首页 / 词典 / good

  • eliminate;disappear;vanish;dispel
  • 溶化,散失:烟~云散。~融(亦作“消溶”)。~失。~逝。~亡。~沉。~极。~化。

  • 灭掉,除去:~除。~灭。~毒。~炎。

  • 把时间度过去:~夜。~夏。~闲。~遣。~磨(mó)。

  • 减少,损失,耗费:~耗。~损。~退。

  • 需要:不~说。

  • 中医学病名:~疾。~渴。


(消失) disappear; vanish:

  • 红肿已消。

    The swelling has gone down.

  • 他的气消了。

    He has cooled down.

  • 云消雾散。

    The clouds dispersed and the fog lifted.

  • 在真相面前谣言不得不消声匿迹。

    The rumour had to disappear before facts.


(使消失; 消除) eliminate; dispel; remove:

  • 消去一个未知数

    eliminate an unknown quantity;

  • 消痰

    reduce phlegm;

  • 消烟除尘

    eliminate smoke and dust


(度过; 消遣) pass the time in a leisurely way; while away (the time):

  • 消夏

    pass the summer in a leisurely way


[方] (需要, 前面常有“不、几、何”等) need; take:

  • 不消说

    needless to say; it goes without saying;

  • 来回只消一个星期。

    It takes only a week to get there and back.

  1. 也就不用消户啦,对吗?

    Also need not disappear door , right ?

  2. 荒诞有着顽强的生命力,它并不会随着科学昌明时代的到来而趋于消饵,荒诞叙事无疑是亮丽的审美弧线。

    Nevertheless , absurd narration would not disappear with the coming of the flourishing scientific age .

  3. 外出活动真叫人吃不消。

    It 's too much of a fag to go out .

  4. 过度的疲劳开始让救援队吃不消了。

    The strain was beginning to tell on the rescue team .

  5. 这么多的额外工作快使他吃不消了。

    All this extra work is getting on top of him .

  6. 你要是继续这样拼命工作,身体会吃不消的。

    You 'll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard .

  7. 不消几分钟整个大楼便成了一片火海。

    Within minutes the whole building was blazing .

  8. 最近的亏损与年初的盈利相抵消。

    Recent losses have cancelled out any profits made at the start of the year .

  9. 我当时很生他的气,不过现在我感觉气已经消了。

    I was very angry with him , but now I feel I 've got it out of my system .

  10. 他因为过度劳累身体有些吃不消了。

    He 's paying the price for working his body so hard .

  11. 人们都知道可乐能消饿、止渴和解乏。

    Coca is well-known for reducing hunger , thirst and fatigue

  12. 你屁股和大腿上的肿块怎么还不消下去?

    Why won 't those bulges on your hips and thighs go ?

  13. 天太热,连慢慢散步都吃不消。

    It was too hot even for a gentle stroll

  14. 科林到的时候,她气还没有消。

    She was still in a temper when Colin arrived

  15. 不消一会儿他就会因为我迟到对我大喊大叫。

    In a minute he 'll be hollering at me for coming in late

  16. 月亮渐盈,直到正圆,然后消亏。

    The moon waxes till it becomes full , and then wanes .

  17. 全天工作她恐怕吃不消。

    A full-time job may be too much for her .

  18. 痛得我吃不消。

    The pain is more than I can stand .

  19. 愁绪全消。

    Sadness has all melted away [ vanished ] .

  20. 肿消了一点。

    The swelling has gone down a little .

  21. 他们那种神气十足的官僚架子实在叫人吃不消。

    Their overbearing bureaucracy and their self-satisfied airs are really more than one can stand .

  22. 嫌怨未消。

    A grudge has not yet vanished .

  23. 红肿已消。

    The swelling has gone down .

  24. 他的气消了。

    He has cooled down .

  25. 大家劝解了半天,她才消了气。

    It was some time before we succeeded in pacifying her .

  26. 他连续工作十余小时,十分消乏。

    He was exhausted from over ten hours of nonstop work .

  27. 孩子们的欢笑使他愁绪全消。

    The children 's bright smiles dispelled all his gloom .

  28. 火灭了,烟还没消尽。

    The fire had gone out , but the smoke still lingered .

  29. 我动气了,但她一笑,又将我的气儿给消了。

    I felt angry , but her smile disarmed me .

  30. 他现在正在气头上,等他气消了再说吧。

    He 's very angry now , wait till he comes round .