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  • 网络wave theory;undulatory theory;theory of wave
  1. 托马斯·杨与光的波动说的兴起

    Young Thomas and the Rise of the Wave Theory of Light

  2. 电磁辐射的认识经历了微粒说、波动说、波粒二象性的过程。

    The understanding of electromagnetic radiation underwent particle theory , wave theory , wave - particle theory .

  3. 光的波动说判定性实验

    A judgement experiment for undulatory theory of light

  4. 在光学中我们赞成光的波动说,而反对光的微粒说。

    In optics we have to decide in favour of the wave theory against the corpuscular theory of light .

  5. 光的波动说的兴起和成功,在牛顿物理学中打开了第一道缺口。

    The successful rise of the wave theory of light for the first time made a breach in Newton 's physics .

  6. 用粒子说来解释这一现象是困难的,但是它却可以被波动说阐明。

    This would be difficult to explain with the particle theory of light , but it can be accounted for in the wave theory .

  7. 由于农民会调整农作物的种植比例,以利用价格上涨之机获利,因此我们很容易把粮食供需平衡的波动说成是一种短期现象。

    Since farmers adjust crop allocations to take advantage of higher prices , it is easy to dismiss swings in the supply and demand balance of grains as short-lived phenomena .

  8. 我安静地波动,说再见到天空西部的明亮云。

    I quietly wave , Saying goodbye to the bright clouds of the western sky .

  9. 是的,也许我有些情绪波动,她小声说。

    ' Yes , perhaps I am capricious , ' she murmured .

  10. 股票和商品(地球上一切事物)是波动的。进一步说,就是波动全面解释了金融市场的价格运动。

    Stocks and commodities ( and everything else on earth ) vibrate . Moreover , vibration provides a comprehensive explanation of price movement in financial markets .