
  • Car mechanic;Motor Mechanic;Automobile Mechanic
  1. 那个年轻人是一个汽车修理工。

    That young man is a motor mechanic .

  2. 我是一名汽车修理工,我喜欢在汽车修理厂里工作。

    I 'm a motor mechanic , and I like working in the garage .

  3. 这个汽车修理工把那辆旧汽车修好了,并把它卖掉,赚了一些钱。

    The garage man fixed up the old car and sold it at a profit .

  4. 汽车修理工来电话说你可以去取车了。

    The mechanic phoned to say your car was ready FOR collection .

  5. 汽车修理工把汽车轮子校正。

    The garage man lined up the car 's wheels .

  6. 汽车修理工正在给轮子上油。

    The automobile mechanic is oiling the wheels .

  7. 汽车修理工检验了汽车里的电池。

    The mechanic checked out the car battery .

  8. 我弟弟是汽车修理工。

    My brother is an auto mechanic .

  9. 他只是个普通的汽车修理工。

    He is simply an automobile mechanic .

  10. 你已经有多长时间没有请汽车修理工调整这台引擎了?

    How long has it been since you have had a mechanic tuned this engine ?

  11. 拉米罗是一位来自墨西哥维拉克鲁斯的汽车修理工。

    Oscar Ramiro , an auto mechanic from Vera Cruz , says times are hard .

  12. 狄克作为一个汽车修理工总该知道这部车的毛病所在吧。

    As an auto repairman , Dick ought to know what is wrong with the car .

  13. 电视记者为23%,报纸记者为21%,排在汽车修理工(26%)和疗养院护工(24%)之后。

    TV reporters ( 23 percent ) and newspaper reporters ( 21 ) ranked below auto mechanics ( 26 ) and nursing home operators ( 24 ) on the list .

  14. 在我驾车往回走时,我不得不给学校打电话,解释说我不是一个合格的汽车修理工,也不是一位合格的母亲,因此成本中心3号不会按时返校了。

    Driving back , I had to call the school and explain that my incompetence as a car mechanic matched my incompetence as a parent , and that CC # 3 would not be coming back to school on time .

  15. 他在汽车修理厂做机修工。

    He had a job as a mechanic in a garage .

  16. 汽车轮子不时要修理工重新校准一下。

    Car wheels need occasional realignment by a mechanic .

  17. 汽车修理厂的机修工发现汽车的后车轴上有一条裂缝。

    The garage mechanic found a crack in the back axle of the car .

  18. 我向当地一家汽车修理厂申请修理工的工作,但被拒绝了。

    I applied for a job as a mechanic in a local garage , but I was rejected .

  19. 莫里斯看到了牛津这个城市巨大的潜在汽车市场,这位有眼光的汽车修理工转而投身汽车经销,开始了他的汽车经销生涯。

    Morris Oxford , the city saw a huge potential market , the vision of a vehicle repair workshop is turned into car distribution , began his career in automotive distribution .

  20. 修车场地汽车修理厂一个低陷的场地,技工在此修理汽车他在汽车修理厂做机修工。

    A sunken area in a garage floor from which mechanics may work on cars . He had a job as a mechanic in a garage .