
  • 网络Yangpu;yangpu district
  1. 采集上海市杨浦区部分交通道路两侧行道树悬铃木叶片样品,对邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)的分布特征进行分析。

    The distribution of phthalic acid esters ( PAEs ) in Platanus hispanica leaf and its appendicle collected at several streets in Yangpu district , Shanghai city was analyzed .

  2. 上海市杨浦区健康教育协会现况调查

    Investigation on Status Quo of Health Education Association in Yangpu District

  3. 上海市杨浦区消化道肿瘤死亡监测分析

    Mortality Analysis of Digestive Tract Cancer in Yangpu District , Shanghai

  4. 上海杨浦区会议旅游质量评价的实证研究

    A case study on the Convention tourist quality evaluation in Shanghai

  5. 上海市杨浦区2008年放射治疗的医疗照射频率水平

    Medical Exposure Frequency of Radiotherapy in 2008 in Yangpu District , Shanghai

  6. 主要有杨浦区,浦东,和卢湾一带活动。

    They do relevant activities mainly in Yangpu , Pudong and Luwan Districts .

  7. 上海市杨浦区中老年体育参与现状调查研究

    The Research of Sports Participation Situation of Middle-and-old Age in Shanghai Yangpu District

  8. 上海市杨浦区2001&2007年麻疹流行病学分析

    Analysis on epidemiological characteristics of measles in Yangpu district Shanghai during years 2001-2007

  9. 杨浦区中老年总体体育消费水平一般。

    The Yangpu District middle and old age overall sports consumption level is ordinary .

  10. 上海市杨浦区防汛决策支持系统研究

    Study on Sustaining System for Flood Control Policy-Making in Yangpu District of Shanghai City

  11. 上海市杨浦区1983~2001年常见恶性肿瘤发病趋势

    Epidemic Trend of Common Malignancies from 1983 to 2001 in Yangpu District , Shanghai

  12. 上海市杨浦区工业园区企业职业卫生状况监督抽检结果分析

    An Investigation of Occupational Health in an Industrial Park in Yangpu District , Shanghai

  13. 人民调解、行政调解、司法调解有机衔接的对策思考&以上海市杨浦区整合调解资源的实践探索为视点

    Reflection on Measures of Systematically Combining People 's Mediation , Administrative Mediation and Judicial Medication

  14. 上海市杨浦区2005&2007年病毒性肝炎流行病学分析

    Epidemiological analysis on acute viral hepatitis in Yangpu district Shanghai from year 2005 to 2007

  15. 论文构建了杨浦区发展现代服务业的战略体系。

    The strategetic reconstruction of YangPu modern service industry development is described in this paper .

  16. 上海市杨浦区1980~2005年癌症死亡趋势分析

    Epidemic Trends of Cancer Death Rate from 1980 to 2005 in Yangpu District , Shanghai

  17. 曹教授采访了杨浦区两个本地幼儿园的100名儿童以及他们的父母。

    Cao interviewed 100 children and their parents at two local kindergartens in Yangpu District .

  18. 上海市杨浦区居民心理健康认知度的流行病学特征

    Epidemiological characteristics of awareness for mental health in citizens in Yangpu district of Shanghai city

  19. 上海市杨浦区城区肿瘤防治现场建设的回顾与现状分析

    Retrospection and Current Status of Urban Cancer Incidence Area Construction in Yangpu District , Shanghai

  20. 杨浦区中老年妇女预防骨质疏松及营养摄入状况调查

    Nutrient Intake and Prevention of Osteoporosis among Middle-Aged and Elderly Women in Yangpu District , Shanghai

  21. 掌握杨浦区医务人员对癌症早发现知识的知晓情况。

    To investigate the knowledge understanding about cancer early detection among medical staffs in Yangpu district .

  22. 上海市杨浦区社区卫生服务空间网格化体系评价

    Evaluation on the Spatial Grid System of Community Health Service in Yangpu District of Shanghai City

  23. 杨浦区和普陀区既是上海主要的居民住宅区,也是很多大学的所在地。

    Many universities in Shanghai are located in residential areas of Yangpu District and Putuo District .

  24. 杨浦区,意思是“杨树银行”,是19个区在上海举行。

    Yangpu District , meaning " Poplar Bank ", is one of the19 districts in Shanghai .

  25. 杨浦区社区居民慢性阻塞性肺疾病健康教育干预调查

    Survey of Health Education Intervention about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Community Residents in Yangpu District

  26. 上海市杨浦区涉苯企业职业卫生危害现状调查

    Investigation on present status of occupational hazard in benzene related enterprises in Yangpu district of Shanghai

  27. 杨浦区水痘疫情特征分析及病例疫苗接种史调查

    Analysis of varicella epidemic characteristics and investigation of vaccination history of the cases in Yangpu District

  28. 上海市杨浦区医务人员癌症早发现知识调查

    Survey of Knowledge Understanding about Cancer Early Detection in Medical Staffs in Yangpu District , Shanghai

  29. 上海市杨浦区妇女乳腺与生殖器官癌症死亡流行特征

    The Epidemic Characteristics of Cancer Mortality with Femal Breast and Genitalia in Yangpu District , Shanghai

  30. 上海市杨浦区政府为合理、合情、合法处置这一矛盾,花钱购买律师的法律服务。

    The government of Shanghai Yangpu District specially hires lawyers to settle the conflicts reasonably , fairly and legally .