
  • 网络Theories of Comparative Literature
  1. 比较文学危机论与中国比较文学学科理论体系建构

    " Comparative Literature Crisis " and Disciplinary Theory System Construction of China Comparative Literature

  2. 比较文学视野论

    On Horizons of Comparative Literature

  3. 比较文学中国学派论略

    A Talk on Chinese School of Comparative Literature

  4. 比较诗学与文学发生论

    Comparative poetics and genetic theories of literature

  5. 比较诗学与文学发生论的关系可以从世界文学发展的总的逻辑进程来加以考察。

    The relation between comparative poetics and genetic theories of literature may be examined from the angle of the general logic progress in which the world literature develops .

  6. 王志耕以《新编比较文学教程》为例,肯定了比较文学走向现代文论与文化研究的趋向。

    Meanwhile , Wang Zhigeng , by citing A New Coursebook of Comparative Literature in Chinese as an example , affirms that Comparative Literature will tend towards a combination of modern criticism with cultural studies .

  7. 本课程主要介绍比较文学的一般原理,并结合具体案例对比较文学学派及类型论、例论、介论、学论、潮论等问题进行具体的分析。

    This course covers the general principles of comparative literature , with some specific analyses of the schools , modes , examples , translation , poetics and trends from the perspective of case-study .

  8. 比较文学学科永恒危机的逾越&兼及巴斯奈特与米勒的比较文学危机论

    A Research On the Transgression of The Eternal Risk View In Comparative Literature Discipline