
yóu xiāng
  • tank;fuel tank;oil box;petrol tank
油箱 [yóu xiāng]
  • [fuel tank] 飞机上的或汽车上的装燃料的容器;尤指可用于增加航程或携带凝油用的副油箱或可丢弃的油箱

油箱[yóu xiāng]
  1. 校车被炮火击中,引爆了油箱。

    A school bus was hit by gunfire which exploded the fuel tank .

  2. 这个油箱能装50升油。

    The fuel tank has a capacity of 50 litres .

  3. 油箱底有油泥。

    There was some sludge at the bottom of the tank .

  4. 我们开车去那里来回用了一油箱汽油。

    We drove there and back on one tank of petrol .

  5. 油箱在大量喷油。

    The tanker was gushing oil .

  6. 某些卡车的油箱在碰撞时可能发生爆裂并起火。

    Certain truck gasoline tanks can rupture and burn in a collision

  7. 他老是做油箱爆炸的噩梦。

    He has nightmares about the tanks imploding .

  8. 油表靠油箱里的感应器来显示燃料的液位。

    The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level .

  9. 如果把水灌进油箱,汽车会猛然间停下来。

    A car will come to a grinding halt if you put water in the petrol tank .

  10. 她往油箱里加了些柴油而不是汽油,致使发动机发生故障。

    She put diesel fuel , instead of petrol , into the tank causing the motor to seize up .

  11. 油箱里面的油只有这么多了,你要是太快把油耗光可就麻烦了。

    There is only so much fuel in the tank and if you burn it up too quickly you are in trouble

  12. 这个油箱的容量为三百加仑。

    The tank has a capacity of300 gallons .

  13. 你必须经常检查油量&因为油箱有裂缝。

    You 'll have to keep a check on the oil & there 's a leak in the tank .

  14. 油箱里还剩下一些汽油。

    There is still some gasoline left in the tank .

  15. 首先,你得从油箱中把所有的陈油都抽去。

    First , you have to drain the container of all the old oil .

  16. CAD逆向技术在摩托车油箱设计中的应用

    The Application of Reverse CAD Technique to the Design of Motorcycle Fuel Tank

  17. 有人发现,Car没有充电接口,而且我们还去掉了油箱盖。

    Some have noticed there is no electrical charger socket and that we 've also removed the petrol cap .

  18. 基于PLC的汽车油箱自动缝焊机液压系统的控制

    Automatic Vehicle 's Fuel Tank Welding Seam of the Hydraulic System Based on PLC

  19. 应用VISUALLISP语言实现220kV变压器油箱参数化设计

    Parameterized Design for 220 kV Transformer Tanks with Visual LISP Language

  20. 本文运用工作研究的原理和技术对某飞机制造公司某型号飞机n油箱段铆接装配生产线进行分析研究。

    This thesis makes research on the n # fuel tank section of some model plane in some company with the principle and technology of Work Research .

  21. 某型歼击机XX升机身副油箱尾锥振动故障分析研究

    The structural vibration breakdown analysis research on the Fighter-XX centerline drop tank 's tail cone

  22. 或者,在销售汽油时,最好的方法就是说,使用这种汽油如同puttingatigerinyourtank(在油箱中放置一只老虎)。

    Or , what better way is there to sell gasoline than to say that using it is like putting a tiger in your tank

  23. 建模过程基于二维限定Delaunay三角剖分和插值,生成油箱的表面。

    Tank surface was generated with triangle mesh based on two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation and interpolation .

  24. 基于Newton-Raphson法的发电机油箱优化设计的研究

    Optimum Design of Generator Oil Box Based on Newton-Raphson Method

  25. 600MW机组主变压器油箱渗漏处理

    Treatment of main transformer oil reservoir leakage in 600 MW unit

  26. 同样也是因为NASA要求在白天发射,以便观察有多少碎片从飞船的附加油箱上脱落。

    It is also dependent on NASA 's desire for a daylight takeoff so it can observe how much debris flies off the shuttle 's external fuel tank .

  27. 本文基于ANSYS软件,建立了蓄压油箱的有限元分析模型,并完成了蓄压油箱结构的动态特性分析,其中包括模态分析和谱分析。

    In the paper , based on the software ANSYS , a FEA for the oil pressure reservoir is built as well as the dynamic characteristics of model_structure is analyzed , including model analysis and spectrum analysis .

  28. 最终确定选用MAGNET软件开展本课题的研究工作。然后,对我国生产的一台240000kVA/500kV电力变压器产品,应用MAGNET商用软件完成了变压器油箱的三维漏磁场数值计算。

    The MAGNET software is decided to carry out the research work of this thesis . Then , MAGNET commercial software is used to complete 3-D leakage magnetic field numerical calculation of a 240000kVA / 500kV power transformer tank .

  29. 在对液压缸动静态分析以及油箱、管道等液压辅助元件静态分析及参数优化的基础上,确定直径d、容积V等参数并得总参数表。

    After corroborating the parameters such as diameter D , volume V etc of hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic added unit like oil-case , pipeline for example with the analysis of static state and dynamic state too , then a parameter list is obtained .

  30. 本文介绍了以PLC和工控机为基础的汽车油箱气密性检测系统的设计,在检测中引入了二次充气法来减少检测时间,详细介绍了二次充气法的原理;

    This article introduces the research and design of testing pneumatic seals system , Which the PLC and industry computer are used in it , and find a new method to reduce the time , it 's that we inflate the oil box twice ;