
jiān áo
  • suffering;torment;torture;ordeal;travail
煎熬 [jiān áo]
  • [torment;torture;suffering] 比喻焦虑、痛苦;受折磨

  • 受尽煎熬

煎熬[jiān áo]
  1. 他们饱受多年的煎熬与贫困。

    They endured years of suffering and privation .

  2. 他多年来忍受了极大的精神上的煎熬。

    He has born intense moral suffering for many years .

  3. 这次面试从头至尾使人备受煎熬。

    The interview was sheer torture from start to finish .

  4. 他们相信他们的灵魂会受到惩罚,在地狱里永受煎熬。

    They believed that their souls would be condemned to burn in hell for eternity .

  5. 她想象着鲍勃和他的新女友在一起的情形,心里备受煎熬。

    She tortured herself with fantasies of Bob and his new girlfriend .

  6. 我知道你正在经受什么样的煎熬。

    I know what you 're going through .

  7. 在明晚计票完成之前,首相将面临数小时的煎熬等待。

    The Prime Minister faces anxious hours before the votes are counted tomorrow night .

  8. 那两任丈夫使我受尽地狱般的煎熬。

    Those two husbands put me through hell .

  9. 我备受良心的煎熬,不知是否真的应该把这封信寄出去。

    I have battled with my conscience over whether I should actually send this letter

  10. 为了摆脱贫困的煎熬,他们的祖父离开了村子。

    Their grandfather had left his village in order to escape the grinding poverty .

  11. 一想到要和他分开,即便是短短几小时,都感到备受煎熬。

    The idea of being separated from him , even for a few hours , was torture

  12. 虽然经受着内心的煎熬,但他仍强作欢颜,这实属不易。

    It was quite an achievement to keep smiling when his heart must have been aching .

  13. 那次经历是一次令人厌恶的煎熬,使得他放弃了任何再当导演的想法。

    The experience was a detestable ordeal , and it cured him of any ambitions to direct again

  14. 塞勒斯在本周早些时候受到了死亡威胁,因此在锦标赛期间备受煎熬。

    Seles , the victim of a death threat earlier this week , has had a torrid time during the Championships

  15. 他久病不愈,受尽煎熬。

    He suffered severely from the lingering illness .

  16. 就在我煎熬于一周的焦虑、绞尽脑汁地思考材料以及猜想我掌握了多少时,我在学生和教授中做了一些调查。

    As I was suffering through my week of anxiety , overthinking the material and guessing my grasp of it , I did some of my own polling among students and professors .

  17. 他被困在黑暗中备受煎熬。

    He was shackled and in darkness of torment .

  18. 他承受了许多煎熬。

    He 's experienced a lot of suffering .

  19. put(alotof)pressureon给……施加(很多)压力I'munderthegun.我备受压力的煎熬。我工作的压力很大。

    A : I 'm under a lot of pressure at work .

  20. 该城市在那段时期里一直被一种不满情绪所煎熬(约翰r格林)。

    The city had all through the interval been seething with discontent ( John R. Green ) .

  21. 欧盟(EU)可能正关注于自身,备受煎熬地试图摆脱此次欧元区危机。

    The EU may be gazing inward in its tortured attempts to emerge from the eurozone crisis .

  22. Windows在正常使用的情况下很少需要重新启动,不过由于这些缓慢的升级在作祟,你可能每天都要遭受重启电脑的煎熬。

    Windows , properly done , rarely needs rebooting , but because of slothful updates , they can be a daily curse .

  23. 在SkidRow大街上流浪,暴露着内心的恐惧,让心灵的煎熬在身上释放

    wandering the streets of Skid Row , exposed to its horrors , with the torment of his own mind unleashed upon him .

  24. 由于NBA联盟继续在停摆中煎熬,很多CBA球队都引进NBA球星来填补它们的球员名单,因此今年的比赛应该是史上最激烈的。

    This year should be the most competitive ever as many teams have brought in NBA stars to fill-out their rosters as that league continues to battle through its labor stoppage .

  25. 作为在智能手机领域占主导地位的两家公司,苹果上一季度报告iPhone年度销量首次出现下滑,而三星(Samsung)还在承受GalaxyNote7爆炸所引发激愤的煎熬。

    Of the two companies that dominate the smartphone sector , Apple last quarter reported the first annual decline in iPhone sales volumes . Samsung has been burnt by the furore around the exploding Galaxy Note 7 .

  26. 数据供应商dealogic表示,在一些西方银行备感煎熬的一年里,在关键的亚太银行业战场,非美国金融集团增强了自己的实力。

    Non-US financial groups have strengthened in the key Asia-Pacific banking battleground in a torrid year for some Western banks , according to data provider Dealogic .

  27. lovesick或者lovelorn的意思是当你另外一半不在的时候,你感到痛苦,煎熬,悲伤,没办法思考或者理智行动。

    Being lovesick or lovelorn is to be sick , sad , and unable to think clearly or behave in a sensible way when your significant other is absent .

  28. 在多年的内心煎熬之后,Piyah终于向父亲和继母开诚布公,称自己想要做一个女人。

    After years of heartache , 15-year-old Piyah finally had the courage to tell Brenda and her dad that she was transgender , and wanted to transition to become a woman .

  29. “为追求完美体形,而在厌食症的煎熬下的人对体形的理解是有失偏颇的,这就是为什么研究需要关注影响体形偏好的机制。”Tovée说。

    the authors say . " People suffering from conditions such as anorexia nervosa have a distorted perception of body size and body ideals , and it 's important that research focus on the mechanisms underlying and influencing the perception of body size , " says Tov é e.

  30. 精神情感方面越独立,煎熬和失望会越少,

    More emotional independence can also mean less suffering and disappointment ,