
  • law;Laws and regulations;Laws & Regulations
  1. 2月24日,国家法律法规数据库开通仪式在北京举行。

    A national database of laws and regulations was launched in Beijing on Feb 24 .

  2. 三是修改与BT实践不相适应的法律法规。

    Third , modify the laws and regulations that incompatible with BT practice .

  3. 他是名义上的首脑,不过偶尔签字批准法律法规。

    He is titular head , and merely signs laws occasionally .

  4. 晦涩的法律法规有悖于法治和议会民主。

    Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy .

  5. 许多政府认为我们正生活在这样一个世界,于是取消了关于资本、劳动力以及商品跨境流动的法律法规,但结果并不理想。

    Believing in such a world , many governments have put an end to some of the very necessary regulations on cross-border flows of capital , labour and goods , with poor results .

  6. 加入WTO后,中国企业面临着创新体系、运行机制、法律法规三个方面的不适应。

    Innovation system , running mechanism and laws and rules .

  7. 自加入WTO后,农产品出口面临进口国法律法规的限制,我国应高度重视农产品质量追溯问题。

    After entering the WTO , our agriculture products have to restrict by the laws of importing countries . We must pay high attention to building the agriculture products traceable system .

  8. 随着国内相关政策和法律法规的出台,越来越多的企业已经着手或准备着手MBO。

    As the related policy and legal regulations being enacted in our country , more and more enterprises have begun or prepared to begin MBO .

  9. 美国萨班斯·奥克斯利(Sarbanes-Oxley)法案提高了对需要新IBM内部服务来支持对各种政府法律法规遵从的认识。

    The U.S.Sarbanes-Oxley act has increased the awareness of the need for a new class of IBM internal services to support compliance for a broad set of government regulations .

  10. 根据调查,我国POPs引起的场地污染比较严重,现有的环境管理法律法规、标准和制度政策是POPs污染场地管理的基础,但这种基础还比较薄弱,尚不能完全满足环境无害化管理的要求。

    The existed laws and regulations , systems and policies on environmental management are applicable basis on the management of POPs contaminated sites . however , the basis is still weak , and it cannot accord entirely with the demands of the environmentally sound management .

  11. 就加拿大对HACCP体系建立和实施的政府管理机构、法律法规和管理状况进行了探讨,总结出可借鉴针对我国HACCP体系建立和实施的政府管理及政策的有益经验。

    The government competent authorities , the laws and regulation and the administration condition of the establishment and implement of HACCP system in Canada were studied , the experience used for reference to the government administration and police for the establishment and implement of HACCP system in China was summarized .

  12. 然而,现行相关法律法规缺乏对该现象的规范和调整。

    However , there is lack of regulations about dormant investment .

  13. 加强信用制度、法律法规建设,规范证券中介信用;

    Strengthen the construction of credit system and rules of law ;

  14. 城中村的改造和加强法律法规的制订和保障。

    The transform of city village and strengthen formulating legal regulations .

  15. 解读高等学校的法律法规授权的组织资格&以田永诉北京科技大学案为范本展开的分析

    On the Qualification of University as An Organization Authorized by Law

  16. 对保障妇女生殖健康的法律法规了解不多;

    To guarantee women grow the healthy law laws understanding not much ;

  17. 并且总结出缺失原因:法律法规不完善;

    And analyst the reasons : law and rule of law faultiness ;

  18. 德国植物保护方面重要的法律法规

    The major laws and regulations in plant protection in Germany

  19. 德国食品安全方面重要的法律法规

    The Important Law and Regulation of Food Safety in Germany

  20. 也与现行的相关法律法规冲突。

    And it contradicts the current laws and regulations related in force .

  21. 制定与完善苹果质量安全法律法规和具有地方特色的标准体系;

    Estabilsh and perfect the legislation and criterion about apple ;

  22. 最后,必须制定完善的法律法规,规范地方政府绩效评价活动。

    Last , the performance evaluation of local government should be standardized .

  23. 企业会计法律法规的改革及影响

    Revolution and its effects of accounting laws of enterprises

  24. 建立健全完善的法律法规体系;

    To form a perfect law and regulation system ;

  25. 从整体上来看,这些法律法规具有系统性、模仿性等特征。

    Generally , these laws were systematic and characteristic ;

  26. 二是法律法规政策的支撑。

    Second , laws and regulations , policies support .

  27. 而且现行的法律法规中,仍存在着很大的不足。

    And the existing laws and regulations , there are still significant deficiencies .

  28. 应建立健全法律法规,推行国内信用证;

    Sett up perfect laws and regulations with adoption of domestic letter of credit ;

  29. 加强现有法律法规的惩罚力度,赋予执法部门更充分的权力;

    Give execution branches more power and strengthen punishment force of the present statutes ;

  30. 第五部分通过对我国债务重组实际案例的分析找到现行债务重组法律法规存在的问题。

    The fifth part finds the legal problem of debt reorganization through practical case .