
  1. 从紧急事件处理的角度概括叙述了城市交通及相关安全性的有关问题,讨论了ATMS以及紧急事件处理系统的发展现状,对交通紧急事件处理与安全系统的研究内容进行了归纳。

    At the aspect of emergency response , the safety of urban traffic and its related problems are explored briefly . The development of advance traffic management system ( ATMS ) and the traffic incident response are discussed .

  2. 本文概括叙述了相关研究动态的三个方面。

    Study the dynamics of the three aspects .

  3. 其次概括叙述了微波波段左手材料的研究进展。

    Next , the research progress of the LHM in microwave frequency band is presented .

  4. 第一章概括叙述泉州、厦门南音的发展状况及两个流派的确立和形成;

    The first chapter summarizes the development and establishment of Quanzhou Genre and Xiamen Genre .

  5. 本文第一章概括叙述了现代官僚制与后官僚制的基本理论。

    This first chapter outlines that the modern bureaucratic system and the basic theory of post-bureaucratic system .

  6. 本文从实践角度概括叙述了近年大学心理障碍的基本表现;

    This article generally deals with the basic representations of college students ' psychological obstacles recently from the practical point ;

  7. 同时概括叙述了金纳米粒子的制备方法和作者的某些光化学制备研究。

    The various preparation methods on gold nanoparticles , including author 's some studies of preparation by photochemical method , were introduced comprehensively .

  8. 概括叙述了用分子模拟方法研究聚合物共混相容性的现状及应用,对分子模拟发展趋势作了展望。

    Then the actuality and application of molecular simulation study of polymer blends were generally described . Finally , molecular modeling trends were also prospected .

  9. 正文三个部分分别从时间距离的控制、概括叙述和场景描绘、叙述距离展开论述。

    The three parts of texts discuss from the aspects of the control of temporal distance , generalization narration , scenic depiction and narrative distance .

  10. 本章最后概括叙述了唐长安城的历史交通地理,对于其后的漕粮运输提供了研究的地理基础。

    This chapter summarized finally narrated the Tang Chang An city historical transportation geography , regarding after that the tax grain transportation has provided the research geography foundation .

  11. 简单介绍了几种主要磁光器件的基本结构与性能,接着概括叙述它们在光通信系统的应用,展望了市场前景。

    The basic construction and technical parameters of some magneto optical devices are chiefly introduced . Then , applications of these devices in the optical communication system are overviewed , and their market prospects forecast .

  12. 文章总共分为四个部分:第一个部分概括叙述了严格产品责任的含义,并通过严格产品责任与缺陷特殊关系的叙述引出对缺陷概念的关注;

    The first one defines the meaning of strict products liability , and through narration on the special relationship between strict products liability and defectiveness , it derivates a focus on the term of defectiveness .

  13. 文章第三部分概括叙述了行政强制执行制度在我国的产生原因、发展过程以及现在的状况,从理论和实践双方面,对我国行政强制权分配模式中存在的问题进行了情况分析。

    Thirdly , the third part will illustrate the production , development , and state quo of administrative compelling execution in China , following by the theoretical and practical analysis on the three existing problems in the model .

  14. 本文概括叙述了利用品红六角形接触网版,将云纹花型制成半色调底片,转移到乳胶法成型的镍网上去的工艺和原理。

    The principle and procedure is briefly introduced , by which the halftone patterns are made into halftone photographic plate by using magenta coloured hexagonal contact screen , and then transfer it to nickel screen formed by emulsion process .

  15. 针对这一特别制度的探究,本文共分为四个部分。第一部分是对水域权基本理论的概括叙述,分别从水域和水域权的定义、性质、内容与构成展开叙述。

    On this particular research of the system , this paper is divided into four parts . Firstly , the author makes a general description of the basic theory of water right which includes the definition , characteristics , content and construction .

  16. 概括叙述了课题的背景资料、现状分析、现实意义、理论价值和问题提出的理论与实践依据,形成论文研究的基本结构和整体思路。

    It summarily narrates the background , the present situation and analysis , the realistic meaning , theoretical value of the problem of study and advances the basis of theory and practice . The basic structure and whole thinking of the study has been formed .

  17. 正文作为主体部分,首先概括叙述了优先购买权的相关状况,归纳总结了中国古代优先购买权的概念和特征,并对优先购买权和优先权相关概念进行了界定和区分。

    Text as the body part , the first quarter briefly summarized the related conditions of the preemptive rights in ancient China , the concept and characteristic of the preemption , and also make a definition and divisional in the related concepts of priorities and preemptive rights .

  18. 第一部分介绍了论文研究的背景和意义,凸显构建农村干部考核体系的必要性;而后概括叙述了干部考核制度的内涵、意义以及古今中外考核制度的发展情况。

    The first part introduces the background and significance of the study , which highlights the necessity of establishment of assessment system for rural cadres ; then summarizes the content and significance of cadre assessment system , as well as the development of cadre assessment system aboard and at home .

  19. 例句把你要做的事概括地叙述一下。

    Sketch out what you intend to do .

  20. 较全面地介绍了约十种有机镉化合物。概括地叙述了其性质及制备方法,特别指出了其用途及开发应用前景。

    The behaviours and preparations of organic cadmium compounds were summarized and the exploitation and application of them were presented .

  21. 对压电学作了历史地回顾之后.本文概括地叙述了国内外,特别是我所的压电材料的发展以及它们的各式各样的应用。

    After given a historical review of piezoelectrics , the paper described the development of piezo-electric materials and their various applications at home and abroad , especially in our institute .

  22. 该部分将对笔者通过分析对案件的定性为是受贿罪与滥用职权罪的法条竞合关系的结论再次进行简要的概括与叙述。

    This section will analyze the case by the author characterized as a crime of accepting bribes and abuse of power relations Lapping of Legal Provisions again briefly summarize the conclusions and statements .

  23. 本文报道了新设计制成的多功能纤维电子强伸仪.对这一仪器的结构、原理、性能、应用及主要部分的设计,作了概括的叙述。

    A general description of the multi-purpose electronic fibre tensometer including the structure , principle , performance and application as well as the design of the main parts of this instrument is given in this paper .

  24. 研究了球罐焊接后、高温回火后及水压试验后壳体中内应力的分布,概括地叙述了测量情况及测试结果。

    The stress distribution inside the shell of spherical storage tank at as-weld state , high temperature tempered state and state after hydraulic pressure testing was studied . The measurement and result of stess distribution is described in general .

  25. 根据日文期刊《火力原子力发电》关于联合发电的11篇讲座的内容,对联合循环发电的原理、特点、现状和将来展望等作概括的叙述。

    Based on the series of lectures on Japanese Journal " Power Generating by Fossil Fuels and Atom Fuel ", this paper states briefly the principles , features , current status and future perspective of the combined cycle power generating .

  26. 原则必须用非常概括的措辞叙述。

    Principles have to be stated in very general terms .