
wán jù
  • toy;plaything;game
玩具 [wán jù]
  • (1) [toy;plaything]∶儿童游戏时用的物品

  • (2) [game]∶做游戏用的器械

  • 孩子们过圣诞节要买些什么玩具?

玩具[wán jù]
  1. 他把那块木头削成了一个简易的玩具。

    He whittled a simple toy from the piece of wood .

  2. 他把那块木头削成了一个简易的玩具。

    He whittled the piece of wood into a simple toy .

  3. 这里全都是旧玩具、书籍,以及诸如此类的东西。

    It 's full of old toys , books and what not .

  4. 你把可以扔掉的玩具挑出来,好吗?

    Could you sort out the toys that can be thrown away ?

  5. 在精心安排的分组活动中可以使用这些玩具。

    Make use of the toys in structured group activities .

  6. 父母为孩子买玩具的花费每年平均为220元。

    Parents spend an average of $ 220 a year on toys .

  7. 我们把拼图玩具的各部分拼合在了一起。

    We fitted together the pieces of the puzzle .

  8. 孩子们正高兴地玩着玩具。

    The children were playing happily with their toys .

  9. 小男孩紧紧地搂着玩具熊。

    The little boy cuddled the teddy bear close .

  10. 他用玩具水枪朝我喷水。

    He squirted a water pistol at me .

  11. 吉米的玩具谁也碰不得。

    Jimmy 's very possessive about his toys .

  12. 很小的玩具可使婴儿窒息。

    Very small toys can choke a baby .

  13. 这只是一支玩具枪——不能射真子弹。

    This is just a toy gun ─ it doesn 't shoot real bullets .

  14. 把你的玩具收拾起来。

    Put your toys away .

  15. 我把我的旧玩具留在这里,你不要就扔掉好了。

    I 'm leaving my old toys here ─ if you don 't want them , just trash them .

  16. 这些玩具可以从Opi玩具公司邮购。

    The toys are available by mail order from Opi Toys

  17. 从打字机到玩具汽车这样的机械玩具和小巧装置

    mechanical toys and gadgets , from typewriters to toy cars .

  18. 我想我们已经在玩具市场找到了一个商机。

    I think we have found a niche in the toy market

  19. 众所周知,刚学会走路的孩子不愿和别人分享玩具。

    Toddlers are notoriously antisocial when it comes to sharing toys .

  20. 我会把玩具排在这个窗台上来玩。

    I would line up my toys on this windowsill and play

  21. 一家玩具店降低了电脑游戏《刺猬索尼克》的售价。

    A toy store has marked down the Sonic Hedgehog computer game

  22. 大木篮子可以用来装玩具。

    The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away

  23. 托儿所明亮宜人,还有许多玩具。

    The nursery is bright and cheerful , with plenty of toys .

  24. 我的玩具在这场火中付之一炬,这令我很难过。

    I 'm sad about my toys getting burned in the fire .

  25. 玩具制造商开始在电视上推销他们的一些产品。

    Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television

  26. 如果玩具质量低劣,我们会痛斥制造商。

    We rap the manufacturers on their knuckles if the toy is shoddy

  27. 这是一个四肢可以活动的乙烯基塑料玩具娃娃。

    It 's a vinyl doll with movable arms and legs

  28. 他已经长大了,实在不再适合玩儿童玩具了。

    He was really too old for children 's toys .

  29. 英国人每年花在玩具上的钱超过10亿英镑。

    Britons fork out more than a billion pounds a year on toys .

  30. 她抓起玩具娃娃,用力往石墙上扔去。

    She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force .