
yǎn huà
  • evolution
演化 [yǎn huà]
  • [evolution] 指生态的群落或自然群落的逐渐进化

演化[yǎn huà]
  1. 认为我们是数以万亿计的星系150亿年宇宙演化的最终结果的观念

    the idea that we are the culmination of fifteen billion years of cosmic evolution across trillions of galaxies .

  2. 这是发挥新型举国体制优势攻坚克难取得的又一重大成就,标志着中国航天向前迈出的一大步,将为深化人类对月球成因和太阳系演化历史的科学认知作出贡献。

    It is another major achievement in overcoming difficulties by giving full play to the advantages of the new nationwide system , marking a great step forward in China 's space industry . This will contribute to deepening the understanding of the origin of the moon and the evolution history of the solar system .

  3. 这场政治争端有可能演化成一场全面爆发的危机。

    This political row threatens to grow into a full blown crisis .

  4. 它是一个渐进演化的历史进程,既有系统完整的历史发展连贯性,又有明显特征的历史发展阶段性。

    It is a historic process of gradual development which is both continuative and multistage .

  5. 所有的梨亚科是由两个远缘祖先类型双杂交演化的异源多倍体。

    All the Pomoideae were allopolyploids derived from a doubled hybrid between two remote ancestral types .

  6. 这种方法得出了一个读数,它说明了自上世纪九十年处家庭能源的使用是如何演化的。

    This method provided a readout for how home energy use has evolved since the early 1990s .

  7. Grasstop这个词是在grassroots(草根)一词基础上演化而来,草根指社区或组织里的那些普通人。

    This term is a play on grassroots , the ordinary people of a community or organization .

  8. Brandname-dropping指有人在别人面前频繁提及自己拥有的名牌物品,希望以此给人留下深刻印象,我们称之为“拽名牌”。这种行为一般都给人不好的印象。这个短语由name-dropping演化而来,时不时会在媒体上出现。

    Brand name-dropping describes the situation where someone attempts to impress others by frequently mentioning the brand names of goods that one owns , it is usually regarded negatively .

  9. 这幕场景后来逐渐演化为象征胜利的普通象形文字

    This symbol later evolved into a common hieroglyphic symbolizing victory .

  10. 人们一直都在为熟悉的东西赋予新的、不断演化的含义。

    People keep defining what 's familiar with new , ever-evolving meanings .

  11. 羽毛最初由昆虫的翅瓣演化而来。

    Feathers initially developed from insect scales .

  12. 它是像太阳这样的恒星在它们生命的尽头,耗尽所有核燃料后演化成的星体。

    It 's what stars like the Sun become at the end of their lives when they 've used up all their nuclear fuel .

  13. 部分子演化模型与EMC效应

    Parton Evolution Model and the EMC Effect

  14. 二元共混体系相态演化的格子Boltzmann模拟

    Simulation of Phase Morphological Evolution of Binary Blends by Lattice Boltzmann Method

  15. 华南火山岩及铀成矿相关的Sr,Nd,Pb同位素演化规律研究

    Research on evolutionary laws of sr , nd , Pb isotopes of uranium metallization and volcanic rocks in South China

  16. 因特网的演化&从NGI、NGN到LSI

    The Evolution of Internet & from NGI , NGN to LSI

  17. 用ADI法数值求解控制方程.这是演化的方向。

    The alternative direction implicit method is used to solve the governing equation .

  18. 在CT尺度裂纹演化和破坏阶段,由于岩石损伤高度局部化,声发射率参数不能精确反映岩石破坏的细观机制。

    At the process of CT crack and rapture evolution , the acoustic emission can not precisely reflect the meso-mechanism of rock deformation and rapture because of localization of damage .

  19. 铬尖晶石的Cr/(Cr+Al)亦同时升高,表现为富Cr贫Al的演化特征。

    Cr / ( Cr + Al ) of chrome-spinel also increase in the rock system , which shows an evolutional feature of Cr-rich and Al-poor .

  20. 并行Pareto多目标演化算法

    Parallel Pareto Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm

  21. 在CA模型的基础上,引入能够反映自组织特性的适应性机制及宏观控制机制,构建了一个城市空间演化仿真的适应性CA模型。

    With the introduction of adaptability and macroscopical control mechanisms representing the self-organization features , an adaptability based CA model for urban spatial evolution simulation is developed .

  22. 双光子Jaynes-Cummings模型中场熵的演化特性

    Properties of the field entropy evolution in two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model

  23. 得到了岩石卸荷损伤演化过程中从裂纹发育、扩展、贯通到断裂破坏全过程的CT图像。

    Through the CT testing , the clear CT images are obtained to include the whole process from the microcrack growth , propagation , penetration and failure of rock sample in unloading condiction .

  24. 结果表明,在拉比振荡频率线性化的情况下,量子信息保真度的演化表现出很好的周期性,周期与动态Stark位移参数有关。

    It is shown that evolutions of fidelity reveal perfect periodicity and the periods are affected by dynamic Stark shift .

  25. 古海洋的Sr同位素组成变化则是地壳和地幔演化以及不同地质历史时期壳-幔相互作用的共同结果。

    The variation of Sr isotope in paleo-ocean is regarded as the result of the evolution of crust and mantle and of the crust-mantle interaction in different geological times .

  26. 国际政治生态系统是基于Agent的虚拟全球战争空间的一个重要组成部分,主要用来描述在危机形势下国家行为的演化,为信息化战争研究提供更多的辅助与支撑。

    The international politics ecology system is one of the parts of agent-based Virtual Global War Universe . It is used to show the evolution progress of nations ' behavior in the situation of crisis and give more support of the information study .

  27. 应用需求的牵引和IT技术的推动使得嵌入式系统设计方法不断演化,出现了三种不同层次的设计方法:①以PCBCAD软件和ICE为主要工具的设计方法;

    The demand of IT technology makes design method of the embedded system evolve constantly , the design methods of three kinds of different levels have appeared : ① design method taking PCB CAD software and ICE as main tool ;

  28. 因特网将向下一代因特网(NGI)演化,IPv6为其主要特征。可管理的IP网基于IP技术,但是没有接受因特网的全部理念,它将智能由网络边缘移到网络内业务节点处。

    Internet will evolve to NGI , based on IPv6 . The manageable IP network move the intelligence from edge to somewhere , such as service node , it will evolve to NGN , by integrated different kind services module .

  29. NED的职能一个时期处于逐渐演化之中,起初只是一个荣誉职位,后来发展为参与公司管理。

    The function of NED had been in a gradual process , in which it was only an honorary position at first and then converted to participate in company affaires .

  30. 利用相互作用绘景,采用完全量子化理论,研究了充满Kerr介质的高Q腔中级联型三能级原子与压缩相干态光场相互作用系统粒子布居几率的时间演化规律;

    In this paper , the atomic population evolution vs. time in the system of three-level cascade atom interacting with squeezed coherent light field in a Kerr medium is investigated by means of the interacting picture and the quantum theory .