
  • 网络inspire a generation;Spire a generation
  1. 伦敦奥运会发布官方口号:激励一代人。

    Inspire a Generation has been revealed as the official motto for the London Olympics .

  2. 科欧主席:我非常高兴地宣布2012伦敦奥运会的口号为激励一代人。

    Coe said : ' I am delighted to announce the motto Inspire a Generation .

  3. 伦敦奥运会开幕式倒计时一百天纪念活动之际,伦敦奥组委公布了伦敦奥运会的口号:激励一代人。

    The motto for the London Olympics has been revealed as Inspire a generation as events are held to mark the 100-day countdown to the opening ceremony .

  4. 他表示:组织奥运会是团队的努力,世界每个角落各行各业的人们都会发挥自己的作用,让伦敦奥运会真正成为激励一代人的体育盛会。

    Rogge said : ' Organising the Olympics is a team effort , people from all walks of life and from all around the world will play their part in helping to make London 2012 a Games that will inspire a generation .

  5. 如果你做到了,你就激励了一代人。

    If you do that , you will inspire a generation .

  6. 有一天,你将会激励新一代的人去追求他们的梦想,会让他们知道他们不可能做的比你还差。

    Someday you 'll inspire a whole new generation to pursue their dreams , secure in the knowledge that they couldn 't possibly do any worse than you .

  7. 提问者:“我非常希望听到,你将采取的能够激励我们这一代人,激励那些被学生贷款困扰的年轻人的具体举措。而且,我非常想知道,我们的美国梦破灭了吗?”

    QUESTIONER : " What I 'm really hoping to hear from you is several concrete steps that you 're going to take moving forward that will be able to re-ignite my generation , re-ignite the youth who are beset by student loans . And I really want to know , is the American Dream dead for me ? "