
bō duō lí gè
  • Puerto Rico
波多黎各[bō duō lí gè]
  1. 波多黎各至今仍然是美国的一个自治政区,而不是一个州。

    Puerto Rico remains a US commonwealth , not a state .

  2. 波多黎各尽管自称共和国,但实际上是有自治权的美国殖民地。

    Puerto Rico , though it calls itself a Commonwealth , is really a self-governing American colony .

  3. 波多黎各人是美国公民,但是他们在国会里没有代表。

    Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but they have no representation in Congress .

  4. 我们去了波多黎各度假。

    We went on vacation to Puerto Rico.

  5. 这次全民公决将会促使波多黎各进一步摆脱对美国的依靠。

    The referendum will bring Puerto Rico one step closer to cutting the island 's umbilical cord to the United States

  6. 在波多黎各的战事很短暂;但是战争结束后,西班牙将该岛屿割让给了美国。

    Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico , but after the war Spain ceded the island to America

  7. 该集团在美国、加拿大和波多黎各有2800家门店。

    It has 2800 locations in the United States , Canada and Puerto Rico.

  8. 美国国家科学基金会称,位于波多黎各的直径达305米的阿雷西博射电望远镜设备平台一夜之间坍塌。

    The instrument platform of the 305-meter telescope at Arecibo Observatory overnight , according to the National Science Foundation .

  9. 一项最新报告显示,波多黎各的陆地昆虫数量已在过去的35年间下降了98%。

    According to one recent study , the number of ground insects in Puerto Rico has fallen by 98 % over the last 35 years .

  10. 乔斯·安立可(JoseEnrique),JoseEnrique,波多黎各圣胡安

    Jose Enrique , Jose Enrique , San Juan , P.R.

  11. 嗨/嗨,Ross,你知道老爸老妈要去波多黎各过感恩节吗?

    Monica : Hey . Ross , did you know Mom and Dad are going to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving ?

  12. 岛群国家的得奖者为波多黎各的RosaHilda。

    The prize winner for islands and island nations is Rosa Hilda Ramos of Puerto Rico.

  13. 目前运行的最大射电望远镜在波多黎各阿雷西博天文台(AreciboObservatory),直径为300米,贵州的FAST将远远超过它。

    The current largest operational radio telescope is the 300-meter-diameter Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico , but FAST in Guizhou will far surpass that .

  14. Linda还以为这是一家经营波多黎各菜式的餐馆,但实际上这是一家古巴餐厅,就像那种在迈阿密经常看到的餐厅一样。

    Linda : It 's Puerto Rican ? Javier : Actually it 's a Cuban restaurant , like the ones you might find in Miami .

  15. 此外,我们还利用了所有网络【NBC、CNBC、MSNBC、波多黎各电视台(Telemundo)、Bravo电视台、美国有线广播网(USANetwork)等】,而不是仅限一种渠道。

    We also used all our networks [ NBC , CNBC , MSNBC , telemundo , Bravo , USA , and many others ] , not just one .

  16. Emiliano将自己的长寿归功于Funche,这是一种波多黎各传统食物,他每天都吃。

    Emiliano credited his long life to Funche , which is a traditional Peurto Rican dish that he ate every day .

  17. 在网球女单决赛中胜出的莫妮卡•普格(MónicaPuig)为波多黎各赢得了首枚奥运金牌。

    M ó nica Puig earned Puerto Rico its first Olympic gold medal by winning the women 's singles tennis final .

  18. EmilianoMercadodelToro于1891年出生于波多黎各,在2006年12月11日时成为了世上最长寿且还在世的人。

    Emiliano Mercado del Toro was born in Puerto Rico in 1891 , and became the world 's oldest living person on December 11 , 2006 .

  19. 1948年12月28日,一架载有29名乘客和3名机组人员的DC-3空中运输客机从波多黎各(PuertoRico)的圣胡安(SanJuan)起飞,前往美国佛罗里达州的迈阿密(Miami),结果却在即将抵达目的地时神秘失踪。

    An Airborne Transport DC-3 airliner carrying 29 passengers and three crew members disappeared near the end of a scheduled flight from San Juan , Puerto Rico to Miami , Fla. on December 28 , 1948 .

  20. 这首新歌MV是碧昂斯继《MiGente》之后的慈善活动的最新举措。其中的所有收益将用于在墨西哥、波多黎各和其他加勒比岛屿受到飓风和地震的受害者。

    The video is the latest of Beyonc é 's charitable acts , following her remix of " MiGente , " proceeds from which will be donated to hurricane and earthquake victims in Mexico , Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands .

  21. 为研究高频电磁波在电离层等离子体中激发的等离子体线的涨落,一组电离层加热实验完成于波多黎各的Arecibo射电天文台。

    A series of ionospheric modification experiments were conducted at the Arecibo Observatory to research the fluctuation of the plasma lines enhanced by the high frequency electromagnetic waves .

  22. 错过ElPunto的话会很可惜,因为这里提供正宗的波多黎各美食,包括mofongo,这是一种把香蕉打碎后做成的菜品,我们在点这道菜的时候又在上面加了炖鸡。

    It would have been a shame to miss El Punto , since it serves authentic Puerto Rican food , includingmofongo , a mashed plantain dish that we ordered with chicken stew piled on top .

  23. 1960年以来,一共有100多个SETI项目,世界各地都架设了无线电望远镜,包括波多黎各、阿根廷、澳大利亚、韩国和意大利。

    Since 1960 , there have been over one hundred SETI projects , with radio telescopes stationed around the world , including Puerto Rico , Argentina , Australia , South Korea and Italy .

  24. 在密苏里州、波多黎各和伊利诺斯州之后,Santorum又来到路易斯安那州,这里在3月24号会进行提名竞选。在充满喜悦的演讲中,他称自己会赢得党内提名,但这几乎是不可能事件。

    In a jubilant speech in Louisiana - which holds its primary on March 24th , after Missouri , Puerto Rico and Illinois - Mr Santorum predicted he would win the nomination outright .

  25. 不过1974年,波多黎各的阿雷西博天文台(Arecibo)用大型无线电天线发送了一个3分钟的编码图片符号,运行速度已达光速,比之前的信息快2万倍。

    But in 1974 , a three-minute encoded pictogram was transmitted using the large radio antenna at Arecibo , Puerto Rico. It moves at the speed of light , 20000 times faster .

  26. 获胜者:中间是Khandelwal先生,右边是来自波多黎各21岁的álvarez,左边是来自墨西哥26岁的AldoEsparzaRamírez。

    Winners : Mr Khandelwal ( centre ) alongside the first runner up Fernando á lvarez ( right ) , 21 , from Puerto Rico and second runner up Aldo Esparza Ram í rez ( left ) , 26 , from Mexico .

  27. 传记音乐剧《汉密尔顿》主人公是一个死了几百年、白得不能再白的白人,但剧中演员却大多是“其他”种族,包括本剧主创、主演林-马努艾尔·米兰达(Lin-ManuelMiranda),一个波多黎各裔美国人。

    Hamilton " " is a musical biography about the very white , very dead Alexander Hamilton , in which most of the cast is " other , " " including Lin-Manuel Miranda , the show 's Nuyorican creator and star .

  28. 他们在波多黎各、里南和巴西进行停留。

    They stopped in Puerto Rico , Suriname , and Brazil .

  29. 不是波多黎各佬卖的假货。

    Not like that jumped-on powder they sell up in nuyorico .

  30. 这是波多黎各第一次面临迁移潮。

    This is the first time Puerto Rico faces an exodus .