
  • 网络Consumption Experience;consumer experience;Experience Consumption
  1. 国内对网站品牌忠诚的研究方兴未艾,对顾客的网络消费体验的研究则刚刚兴起,对互联网环境下顾客体验及其与网站品牌忠诚的关系没有进行深入探讨。

    The domestic study of website brand loyalty is in full swing at present , but the research into online experience consumption is just emerging and lack of in-depth research of customer experience and website brand under internet environment .

  2. 超大的规模、丰富的业态种类,先进的规划理念使消费者在XXX广场能够获得“一站式满足”的消费体验。

    Grand scope , colorful formats and advanced planning ideal will provide consumers with a consumption experience of " contentment through one-stop service " at XXX Plaza .

  3. 按照合作协议,双方将利用消费者数据资源将线下门店、商品、物流以及支付工具整合起来,提供更好的整体消费体验。

    Under the deal , the duo would leverage7 their troves of consumer data in order to integrate offline stores , merchandise , logistics and payment tools to deliver a better overall shopping experience .

  4. 服务层设计:支持不同消费体验的功能性Web服务和元数据Web服务。

    Service Layer design : functional web services and meta-data web services to enable different consumption experiences ( multi-head application )

  5. 第二章是关于消费体验和品牌忠诚的文献综述。

    Chapter two is Reviewed Document about customer experience and brand loyal .

  6. 短期粘性形成于初次消费体验过程中。

    The short-term stickiness is formed during the first time experience process .

  7. 追求消费体验已成为我国居民消费发展的一大趋势。

    Consumer experience has become a trend in the development of consumption .

  8. 我们正朝着追求便利性的消费体验迈进。

    We are moving more toward a convenience-based consumer experience .

  9. 大服装概念下的体验营销体验营销的消费体验过程管理模型研究

    The Research for the Expense Experience Process Management Model Based on Experiential Marketing

  10. 他们追求时尚,喜欢互动式的消费体验。

    They pursue fashion and like the interactive experiences .

  11. 度假游客消费体验对其重购意愿影响实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Effect of Vacation Visitors ' Consumption Experience on their Revisit Intention

  12. 消费体验的五个维度对态度忠诚都有显著正向影响。

    All the five dimensions of consumption experience have significant positive influence on attitudinal loyalty . 3 .

  13. 第五章是基于消费体验对提升品牌忠诚提出具体的营销对策。

    Chapter ⅴ proposed the specific marketing advisement about enhancing the brand loyalty based on the consumption experience .

  14. 消费体验是消费者在消费过程中所产生的心理感觉和情感反应,它极大地影响着人们的消费行为。

    Consumption experience affect consumer behavior greatly , it has got attentions by the researchers in recent years .

  15. 品牌社群影响品牌忠诚的作用机理研究&基于超然消费体验的分析视角

    Research of Mechanism of Impact of Brand Community on Brand Loyalty & Based on the Transcendent Consumer Experience Perspective

  16. 基于这样的背景,本文对于婚纱消费者的消费体验做了相应的研究。

    Based on such background , this paper has done the corresponding research about the marriage gauze consumer experience .

  17. 第二,探讨消费体验对其体验满意度和购买意愿是否有显著的影响作用。

    Second , to explore whether the consumer experiences have a significant effect on their satisfaction and purchase intentions .

  18. 有时候,在没有改变消费体验、因此也没有改善产品的情况下,广告就增强了消费者对这件产品的欲望。

    Sometimes advertising increases desire for something without changing the experience of consuming it and hence without improving it .

  19. 在其它一些情况下,消费者聚焦理由可能导致购买决策与消费体验之间的矛盾,以及偏好的非传递性。

    In others , focusing on reasons can lead to discrepancies between decisions and consumption experiences , and preference intransitivity .

  20. 消费体验与顾客购买意愿之间的联系涉及的还比较少,特别是没有针对特定的顾客群就他们的购买意愿和消费体验的关系进行分析研究。

    And there are less researches on relationship between consumer experience and purchase intention , especially for the specific customer group .

  21. 第二章回顾了与本研究相关的国内外文献,主要是关于品牌忠诚和消费体验的文献综述。

    Chapter ⅱ reviewed the relevant literature of this study , mainly about the Literature Review of brand loyalty and consumption experience .

  22. 更有甚者,顾客在对消费体验进行评价时,会给这家店及雇员打出更高的分数。

    Further , the customers were even likely to give the store and its salespeople high marks when evaluating their buying experience .

  23. 文章对消费体验进行总结与评述,指出消费体验研究未来的发展方向。

    At the end of the paper , the author summarizes and comments on the consumption experience and points out the future development .

  24. 消费体验价值在体验营销影响消费者冲动性购买行为过程中,起到了中介调节作用。

    Consumption value plays a mediating effect in the process of Experiential Marketing Strategy affect the customers ' Impulse Purchase Behavior . 4 .

  25. 最终得出以下结论。(1)消费体验包括感知体验和情感体验二个维度。

    At last , the thesis comes to the following conclusions . ( 1 ) Customer experience mainly includes sense experience and emotional experience .

  26. 阿里巴巴的一位发言人在一封电子邮件中说,该店是一个寻求将数字化与独特的消费体验结合起来的雏形。

    An Alibaba spokeswoman said in an email that the store was a prototype that sought to combine digitization with a unique consumer experience .

  27. 然而,经文献梳理发现,目前国内外对体育消费体验的研究甚少,理论基础相对比较薄弱。

    However , after combing the literature found that research on sports consumption experience at home and abroad on little theoretical basis is relatively weak .

  28. 现代的包装不仅仅代表了一个承载商品的容器,更成为了一种满足消费体验的方式,一个提供消费体验的载体。

    The modern packaging not only stands for a goods container but also represent a consumer guiding means and a carrier of the consumer experience .

  29. 突破性产品能够使用户在使用该产品的过程中获得可以享受的消费体验,这种消费体验的获得实际上来自于产品所体现的价值。

    The breakthrough product can bring an enjoyable consumption experience for consumer in the process of using the product , which comes from the product value .

  30. 免费定价策略能够最大限度地吸引消费者进行消费体验以获得用户数量和网络规模,在此基础上再通过其他方式收回成本获得利润,低产品差异化成本是实现这两个目的的技术条件。

    Free pricing can attract consumers to experience to get more numbers of users and larger network size . On this base , manufactures make profit .