
  • 网络philosophy of physics
  1. 测量问题是物理哲学中一个非常重要的基本问题。

    Measurement is a very important and basic problem in philosophy of physics .

  2. 分维、分形、混沌及其物理哲学含义

    Fractal Dimension , Fractal , Chaos and Their Implication in Philosophy of Physics

  3. 于是,在20世纪末期,便出现了物理学&一种文化体系的物理哲学观。

    Then , in the latter stage of the 20th century , physical philosophy of " physics & a kind of cultural system " come along .

  4. 方教授毕业于香港中文大学和香港大学,并于美国印地安纳州圣母大学取得生物化学及生物物理哲学博士学位。

    Professor Fong was educated at the Chinese University of Hong Kong , the University of Hong Kong and the University of Notre Dame , USA where he obtained his PhD degree in biochemistry and biophysics .

  5. 这些专业包括数学、物理、哲学和语言学。

    These majors include mathematics , physics , philosophy and linguistics .

  6. 地球磁场的物理问题哲学视野中的体育观

    Physical Views in Philosophical Visual Field

  7. 其实,我又说西班牙语,又说英语,而且能够合情合理地应付几乎所有话题的交谈:政治、宗教、体育、物理还有哲学。

    Actually , I speak both Spanish and English , and I can converse with reasonable competence on almost any topic : politics , religion , sports , physics , and philosophy .

  8. 馥基现在是科大物理系的哲学硕士研究生。

    Fuk-kay is now studying for his MPhil in Physics at HKUST .

  9. 对物理教学的哲学思考

    The Philosophic Thinking on Physics Teaching What 's Philosophy For

  10. 量子测量理论的物理诠释及哲学蕴涵

    The physical explanation of the theory of quantum measurement and its philosophic implications

  11. 时空的物理理论与哲学

    Physical Theory of Time - Space and Philosophy

  12. 我近期的的主要兴趣在天体物理学、理论物理学、以及物理世界背后的哲学内涵。

    Recently , my interest is in astrophysics , theoretical physics , and the philosophical meaning behind physics .

  13. 于是,这种新的实证主义主张用逻辑工具、物理语言对传统哲学进行彻底改造。

    As a result , the new positivism maintains a thorough reformation of the traditional philosophy through logical instruments and physical language .

  14. 罗宾从理论物理转到了物理哲学,他经常与图灵和凯斯·罗伯兹一起讨论。

    Robin was moving away from theoretical physics and into the philosophy of physics , and there were many discussions with him and his friend Keith Roberts .