
  1. 在信用风险控制方面,事前控制远比事中控制和事后控制都要重要。

    In the credit risk control , pre controls will be ever important than process control and post control .

  2. 始料未及:如果一个事件是一起普通它将比事,是每天都发生较大的影响。

    Unexpectedness : If an event is out of the ordinary it will have a greater effect than something which is an everyday occurrence .

  3. 他把工作放在第一位(看得比任何事都重要)。

    He puts his work before everything , ie regards it as more important than anything else .

  4. 年轻时多做一点事要比什么事都不做好。

    It is better to waste one 's youth than to do nothing with it at all .

  5. 我要说的就是,不断地清零比任何事都重要。

    What I 'm saying is that to just keep cleaning is far more important than anything else .

  6. 这个情节比任何事都能让我明白为什么人们喜爱任丁丁。

    It was the scene that more than almost anything made me understand why people love Rin Tin Tin .

  7. 战略的关键就在于区分轻重缓急,确立优先顺序,阐述哪些事比其他事更重要,并解释为什么如此。

    Strategy is about setting priorities , saying that some things are more important than others and explaining why this is so .

  8. 这只意味着使他们联结在一起的是相信女性不应该被歧视,这个事儿比任何事儿都重要。

    It just means the thing that unites them - believing women shouldn 't be discriminated against - is bigger than any single issue .

  9. 至少与这些鲜明的改革同样重要的是韦尔奇与其幕后人员的运作,他说这比任何事占用的时间都多。

    At least as important as these high profile changes are his behind the scenes people practices , which he says take more of his time than anything else .

  10. 要实现社会变革,支持某些事是比反对某些事更好的途径。——海琳盖尔

    Social change is better achieved by being for something than against something .

  11. 但尽管如此,她还是比其他任何事更渴望这种和解。

    But in this case , she wanted reconciliation more than anything .

  12. 比这儿的事还重要吗

    More important than what 's going on here ?

  13. 要叫男人们相信他们是无知的,比办任何事都困难。

    There is nothing so difficult as to persuade men that they are ignorant .

  14. 对于你们这个地球上来说,没有任何其他的事比这件事更重要的了。

    For you on this earth , does not have any other than this thing more important .

  15. 对夏绿蒂来说,在书上涂鸦似乎比这件事来得安全。

    For Charity , scribbling her ideas down in a book seemed so safe compared to this .

  16. 很难再找出什么事情能够比这件事更糟糕或是更加有损资本主义的声誉。

    It is hard to think of anything more damning or more corrosive of the reputation of capitalism .

  17. 我知道我能赢的赛段冠军和总冠军,但生活本身比任何别的事都要重要。

    I know I can win races and titles , but life is more important than anything else .

  18. 他大笑起来:“不,真的,这比别的任何事都要更惊人。”

    he laughed . " No , really , it was more the surprise than anything else . "

  19. 但是最近我开始比这样的事更害怕的是没有说出任何话而让那个关键的时刻平白无故流逝。

    But lately what I 've begun to fear more than that is letting the moment pass without saying anything .

  20. 难道还有什么比这件事更重要、更揪心、更值得我们全身心投入的吗?

    Is there anything more important , more urgent , more worthy of the investment of our hearts and souls ?

  21. 玛吉:还用说吗?我都要气死了,不过我对他以前做过的几件事比今天的事更生气。

    Maggie : Absolutely , I 'm furious ... but no more furious at him than I 've been a dozen times before .

  22. 或许所有事情的价值都是一样的,也没有人可以说这件事就一定比那件事重要。

    May nothings were of equal value with another , but no one dare say one thing is definitely important than the other .

  23. 然而,我却认为,如果工作量不是很大的话,对于大多数人来说即便是最无聊的工作也比闲着无事要好得多。

    I think , however , that provided work is not excessive in amount , even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness .

  24. 有才很不错,但并非必不可少,对崇拜者而言,偶像且只有偶像被灌输了一种力量,而这个比其它任何事都更值得关注。

    Talent is nice but not indispensable , for to the worshipper , an idol and only the idol has been infused with a power more deserving of attention than anything else .

  25. 因为在一个被给予的语言中,形成某一种概念比其它的事更容易,所以说这种语言的人就会沿着一条路径思考而不沿着其他的路径。

    He reasoned that because it is easier to formulate certain concepts and not others in a given language , the speakers of that language think along one track and not along another .

  26. 如果一个人不必因工作而累得体力不支的话,他就可能比那些无事可做的人发现更多的闲暇乐趣。

    Provided a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigour , he is likely to find far more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find .

  27. 不过比这件事更令人惊讶的是,这幅画是三维的,正因如此,现年56岁、14岁失明的冈萨雷斯可以亲身感受它。

    But more surprisingly , the copy was in three dimensions so that Mr. Gonz á lez , who is 56 and has been blind since the age of 14 , could experience the painting firsthand .

  28. 因此,可是理解的是,没有什么比下面的事更让你恼羞成怒了:比如有人对你说谎而又不允许你刨根问底,或是他们明知道已经来不及了却又拒绝走捷径。

    So , understandably , nothing makes you crazier than someone who just won 't cut to the chase when they 're telling a story or refuses to take a shortcut when they know they 're running late .

  29. 当然,这幅画是一件复制品。不过比这件事更令人惊讶的是,这幅画是三维的,正因如此,现年56岁、14岁失明的冈萨雷斯可以亲身感受它。

    The work , of course , was a copy . But more surprisingly , the copy was in three dimensions so that Mr. Gonz á lez , who is 56 and has been blind since the age of 14 , could experience the painting firsthand .

  30. SAX比DOM做的事要少,但提供了对语法分析器的更多控制。

    SAX does fewer things than DOM , but it gives you more control over the parsing .