
wù zhì zī liào
  • material goods
  1. 马克思的经济增长理论是以物质资料的生产为研究对象的。

    Marxist theory of economical growth is about the production of material goods .

  2. 女性既是人类生命的孕育者,又是物质资料的生产者。

    Woman is both creator of human life and producer of material goods .

  3. 在适当的时候,ECHA将公布有关当事人提交的高关注度物质资料的非机密版本。

    In due course , ECHA will publish a non-confidential version of the information submitted by interested parties on the proposed SVHCs .

  4. 因而,仅指物质资料的生产方式只能是狭义的生产方式,广义的生产方式还应包括精神资料的生产方式。

    The broad one must include the production of spiritual goods .

  5. 在西方社会工业化发展进程中,社会物质资料生产方式的畸形发展造成严重

    STATISTICAL DATA In the development process of industrialization in the west , the

  6. 不当消费指的是不该花钱的地方花了钱,或是浪费了物质资料。

    Inappropriate consumption refers to spending money falsely or the waste of materials .

  7. 但是,物质资料生产与人自身生产在两种生产对立统一关系中的地位是不同的。

    But they have different status in the relations of the unitary of opposites .

  8. 请问贵公司开始集用于贵公司产品中的物质资料?

    Have you started to collect information on the substances used in your product ?

  9. 社会物质资料生产与人的全面发展

    All-round Development of Social Material Production and People

  10. 并基于此提出人口资源环境经济学的主要规律&广义物质资料再生产规律以及环境也是生产力、竞争力的观点,提出三个生产部类的价值补偿和实物补偿原理。

    Based on it , this chapter advances material compensation and value compensation in three productive departs .

  11. 经济因素包含的内容很广,但其核心是物质资料的生产方式。

    Economy factor includes very extensive content , but its core is the productive mode of material goods .

  12. 相反,在中国或其他古老文明国家,在加强对物质资料集权控制的同时,限制和扼杀了科学发展的活力。

    However , China and other ancient civilized countries suffocated science development when strengthening the control over material resources .

  13. 物质资料的生产既是人类生活最一般的本质活动,又是规定和制约人类生活全部领域的基本实践活动;

    Material production is the essence of human life the most ordinary activities in all areas of human life ;

  14. 人类的生存既需要物质资料的支持,又需要环境资源的保障。

    The survival of humanity we need material support , but it also needs the protection of environmental resources .

  15. 社会分配是一定社会主体为着一定目的,运用所获物质资料的经济行为。

    Social distribution is a certain social subject for a certain purpose , the use of the economic behavior of material obtained .

  16. 社会生产是物质资料生产和人类自身生产的统一体。

    The production of society is a unity of the production of material means and the repro-duction of the human being itself .

  17. 考古学的任务在于根据古代人类通过各种活动遗留下来的物质资料,以研究人类古代社会的历史。

    Archaeology mission is to through various activities according to ancient human legacy of material information to study human ancient social history .

  18. 由于人们在创造物质资料的过程中倾注了人的精神因素,才使这些产品有了文化的内涵。

    The products have a " cultural " connotation when people pour the mental factors of human into the creation course of material .

  19. 自从进入文明社会以来,住宅生产就一直是人类社会物质资料生产基本内容之一。

    Since human being entered into the civilized society , housing becomes one of the most essential parts of the production of material goods .

  20. 在互联网企业中,人已经成为了最重要的生产要素,货币和物质资料反而屈居其次。

    In the Internet enterprise , has become the most important person of production factors , and monetary and material material instead came second .

  21. 摘要财富,最初被认为是一个可以与“物质资料”等同的概念,但仅仅在物质层面上理解财富,是有其局限的。

    Wealth was initially taken as a concept equivalent to " material goods ", but understanding wealth at the material level has its limitations .

  22. 而城市土地作为城市发展运行的主要场所和重要物质资料,其利用过程很大程度上决定并代表着城市运行的水平。

    And as the main space and material of the urban development , urban land usage largely determines and represents the level of urban operation .

  23. 历史唯物主义认为历史发展归根结底的因素是物质资料生产与人自身生产。

    Historical materialism thinks that , in historical development , the factors in the final analysis are the material resources production and the person own production .

  24. 房屋作为婚姻家庭升高的基础性物质资料,对家庭和谐、社会发展与稳定具有重要意义。

    The house , as the basic material in marriage and family life , plays an important role in family harmony , social development and stability .

  25. 家庭部门的生产、消费的全部活动,既是社会物质资料生产、分配、交换、消费全过程的起点,又是终点。

    All of the activies of the family department 's production and expense are not only the beginning of the entire process , but also the end .

  26. 物质资料生产方式的变革必然导致整个上层建筑和意识形态或迟或早的相应变革。

    The replacing to by all means cause whole superstructure of way that material data produce cowgirl is with the consciousness appearance or late or replace early .

  27. 在中国,随着物质资料的丰富、文化生活水平的提高,并没有必然使得所有的社会成员有着更高的精神追求。

    In China , with of the wealth of materials and improvement of cultural living standard , not all members of the society have higher spiritual pursuit .

  28. 土地是人类赖以生存的物质资料,是农业生产的基本要素,是农民的命根子。

    Land is the basic material to the survival of human beings , is an essential element of agricultural production , and is the lifeblood of farmers .

  29. 马克思主义认为,现实生活的生产不只是物质资料的生产,同时还包括人类自身的生产和精神生产,是全面生产。

    Marxism holds that the reality is not only the production of material production , while also including the spirit production and the mankind 's own production .

  30. 然而,长期以来人们对贫困的理解往往局限于物质资料匮乏、收入偏低的表述和衡量,以及造成贫困现象的阶级原因。

    However , it has been long that poverty representation and measurement are often limited to lack of material , low-income , and poverty caused for the different class .