontology , it presents a kind of hierarchical Web service catalog system .

  6. 用以下命令从Web服务目录中启动Web服务:C:/ruby>webservice>rubyscript/server。

    Start the Web service with the following command from the Web service directory : C : / ruby > webservice > ruby script / server .

  7. 清单1显示了使用keystone客户端的2.0版将ImageService添加到服务目录的示例。

    Listing 1 shows an example of using version 2.0 of the keystone client to add the Image Service to the service catalog .

  8. 这些组件包括业务服务目录、业务服务编排和ESB网关。

    These components include Business Service Directory , Business Service Choreography , and ESB Gateways .

  9. 该应用程序可将服务目录中和人员MDM中的信息与GPS位置相结合。

    The application can combine the information in the service catalog and in the Person MDM with the GPS location .

  10. keystone的主要功能之一就是充当服务目录。

    One of keystone 's primary functions is to serve as a service catalog .

  11. 这个服务目录与WebSphereServiceRegistryandRepository集成,能够无缝地把所有服务发布到企业范围的服务存储库中。

    The services catalog has an out-of-the-box integration with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository to seamlessly publish all services into the enterprise wide service repository .

  12. 推荐使用存储库作为你的服务目录管理系统,它将给你提供SOA治理的工具和注册发布机制。

    It is recommended to use a repository as your service inventory management system , giving you SOA governance tooling and a registry publishing mechanism .

  13. SOA治理有赖于洞察与反馈&即对服务目录当前状态的洞察,以及关于演化中的服务提供者与消费者所产生影响的反馈。

    SOA governance depends on insight and feedback : insight into the current state of the service inventory , feedback on the impact of evolving service providers and consumers .

  14. ESB,服务目录以及其它的“治理”组件通常只在管理它们自身所引入的复杂性时才需要。

    ESBs , Service Directories and other " governance " components are often only required to manage the complexity that they themselves introduce .

  15. 业务服务目录提供ESB所依赖的服务路由信息,同时支持服务请求者和提供者之间的通信。

    Business Service Directory provides service routing information that the ESB is relying on , while supporting communications between service requestors and providers .

  16. 你通过开发服务目录(内部的或合作伙伴的)来创建基于SOA的IT体系结构,并编写代码使用这些服务来开发出新的应用程序。

    You can create an IT architecture based on SOA by developing an inventory of services internally or from partners and writing code that uses these services to develop new applications .

  17. 拥有一个具备兼容性数据模型的可组合服务目录将极大简化使用BPMN图或UML活动图的建模过程。

    Modeling processes using e.g.BPMN diagrams or UML Activity diagrams is facilitated by having an inventory of composable services with compatible data models .

  18. 二者被规范版本控制(CanonicalVersioning,286)进一步补充,而后者要求采用统一的,服务目录级的版本策略。

    These patterns are further complemented by Canonical Versioning ( 286 ), which requires the use of a consistent , inventory-wide versioning strategy .

  19. 下一步是建立起有效管控机制,形成企业服务目录和服务注册,并向管理信息领域发展,形成真正意义的企业服务总线(ESB,EnterpriseServiceBus)。

    The next phase is to shape up corporate service index and service registry by setting up effective controlling system , and develop into information management areas , to establish enterprise service bus ( ESB , Enterprise Service Bus ) .

  20. 连接:组装人员使用服务目录中可用的服务并通过Mashupmaker将其连接在一起,从而以可视化方式快速地构建Mashup。

    Wire : The assembler employs the services made available in the service catalog and connects them together via the mashup maker to rapidly , visually build mashups .

  21. SCA域是一种管理范围界定机制,但同时还提供了服务目录,SCA运行时使用该服务目录来简化SCA组件的连接。

    The SCA domain is an administration scoping mechanism , but it also provides a service catalog that can used by the SCA runtime to simplify the wiring of SCA components .

  22. 这样的目录可以视为ESB的一部分;然而,在这样的解决方案变得普遍之前,业务服务目录可能与ESB是分离的。

    Such a directory might be viewed as part of the ESB ; however , until such solutions become common , the business service directory is likely to be separate from the ESB .

  23. 结合P2P技术,基于分布式哈希表提供的高效的数据定位功能,提出了一种分布式Web服务目录系统,讨论了该系统下Web服务的发布与发现过程以及目录系统的维护。

    Utilizing peer-to-peer technology , it proposes a novel distributed Web services catalog service based on the efficient data location ability of distributed hash table . The paper discusses the procedure of Web service publication and discovery under this system , as well as the system evolution .

  24. 大地卫星有关产品和服务目录:国际版;

    Directory of Landsat-related products and services : international edition ;

  25. 联合国数据库和信息服务目录

    Directory of United Nations Data Bases and Information Services

  26. 航运、港口和多式联运技术合作服务目录;

    Directory of services for technical cooperation in shipping , ports and multimodal transport ;

  27. 国际环境信息服务目录

    International Directory of Services of Environmental Information

  28. 如何对同一服务目录里的服务进行版本控制使其造成的影响最小?

    How can service contracts within the same service inventory be versioned with minimal impact ?

  29. 该案例中,为了测试的目的使用了早期开发的测试版服务目录处理服务。

    An early pilot version of the Inventory Processing service has been used for testing purposes .

  30. 我们把服务目录映射成一个M/G/c/c排队系统。

    The service directory is mapped onto an M / G / c / c queuing system .