
  • 网络flexible employment
  1. 要减负、稳岗、扩就业并举,针对部分企业缺工严重、稳岗压力大和重点群体就业难等突出矛盾,支持多渠道灵活就业,做好高校毕业生就业工作。

    As to the outstanding problems of serious scarcity5 of workers in some enterprises , high pressure in keeping the payroll stable , and difficulty of key groups to obtain employment , efforts should be given to support flexible employment through multiple channels and facilitate employment of college graduates .

  2. 灵活就业理论及其在我国的实践

    The Flexible Employment Theory and its Practice in our Country

  3. 职业伤害保障试点我国将以出行、外卖、即时配送等行业的平台企业为重点,组织开展平台灵活就业人员职业伤害保障试点。

    The country will carry out pilots to offer occupational injury insurance for the flexibly employed in ride-hailing , food delivery , and instant delivery platform enterprises .

  4. 与此同时,人工智能(AI)、机器人技术和自动化将会使劳动力结构会发生巨大调整,根据世界经济论坛调查,最大的转变是以关注生产率为着眼点,很多岗位从全职模式转向基于合同灵活就业模式。

    Meanwhile , there could be a huge change in the structure of the workforce , with the executives surveyed by WEF expecting a shift away from full-time work and towards flexible , contract-based gig economy employment with a focus on productivity .

  5. 中低层灵活就业群体对就业政策的倾向性分析

    Analysis of Middle and Lower Groups ' Inclination toward Employment Policy

  6. 完善灵活就业人员社会保险制度研究

    Improve the Flexibility in Employment Study of the Social Insurance System

  7. 中国灵活就业人口发展及对社会养老保险的影响

    An Impact Analysis of Flexible Workforce in China on Old-age Insurance System

  8. 中国城市灵活就业的发展与特征。

    The development and characteristics of flexible employment in China .

  9. 我国灵活就业的社会保险问题研究

    A Research on Issue of Social Insurance for Flexible Employment

  10. 灵活就业人员医疗保险典型问题剖析

    Analysis of Typical Issues about Medical Insurance for Free Employees

  11. 关于灵活就业群体的社会基本医疗保险问题研究

    Research on the Social Medical Insurance of Flexible Employment Groups

  12. 新形势下高校毕业生灵活就业的法律思考

    Legal Advice on Graduates ' Flexible Employment Under Current Situation

  13. 我国灵活就业形成发展的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on the Development of Flexible Employment in China

  14. 上海市灵活就业发展的政策环境。

    The policy environment of developing flexible employment in Shanghai .

  15. 灵活就业人员的社会保障问题分析

    An Analysis on Issue of Social Security for Flexible Employment

  16. 灵活就业人员医疗保险现状调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of health insurance of flexible employee

  17. 人口老龄化和城乡二元结构是中低层灵活就业群体养老保险面临的困境。

    The ageing of the population and the dual structure are the difficulties .

  18. 灵活就业人员及其社会保障对策研究

    A Study on the Question of the Social Security for the Flexible Employees

  19. 农民工中低层灵活就业群体具有农民工和中低层灵活就业人员的“双重”弱势身份。

    The flexible employment group of medium-and-low-level peasant workers has a double disadvantaged status .

  20. 灵活就业人员医疗保障政策难点分析

    Challenges of health insurance policy for flexible employees

  21. 上海市灵活就业的现状与问题分析。

    The analysis of the current situation and problems of flexible employment in Shanghai .

  22. 对太原市灵活就业人员的主要形式和特点两个方面展开分析。

    Taiyuan flexible employment officers of the main forms and features two area analysis .

  23. 高校毕业生自主创业与灵活就业调查报告&在法律视野下

    A Survey of the Self-Employment and Flexible Employment of University Graduates in the Legal Perspective

  24. 灵活就业中的雇佣关系外部化

    Externalizing Employment Relations Among Flexible Staffing Arrangements

  25. 规范劳动力市场与灵活就业

    Flexible Employment in the Regulating Labor Market

  26. 劳动派遣以其扩大就业、灵活就业等优势,发展迅速。

    Labor dispatching is developing rapidly as it benefits to the enlarging and nimble employment .

  27. 最后,提出如何完善我国灵活就业人员社会保障制度的建议。

    Lastly , it proposes on how to complete the social security system of flexible employees .

  28. 针对这种情况,灵活就业人员的社会保障问题被提到议事日程上来。

    In response , flexible employees ' social security problems has been putting on the agenda .

  29. 灵活就业是解决我国严峻的就业问题的重要途径。

    The flexible employment is the important channel for solving the severe employment problem in China .

  30. 完善社会保障制度,促进扩大就业、灵活就业&对天津市扩大就业、再就业问题的思考

    Perfect Social Security and Enlarge Reemployment & On the Problem of Expanding Employment and Reemployment in Tianjin