
shú liàn láo dònɡ
  • skilled labor
  1. 比较而言,大部分独联体国家出口自然资源和非熟练劳动密集型产品。

    In contrast , most CIS countries export natural resources and unskilled labor-intensive products .

  2. 熟练劳动与非熟练劳动

    Skilled labour and unskilled labour

  3. 但这只是资本全球化、区域经济一体化形势下,部门内非熟练劳动与技术交换的垂直分工形式,并不能说是水平分工。

    However , against a background of capital globalization as well as regional economic integration , this is just one form of vertical specialization that exchanges technology with non-skilled labor force within industrial branches , but should not be regarded as a horizontal specialization .

  4. 熟练掌握国家劳动和社会保障法律法规;

    Be familiar with China Labor Law and social security law or regulation .

  5. 机器替代了许多非熟练工人的劳动。

    Machines replaced the work of many unskilled workers .

  6. 精神商品没有平均劳动熟练程度和劳动强度,其社会必要劳动时间等于个别劳动时间。

    Intellectual labor has no average skilled degree and average intensity of labor , its social necessary laboring time equals particular laboring time .

  7. 我们的熟练和精细的劳动工人对那些产品和那些生产过程的所有感到自豪。

    Our skilled and lean work force takes pride in the ownership of both the product and the production process .