
huó xìnɡ yǎnɡ
  • active oxygen;reactive oxygen
  1. 紫外线B对水稻叶组织中活性氧代谢及膜系统的影响

    Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Active Oxygen Metabolism and Membrane System of Rice Leaves

  2. MET对油菜幼苗活性氧代谢的影响

    Influence of multi-effects triazole on the metabolism of active oxygen in rape seedlings

  3. 肉桂酸及其衍生物对活性氧H2O2清除作用

    Scavenging effects of the derivants of Cinnamic acid on H_2O_2

  4. 叶绿素b含量低的水稻突变体的光合功能衰退及其与活性氧的关系

    Decline of Photosynthetic Function and Its Relation with Active Oxygen in a Rice Mutant with Low Chlorophyll b Content

  5. OH自由基属于活性氧自由基,具有强氧化作用,在生物体内可损伤机体。

    OH radical is one of the reactive oxygen species , and is very oxidative .

  6. 金属离子介导活性氧引起DNA氧化损伤及机制研究

    Study on the mechanism of oxidative damage of DNA induced by reactive oxygen species due to metal ions

  7. SOD模拟酶调控水稻秧苗中活性氧水平的变化研究

    The Study of Regulation of ROS Levels in Rice Seedling by SOD Model Compounds

  8. 应用荧光探针H2DCF-DA检测光照致细胞内活性氧产生的初步研究

    Detection of ROS Induced by Light Irradiation in Endothelial Cell During Light Irradiation Applying H_2DCF DA ∶ A Preliminary Study

  9. 西瓜富含维生素C。维生素C能通过保护我们的细胞免受活性氧的侵害,从而极大地保护你的免疫系统。

    Watermelons are surprisingly high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is great at improving your immune system by protecting our cells from reactive oxygen .

  10. 芦丁等天然产物清除活性氧自由基O(?)~-和·OH的ESR研究

    ESR study of the scavenging effects of natural products of rutin etc superoxide and hydroxyl radicals

  11. 基于PIC单片机的量子活性氧血疗仪的研制

    Development of light quantum active oxygen curing equipment based on PIC

  12. 以耐SO2品种巨峰和不耐SO2品种红地球葡萄为材料,研究了葡萄贮藏中SO2伤害与活性氧代谢的关系。

    Relationship between SO2 injury and active oxygen metabolism of grapes was studied .

  13. 采用化学荧光技术结合电子顺磁共振技术检测光催化反应过程中产生的活性氧物种是·OH。

    The reactive oxygen species were · OH during the photocatalytic reaction , which were detected by chemical fluorescence and electron paramagnetic resonance technology .

  14. Li/La2O3的表面活性氧及其在甲烷氧化偶联中的催化行为

    The active oxygen on li / la_2 o_3 surface and its catalytic behavior in oxidative coupling of methane

  15. 近年来研究表明活性氧簇(ROS)在UV致皮肤光老化过程中起重要作用。

    It is demonstrated by the fact that reactive oxygen species play a major role in photoaging .

  16. 新近研究显示,活性氧(ROS)与高血压的发生和发展密切相关。

    Latest studies show that ROS is associated with the genesis and development of hypertension .

  17. SiO2对肺泡巨噬细胞活性氧释放和脂质过氧化的影响

    The Effects of Silica on Active Oxygen Species Release of Macrophages and Membrane Lipid Peroxidation

  18. 已有研究表明活性氧物种(ROS)促进血管钙化形成。

    Researches have shown that reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) promote the formation of vascular calcification .

  19. MTS比色法检测嗜中性粒细胞产生的活性氧

    A colorimetric Assay for Determination of Reactive Oxygen Produced by Activated Neutrophils with MTS

  20. 低温消除后,藤黄的活性氧和MDA含量有所减少,团花变化不明显。

    During the recovery time , the active oxygen and MDA content decreased , but these of Anthocephalus chinensis do not change significantly .

  21. 外源一氧化氮对NaCl胁迫下黄瓜幼苗生长、活性氧代谢和光合特性的影响

    The effects of exogenous nitric oxide on growth , active oxygen metabolism and photosynthetic characteristics in cucumber seedlings under NaCl stress

  22. 种植密度和EDTA对短季棉活性氧代谢及铃重的影响

    Effect of Plant Density and EDTA on the Metabolism of Active Oxygen and Boll Weight of Short-season Cotton

  23. 应用活性氧铝&百里香酚酞吸附CO2线性比长法研制出低浓度CO2检测管。

    A kind of detection tube was developed to determine low concentration CO 2 by using linear length metric analysis of active aluminum phenolphthalein absorption .

  24. NaCl胁迫对不同品种黄瓜幼苗生长、叶绿素荧光特性和活性氧代谢的影响

    The Effects of NaCl Stress on Plant Growth , Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics and Active Oxygen Metabolism in Seedlings of Two Cucumber Cultivars

  25. 这两种活性氧自由基对IL-2诱导的LAK细胞增殖的作用是不同的。

    The effects of these reactive oxygen species on the proliferation of LAK cells induced by IL-2 were different .

  26. H2O2的组织原位检测及定量检测表明,在大豆疫霉与大豆的亲和及非亲和互作过程中、病原菌菌丝和游动孢子侵染都能引起寄主叶片的活性氧迸发。

    By in situ and quantitative assays of H_2O_2 accumulation , oxidative burst was detected in soybean leaves infected by P. sojae during both compatible and incompatible interactions .

  27. 活性氧簇(ROS)是神经系统脱髓鞘及血脑屏障破坏的媒介。

    Reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) are mediators of demyelination and disruption of the blood-brain barrier ( BBB ) .

  28. 胞内活性氧清除剂N-乙酰-L-半胱氨酸(NAC)处理2h时后,再加入小剂量H2O2,发现胞内活性氧的产生明显减少;

    The intracellular ROS production stimulated by H 2 O 2 decreased when pretreated with ROS scavenger NAC .

  29. MarikoMurata指出OPP对细胞的DNA损伤与活性氧的产生有关。

    Mariko Murata indicated that OPP-induced DNA damage involved generation of ROS .

  30. 活性氧(reactiveoxygenspecies,ROS)是生物体内一类活性含氧化合物的总称,主要包括超氧阴离子、羟自由基和过氧化氢等。

    Reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) are those oxygen-containing molecules in the forms of super-oxide anion , hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide which appear more reactive than molecular oxygen .