
  • 网络independent guarantee
  1. 我国独立担保的实践与立法完善

    The Legislation and Practice of Independent Guarantee in China

  2. 独立担保项下担保人的抗辩权初探

    A Study on the Rights of Defenses of Guarantors in Independent Guarantee Transactions

  3. 国际经贸中的独立担保法律制度研究

    Study on the System of Independent Guarantees in the International Exchanges

  4. 第四章作者通过对我国银行独立担保的实践和立法现状的分析,结合有关的国际公约和国际惯例,对独立担保的国内效力问题,欺诈例外制度完善问题

    Chapter four : the author analyzes the practice and legislations of independent

  5. 国际贸易中的独立担保制度述论

    On Independent Guarantee System in the International Trade

  6. 对独立担保的衡量应清晰地划分两个要件即实质要件和形式要件。

    Substantiality and formality are two criteria required in the judgment of independent guarantee .

  7. 独立担保由传统的保证发展而来。

    There are two characters in traditional warranty .

  8. 独立担保欺诈例外法律问题研究

    Legal Problems of Fraud Exception in Independent Guarantee

  9. 但独立担保的独立性并非是对担保从属性的否认。

    But the independence is not absolute .

  10. 近年来,独立担保被广泛运用于国际金融、国际贸易领域,我国在对外担保业务中也频繁使用。

    At present , guarantee is already applied in international finance , trade field extensively .

  11. 独立担保制度探析

    Exploration Analysis of Independent Guarantee System

  12. 之后,本文对我国独立担保制度的司法现状进行了研究。

    Then , it is a complete research about our legislation and judicial situation in reality .

  13. 在独立担保实践的推动下,相应的国际惯例和国际条约也已先后出台。

    Independent security practice to promote , international treaties and international practice has also been successively introduced .

  14. 在国际经济贸易中,银行独立担保被越来越多的采用已成为一个不争的事实。

    In international business transaction , it has been a fact that bank-guarantees are more and more applied .

  15. 比较适当的办法是根据独立担保和从属担保的法律特征来进行识别。

    The practical method is that judges may classify collateral guarantees and independent guarantees according to their legal characteristics .

  16. 银行独立担保在当前的实务中主要有见索即付保函和备用信用证两种形式。

    The independent guarantee has two forms in practice , the demand guarantee and the standby letter of credit .

  17. 作为一项新型的担保方式,独立担保虽然在国际贸易实践中得到了广泛应用,但有关独立担保的法律规范在国内外都不是非常完备和成熟。

    As a new form of security devices , independent guarantee is widely used in the area of international trade .

  18. 全文共分三部分:第一部分为银行独立担保的风险分析。

    The whole article has three parts : The first part is " Analyzing Risks of the Independent Guarantee " .

  19. 为了有效控制国际商务活动中的风险,独立担保和备用信用证出现了。

    In order to control international trade risk effectively , independent guarantee and standby letter of credit come into being .

  20. 第三章着重研究了银行独立担保的法律性质&独立性。作者通过与从属性担保相比较,细述独立性的内涵,即担保合同独立于基础合同。

    Chapter three : this part focuses on the primary character of independence : Independent guarantee contract is independent from the basic transaction .

  21. 独立担保是一种新兴的国际融资担保形式,它具有独立性、单据性、付款责任的第一性等特点。

    As an emerging and modern form of international financing suretyship , independent guarantee is independent , documentary , irrevocable and of certainty .

  22. 尽管独立担保已有五十余年的历史,但是鉴于各国法律传统、国际经贸地位的差异,与它相关的法律规定远未成熟。

    Although having experienced fifty-year practice , independent guarantee is far from perfect as differences in legal tradition and trade position among countries exist .

  23. 在司法实践中,不同国家和地区主要依据法院地法和准据法对从属担保与独立担保进行识别。

    In the judicial practices of some countries or regions , judges classify collateral guarantees and independent guarantees according to the law of the forum .

  24. 我国没有独立担保的明确规定,根据各国的法律实际,我国应在司法实践中确立独立担保制度。

    In accordance with national legal practical , there is no independent guarantee In China . We should establish an independent guarantee system in judicial practice .

  25. 20世纪70年代以来,银行独立担保在支持各种交易的同时,自身也取得了迅速发展。

    Since the 1970s , the system of Bank Independent Guarantee has supported various kinds of transaction and at the same time gained a rapid self-development .

  26. 第一章主要介绍了银行独立担保的产生、概念以及银行独立担保在法律实务中的识别。

    This paper consists of four chapters : Chapter one : it 's the summarization that briefly introduces the origin , definition and distinguishing of independent guarantee .

  27. 对独立担保的效力的绝对否定有无理论缺陷和实践弊端,应如何正确确定独立担保的效力与后果,对此作了分析并提出了相应的立法建议。

    This paper not only analyses whether the negation about independent guarantees has any theoretical defect or practical drawback , and also put forward some advice on legislation .

  28. 文章通过分析独立担保中的主体&担保人的权利与义务,试图揭示独立担保中的一些热点问题。

    The article , after analyzing the rights and duties of guarantors , the main body in independent guarantee , tries to reveal some hot issues in it .

  29. 独立担保是社会发展的产物,但在我国担保法上和司法实践中却被认定为无效担保。

    Independent Guarantees is considered as a result of the development of society . However , it is a kind of invalid guarantee according our Chinese law or in trial .

  30. 最后,第四章通过对中国独立担保制度理论和实践中存在的一些问题的分析,提出了几点完善我国独立担保制度的建议。

    In conclusion , chapter four provides several pieces of advice for improving the legal system of independent guarantee after analyzing some of the problems in both theory and practice .