
  • 网络step into the shoes of sb
步后尘 [bù hòu chén]
  • [follow] 后尘:走路时扬起的尘土。指跟在别人后面追随、模仿。又步人后尘

  • 副帅好当前队,老夫愿步后尘。--明. 屠隆《昙花记.讨贼立功》

  1. 当城市的另一个大夜总会“桑基斯索普”一年后紧步后尘时,其余的夜总会也跟着倒闭了。

    And when the city 's other big club , Sankeys soap , followed suit a year later , the rest died with it .

  2. 为防止发生误解,我想对那些想要步我后尘的人提出警告

    I would offer a caveat for those who want to join me in the dual calling .

  3. 参见《意大利会步希腊后尘吗?》AsGreecegoes,sogoesItaly?

    See As Greece goes , so goes Italy ?

  4. 乍一看,新的Web2.0技术也将步此后尘。

    At first glance , the new Web2.0 technologies appear to follow this pattern .

  5. 步美国后尘,其实是金玉其外,败絮其中。

    Next to america , all this looks pretty feeble .

  6. 步马格里特后尘,德尔沃的画也是一种“清醒着的梦”。

    Following his suit . Durwar 's paintings are also like " clear-headed dream " .

  7. 楼市将会步股市后尘中介市场该如何应对?

    The stock market will suffer an intermediary step how to deal with the market ?

  8. 今天,英法美绥靖的后果是俄罗斯和中国将步的后尘。

    Today , it is Russia and China going hat in hand to the British-French-American victory celebration .

  9. 该报称,意大利是目前欧元区最有可能步希腊后尘的国家。

    Italy , it argued , was now the euro-zone country most likely to follow Greece into turmoil .

  10. 结果,他步其父后尘,过上了以抢劫银行为生的日子。

    Instead , he wound up following in his father 's footsteps , robbing banks for a living .

  11. 芮芙卡希望女儿不要步她的后尘,但玛丽亚在她11岁的时候产下一个儿子。

    She urged the girl not to follow her example - but Maria gave birth to son Ion while only 11 .

  12. 如果不判他有罪,许多其他物理学家必然地会步他的后尘。

    If he is not found guilty at the trial , it is inevitable that many other physicians will follow his example .

  13. 不步他人后尘,开辟一条属于自己的道路才是重新拥有心灵自由的唯一途径。

    The only way to reclaim the freedom of your mind is to stop living your life by a template and pave your own way .

  14. 从20世纪70年代开始,日本大部分的液化天然气都是以长期合同的方式购买的,价格与原油价格联动,其他亚洲买家也纷纷步日本后尘。

    Since the 1970s Japan has bought most of its LNG under long-term contracts linked to the price of oil , and other Asian buyers have followed suit .

  15. 他甚至要求他的儿子唐可为步他的后尘,从事速记工作。唐可为成立了公司,继续着父亲的梦想,不断推广亚伟速录机。

    He even asked his son Tang Kewei , who has established a company to promote his father 's ideas and steno machine , to follow in his footsteps .

  16. 你这么迫不及待要步他后尘,我也无法劝阻,不过我先声明,你可千万别把我牵扯进去,非常感谢。

    If you are so eager to molder beside him , far be it from me to dissuade you , but I would rather not be included in the party , thank you very much .

  17. 其实,我妈妈就是一名教师,但她觉得教学工作太繁琐了所以不希望我步她的后尘,可是我喜欢跟人交流,喜欢教小孩子。

    Actually my mother was a teacher and she 's trying really hard to convince me that I shouldn 't do it because she thinks it 's too much work , but I enjoy talking to people and being around children and teaching .

  18. 苏联解体产生了中国是否会步苏联后尘的疑问,也产生了沿袭苏联解决民族问题模式的中国能否真正解决民族问题的担忧。

    The collapse of the Soviet Union not only led to the doubt about whether China would follow in the steps of the Soviet Union , but also created the worries about whether China could solve ethnic issues properly only by " copying " Russian mode .

  19. 人们不由会猜测,智能手机将步个人电脑后尘,出现赢家通吃的局面:一款相当于Windows的产品,将以无所不在的姿态,通过商业运筹,征服所有对手。

    So it is tempting to believe that smartphones will follow personal computers into a winner-takes-all world , in which a Windows equivalent crushes the opposition through sheer ubiquity and business leverage .

  20. 在“毛拉FM”上,法兹鲁拉说她离经叛道,死有余辜。倘若有任何女孩敢在班惹市场表演,她们将一个个步上她的后尘。

    On Mullah FM , Fazlullah said she deserved to die for her immoral character and any other girls found performing in Banr Bazaar would be killed one by one .

  21. 他预计,和iPod及GPS追踪器的市场一样,像他这种健康追踪器的销售也会逐渐下降,一些硬件厂商也会步耐克的后尘,最终致力开发智能手表的软件而不是硬件。

    He expects that , like the market for iPods and GPS trackers , fitness trackers like his will decline , and some hardware makers will follow Nike 's footsteps , focusing on smartwatch software over hardware .

  22. 我明明听你提过不想去Dartmouth。footstep:脚步不想步你父亲后尘。那你到底要的是什么?

    Cause i hear you talk About , how you don 't want to go to Dartmouth And how you don 't want to , follow in your father 's footsteps , But what exactly do you want ? -

  23. 我没有步我母亲后尘当会计的意向。

    I 've no inclination to follow my mother into accountancy .

  24. 他想步他父亲后尘。

    He aspired to follow the trail his father had blazed .

  25. 他们希望德国不要步英国的后尘。

    They hoped that Germany would not go the same route .

  26. 他认为,美国最终也会步欧洲的后尘。

    He thinks it will eventually follow the European pattern .

  27. 我试图步您的后尘,我也的确努力了。

    I tried to live up to your legacy . I really did .

  28. 在选择专业时,日本的学生愿意步家长的后尘。

    Japanese students tend to follow in their parents'footsteps when choosing a major .

  29. 亨利不准备步维埃拉的后尘离开阿森纳。

    Thierry Henry doesn 't plan to follow Patrick Vieira out of Arsenal .

  30. 雷诺愿意步它们的后尘,而且他有更多的可靠的手段。

    Reynaud wished to follow their example , and with much more solid resources .