
mín jiān yīn yuè
  • folk music
  1. 仔细研究各国民间音乐后发现了许多非常相似之处。

    Detailed study of folk music from a variety of countries reveals many close parallels

  2. Pop(PopMusic),流行音乐的一个分支音乐类型,不同于古典音乐或民间音乐。

    Pop ( Pop Music ), Pop Music a branch of different from the classical Music type , Music or folk Music .

  3. 她帮助自己的父亲和哥哥,John和AlanLomax搜集民间音乐。

    She helped her father and brother , John and Alan Lomax , folk music .

  4. AlanLomax编纂了一份美国民间音乐档案,保存在国会图书馆。

    John Lomax developed an of American Folk Song at the Library of Congress .

  5. 基里巴斯民间音乐总体上基于伴随身体撞击声得着歌颂或其他形式的vocalizing。

    Kiribati folk music is generally based around chanting or other forms of vocalizing , accompanied by body percussion .

  6. sorma乐队自组建以来,就一直致力于新型音乐的创作,试图将亚洲的民间音乐与现代电子音乐相结合。

    Sorma , since its formation , has gone for creation of new music that blends together the folk music of Asian and electronic sounds .

  7. 流行音乐和民间音乐你更喜欢什么?

    Which do you prefer , pop music or folk music ?

  8. 文山州民族民间音乐的价值与发展对策

    The Countermove of Value and Development About Wenshan National Folk Music

  9. 浅析云南彝族民间音乐的发展

    A Preliminary Study on the Development of Yunnan Yu Folk Music

  10. 试论中国传统扬琴音乐与地域性民间音乐的融合

    On Integration of Chinese traditional Dulcimer Music and Regional Folk Music

  11. 丰富的蒙古族民间音乐,是他取之不尽的源泉。

    Rich Mongolian folk music is his inexhaustible source of creation .

  12. 第二章分析说明了储望华钢琴改编曲对中国民间音乐因素的体现;

    Second chapter analyses Chinese folk music elements in Chu 's works .

  13. 理论与实践&民族民间音乐教学改革初探

    Theory and Practice-the Exploration of Teaching Renovations in the Ethnoc Folk Music

  14. 满族与其它民族民间音乐的交融

    The Musical Interaction of the Manchus and Other Ethnic Groups

  15. 马上会放些17世纪英国民间音乐。

    We 're going to play some17th-century English folk songs out here .

  16. 该国很多本国的民间音乐和舞蹈。

    There is a wide array of native folk music and dance .

  17. 第二,加快蒙古族民间音乐的挖掘整理,加强蒙古族音乐理论研究;

    To strengthen the Mongolian music textbook system and its theory research .

  18. 他们最新的专辑收录了几首古典民间音乐风格的歌曲。

    Their latest album includes several songs in the classic folk mould .

  19. 他以对英格兰民间音乐的演绎而闻名。

    He was best known for his interpretation of English folk music .

  20. 巴托克学习民间音乐的态度及其启示

    Bartok 's Attitude to Study Folk Music And its Apocalypse

  21. 没有什么东西曾经像民间音乐一样引起她的兴趣。

    Nothing has begun to interest her so much as folk music .

  22. 他们到哪儿都想法熟悉民间音乐。

    Wherever they went they tried to acquaint themselves with folk music .

  23. 其次,幼儿园民间音乐教育的理论基础。

    Second , the theoretical basis of folk music education in kindergartens .

  24. 四是二人台与其他民间音乐的关系;

    The fourth is the relationship with other folk music ;

  25. 多哥的民间音乐包括各种舞蹈打击乐。

    Togolese folk music includes a great variety of percussion-led dance music .

  26. 特别是民间音乐悦耳动听,富有魅力。

    Specially folk music delightful interesting to listen to , rich charm .

  27. 论湖北民间音乐文化及其保护

    Essay on the Folk Music and lts Protection in Hubei

  28. 实地调查在民族民间音乐教学中的基本应用

    The Essential Use of Field Work in Folk Music Teaching

  29. 在坦格伍德音乐节上,古典乐、爵士乐以及民间音乐都很受欢迎。

    Classical , jazz and folk music all are popular at Tanglewood .

  30. 湖北民间音乐的交融性特征

    On Blend Characteristics of the Folk Music in Hubei Area