
  • 网络No Line on the Horizon;the lost horizon
  1. 香格里拉因为1933年詹姆斯希尔顿(JamesHilton1900-1954)的小说《消失的地平线(LostHorizon)》而开始闻名于世。

    Shangri-la became famous after the novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton ( 1900-1954 ) published in 1933 .

  2. 香格里拉因为1933年詹姆斯希尔顿(JamesHilton1900-1954)的小说《消失的地平线(LostHorizon)》而开始闻名于世。

    Shangri-la became famous after the novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton ( 1900 – 1954 ) published in1933 .

  3. 詹姆斯.希尔顿的《消失的地平线》在西方曾轰动一时,他向西方世界呈现了一个世外桃园般的中国。

    Lost Horizon , which is written by James Hilton , has been very hot in the West . He presents a Chinese utopia to the western world .

  4. 最后消失于西边的地平线。

    until it was lost beyond the western horizon .

  5. 多年来,你始终在梦想着跳上飞机,消失在天边的地平线中。

    For years , youve dreamed about hopping on a plane and disappearing into the horizon .

  6. 它们好几万头一起消失在远端的地平线,完全不见踪影,然后又轰隆隆砰砰砰地席卷过来,出现在对面的地平线上。

    They swept up in their tens of thousands from the far horizon , disappeared completely for about half a mile , then swept off , thundering and pounding to the distant horizon opposite .

  7. 即使拿媒介曾经具有的无比灵动的审美知觉来进行辩护也无济于事,主体已经消失在媒介话语的地平线上。

    It is useless even to argue for it by using the flexible aesthetic perception once possessed by the mass media because subject has disappeared in the discourse of the media .