
  1. 本演讲将与大家简要的分享这些经验和教训与BCM概念的联系。

    How these lessons aligned with the concept of BCM will be briefly shared in this presentation .

  2. 为了廓清行政补偿的外延,作者还对行政补偿与行政赔偿等相近概念的联系与区别作了较为细致的辨别,突出了行政补偿的行政行为性质。

    The writer also analyses the relations between administrative compensation and state compensation .

  3. 本文从教学模式的定义入手,分析了教学模式与其它相关概念的联系与区别。

    This dissertation starts with the discussion on the definition of " teaching model " and the analysis of other conceptions relate to it .

  4. 从创新与创造、发现、发明等概念的联系与区别来探讨狭义创新、广义创新及创新的内涵和外延;

    Discusses the narrow sense innovation the generalized innovation and the innovation connotation and the extension from relations and distinguishes of the concepts of innovation and discovery ? creation ?

  5. 明确这两个概念的联系和区别,对于加强市场经济的信用建设和道德建设,具有重要理论价值和实践意义。

    Making clear the connection and diference between the two concepts , is of great theoretic value and practical sense to strengthen credit establishment and morality establishment of market economy .

  6. 本部分主要从行政调解的涵义、特征,行政调解的性质,行政调解的分类和行政调解与相关概念的联系与区别四个小部分进行阐述。

    This part is from the meaning , characteristics , the nature of administrative mediation , and related classification and the concept of administrative mediation and differences between the four small part to elaborate .

  7. 比较刑事和解与相关基本概念的联系与区别,让我们更好的认识刑事和解制度,从而为更好的完善这个制度奠定基础。

    Comparison of criminal reconciliation and related basic concepts of the relationship and difference , enable us to better understanding of the criminal reconciliation system , so as to better improve the system lays a foundation .

  8. 并在此基础上比较其和相关教学概念的联系和区别,形成对研究性教学的系统认知。第二、探讨了在大学教学中实施研究性教学的必要性。

    And on the basis of this comparison of their teaching and related links and the concept of difference , a study of the teaching of cognitive systems . Second , the study in the university teaching and research in the implementation of the necessity of teaching .

  9. 各章节之间存在着理论和概念上的联系和递进。

    There are theoretical and conceptual links and progress among chapters .

  10. 边际学派和马克思主义经济学在价值概念上的联系

    Marginalism and Marxism : the Relationship in the Concept of Value

  11. 关于市场营销的几个基本概念的内在联系问题

    Several Basic Conceptions on Market Dealing and Each Other Relations of Them

  12. 指示语类别之间有着某种概念上的联系。

    Deictic words are closely related by the conceptual metaphor .

  13. 做为概念之间的联系方式,层次亦被理解为形式范畴。

    As a affiliation in concept , hiberarchy is comprehended form category .

  14. 我们界定了这些概念间的联系和差别,并给出其刻划。

    We give the connection between these concepts .

  15. 研究了不同类别商品的品牌个性与消费者不同自我概念之间的联系。

    This paper studies the relationships between self-concepts and brand personality among two types of commodities respectively .

  16. 平面几何的定理、公式、法则反映了几何概念的内在联系,揭示了它们之间的基本规律。

    The theorems , formulas and principles in plane geometry reveal the intrinsic relations and basic laws of geometrical concepts .

  17. 如今,为了促进幼儿园至十二年级课程内在的连贯性,《科学素养的导航图》清晰地阐释了这些认知步骤之间概念性的联系。

    Now , to help promote more coherence in the K-12 curriculum , Atlas of Science Literacy articulates the conceptual connections among these steps .

  18. 通过这个过程,你就会开始理解这个概念的内在联系,怎样将这个概念直接应用到问题。

    By following this process , you begin to understand the interconnections of the concept , and how to directly apply that to a problem .

  19. 本文还进一步探讨生态优势度的生态学涵义。说明生态优势度指标的群落生态学意义,指出与物种多样性指数、群落均匀度在概念上的联系与差别,以及三者在应用上的异同。

    According to further research of the measured results , the use and the effect as well as the ecological meaning of ecological dominance index are explored .

  20. 而我们运行了业务流程之后所进行的一切信息分析的工作实际上与业务分析和数据挖掘概念紧密的联系在一起。

    All the post analysis of the information that we get when we run our processes are in fact closely related with Business Analysis and Data Mining concepts .

  21. 第四部分从理论层面上讨论意识形态与乌托邦、反乌托邦及伊托邦的复杂关系,梳理、区分这几个概念之间的联系和区别。

    Part IV discusses the complex relations between ideology and utopia , anti-utopia , ande-topia from a theoretical level , and explores the link and distinction between these terms .

  22. 对与竞争问题相关的反垄断法、反托拉斯法、竞争法和竞争政策等基本概念之间的联系和差异进行了深入的探讨;

    Then the article discusses the relations and differences among the terms ' anti-monopoly law ', ' anti-trust law ' and ' competition law '; and the inter-relationship between ' competition law ' and ' competition policy ' .

  23. 因此,在科学课程教学过程中,科学教师引导学生建立科学概念之间的联系,对于学生理解和掌握科学概念、构建良好的科学知识结构是非常重要的。

    Therefore , in the process of science teaching , science teachers guide students to establish the relationships between scientific concepts is very important for student to understand and grasp with scientific concepts , and construct good structure of scientific knowledge .

  24. 对于某些查询请求再进一步得出概念之间的联系,根据概念网组织信息形成信息网络的特点,文章借用了图论中最优路径算法,并在此基础上给出了次优路径算法进行信息检索。

    To some querying , which need to get the relations among the concepts , this thesis borrows optimal path algorithm in the graph theory , and also gives the sub-optimal path algorithm to retrieve information based on the optimal path algorithm .

  25. 本文主要运用比较经济学的研究方法,在研究内容上主要包括以下内容:首先明确了经济增长与经济发展两个概念之间的联系和区别,进而引入经济比较的概念。

    Comparative study on the economics of the main application method in this article , in the study main contents include the following : first of all clear economic growth and the development of economic relations and differences between the two concepts , thus introducing economic concepts .

  26. 随着学习者二语水平的熟练程度的提高,L2词汇与概念表征层的联系会越来越强。

    But with the development of L2 , i.e. with increased proficiency in L2 , L2-concept connection becomes stronger and stronger .

  27. 提出了一种支持本体构造的语义分析方法,该方法识别和定义概念间的语义联系,并将概念间的语义联系映射或转换成OWL原语。

    A semantic analysis approach is proposed , by which semantic relationships between concepts are identified and defined , and then mapped or transformed to OWL ( web ontology language ) ontology .

  28. 然后利用LSI模型进一步深入挖掘语义集概念间的深层联系,将语言知识和概念索引有效地融合到文本向量空间的表示中。

    Then LSI model will be used to further mine the deep-seated relations among concepts represented by semantic sets . It effectively incorporates linguistic knowledge and conceptual index into text vector space representation .

  29. 概念之间的语义联系构成了它们之间的边。

    Semantic relatedness between concepts constitutes the edges between them .

  30. 新时代与一些通常被称为形而上学的哲学分支中概念有紧密的联系。

    The New Age is strongly related to some of the concepts defined in the branch of philosophy commonly referred to as metaphysics .