
  • 网络LEL;Vol;Explosion limits;explosive limits
  1. 当H2,CO,CH4在混合气中的体积浓度给定时,非线性模型能够准确预测混合气的爆炸极限。

    This illustrates that the explosion limits of gas mixture can be accurately predicted by the NN model when the volume concentration of H_2 , CO , CH_4 in the gas mixture is determined .

  2. 本文通过实验重点研究了可燃性气体(CH4)在不同条件下的爆炸极限和对应的临界氧含量,自主设计和建造了油气燃爆特性实验架。

    This paper major research on the gas explosion limits and critical oxygen content of flammable gas CH4 under different conditions self-designed and built the experiment apparatus of hydrocarbon explosive properties .

  3. 安全性在LNG运输、存储过程中非常重要,因为气体一旦泄漏,当浓度超过爆炸极限后,极易造成重大安全事故。

    Safety is very important in LNG transport and storage . As combustible gas , LNG will cause heavy accidents when its concentration is over explosion limit , if it leaks .

  4. DBZ-1型燃气爆炸极限与阻火实验装置的研制

    Development of Model DBZ-1 Experiment Installation of Combustible Gas Explosion Limit and Prevent Fire

  5. 根据混合气的爆炸极限与混合气各成分的体积浓度之间具有非线性关系的特点,笔者提出采用神经网络非线性方法来计算含有H2,CH4和CO的多元混合气体的爆炸极限。

    A non-linear method of neural network model for predicting explosion limits of multi-component gas mixture containing H_2 , CH_4 and CO is put forward according to the non-linear relation between the explosion limits of the mixture and its components ' volume concentration .

  6. 城市燃气爆炸极限计算与分析

    Analysis and estimates on the explosive limites of the city gas

  7. 可燃性混合工质制冷剂的爆炸极限研究

    Theoretical and experimental studies on explosion limits of flammable mixed refrigerants

  8. 二甲醚、甲烷及二甲醚/甲烷混合物的爆炸极限实验研究

    The explosion limit of dimethyl ether , methane and their mixtures

  9. 多元混合气爆炸极限的非线性预测研究

    Nonlinear Prediction on Explosion Limits of Explosive Multi-component Gas Mixtures

  10. 可燃制冷剂爆炸极限及抑制的理论与实验研究

    Theoretical and experimental study on explosion limit and inhibition of flammable refrigerants

  11. 氦氢混合制冷工质的爆炸极限试验

    Experimental study on the safety of helium and hydrogen mixture

  12. 城镇燃气爆炸极限影响因素与计算误差的分析

    Analysis and Estimate of the Explosive Limit of Town Gas

  13. 可燃性制冷剂爆炸极限实验装置研究

    Experimental study of test methods for determining explosion limits of flammable refrigerants

  14. 海水中可溶性无机磷一元醇非常温爆炸极限的测定

    Soluble Phosphate Measurement of explosion limits of monohydric alcohols under higher temperature

  15. 有机可燃气体爆炸极限的推荐计算方法

    Recommended Calculation of Explosion Limitation for Organic Burning Gas

  16. 文中系统评述了可燃气体爆炸极限的各种计算方法及其适用范围,期望为相关技术人员提供可靠的计算方法,减少我国工业生产中爆炸性灾害事故。

    All of calculating methods of industrial explosion limits are summarized and evaluated .

  17. 煤气爆炸极限和安全动火浓度的确定

    Affirmation on Explosive limit and Concentration value of coal Gas for safety Ignition

  18. 工业可燃气体爆炸极限及其计算

    Explosion limits and calculated methods of combustible gas

  19. 烷烃高温下爆炸极限的测定

    Explosion Limits Measurement of Paraffin under High Temperature

  20. 燃气爆炸极限计算方法的研究

    Study on Calculation Method of Gas Explosion Limits

  21. 几种环保制冷剂爆炸极限实验研究与估算

    Study of explosion limits of some alternative refrigerants

  22. 可爆性气体爆炸极限和爆燃转变成爆轰的研究

    Studies of the detonability limit and the transition from deflagration to detonation for detonability gases

  23. 水煤气-空气混合气体爆炸极限与浓度关系的统计分析

    The statistical analysis of the relationship between explosive limits and concentrations in water gas-air mixtures

  24. 柴油在常温下不容易挥发,蒸气浓度很小,除非是形成液体雾滴,否则达不到爆炸极限,所以用普通的测定气体(蒸气)爆炸极限的方法测不到柴油的爆炸极限。

    The explosion limits of diesel oil can not be measured out by general method .

  25. 可燃气体爆炸极限与阻火实验装置的改进研究

    The Improvement Research on the Device for Explosion Limits of Combustible Gases and Fire Resistance Experiment

  26. 瓦斯爆炸极限的理论计算及影响因素探析

    The Research and Analysis of the Theoretical Calculation of Gas Explosion Limit and Its Influence Factors

  27. 爆炸极限可燃的气体爆炸抽运气动激光器

    Explosion limit explosive-pumped gas dynamic laser

  28. 从气体爆炸极限和氧气的消耗两个角度对该问题进行分析。

    The prob-lem was analyzed from the viewpoints of gas explosion limits and the oxygen consumption .

  29. 空气低温氧化原油产出气的爆炸极限研究

    Study on the explosion limit for the gas produced after air injection low temperature crude oil oxidation

  30. 铁钼法甲醛工艺原料气的爆炸极限与装置的安全设计和操作

    Explosive Limit of Feedstock Gas and Safe Design / Operation of Plant for Metal-Oxide Catalystic Formaldehyde Process