
huán jìnɡ shí yàn shì
  • environmental laboratory
  1. 环境实验室分析数据质量控制技术

    Quality Control of Analytical Data in Environmental Laboratory

  2. 为了增强系统实时监控及数据自动处理的功能,1998年由中山大学大气科学系和大亚湾核电站环境实验室合作,对KRS系统中央处理机的软、硬件进行了改造,建立了系统计算机局域网络。

    In order to strengthen the function of real time monitoring and automatic data processing of the system , the improvements in software and hardware of CPU system were carried out and the local computer network of the KRS system established in collaboration with Zhongshan University .

  3. 介绍了人工环境实验室的结构。

    The article introduces the construction of the artificial environment laboratory .

  4. 某人工环境实验室空调系统的优化设计

    Design of Air Conditioning System Optimum for an Artificial Environment Laboratory

  5. 环境实验室温、湿度模糊控制系统设计

    Design of Condition Lab ′ s Temperature and Humidity Fuzzy Control System

  6. 海环境实验室模拟及电磁散射测量技术

    Sea Surface Laboratory Analog and Electromagnetic Scattering Measurement Technology

  7. 本文介绍电冰箱环境实验室温度湿度测量控制系统。

    This paper introduces a temperature and humidity measurement system for a refrigerator environment Lab .

  8. 最后对人工环境实验室的建设提出了合理化建议。

    The rationalization proposals are given to the construction of the artificial environment laboratory at last .

  9. 对某人工环境实验室降温和除湿系统进行了改造,并优化其控制系统。

    This paper modified the cooling system and the dehumidification system for an artificial environment laboratory , and optimized the control system .

  10. 根据企业要求,设计了温度跨度范围大、风速要求严的人工环境实验室。

    And according to the requirements of the factories , the laboratory in which the temperature changes widely and the ventilation facilities are required strictly is designed .

  11. 并在人工环境实验室中模拟大气结冰环境,监测不同气象条件对桨叶覆冰的影响,得出覆冰厚度与温度、湿度、时间之间的关系曲线。

    The atmospheric icing environment was simulated in the artificial environment laboratory , impact factor on blade icing were monitored under different meteorological conditions , the relationship curves about ice thickness , temperature , humidity and time were gained .

  12. 利用美国海洋大气局太平洋海洋环境实验室在热带太平洋的浮标数据和日本气象厅在西北太平洋的浮标数据对1991年至1992年间ESR1/ATSR数据反演的海表温度进行了印证。

    ATSR SST during the period of 1991 to 1992 was compared with simultaneous in situ SST measured by NOAA 's Tropical Atmospheric Ocean ( TAO ) Array of moored ocean buoys in the tropical Pacific and JMA 's ocean data buoys in the northwest Pacific .

  13. 环境监测实验室中汞(Hg)的污染及防治

    Pollution and Control of Mercury from Environmental Monitoring Laboratories

  14. 本论文针对沙漠环境模拟实验室(简称环模室)设计了由上位机(PC)和下位机(PLC)构成的控制系统方案。

    Firstly , the dissertation presents the design of automatic control system which consists of PC and PLC for the laboratory of desert environment simulation ;

  15. 阐述高校环境监测实验室应当抓住环保市场化、教育市场化及加入WTO的良好契机,接受挑战,走向市场,提高生存发展能力;

    This paper expounds that the environmental monitoring labs at college and university should grab the current chances of the commercialization of environment protection and education and china going into WTO , accept the challenges , improve their survival and developing ability .

  16. 阐述了环境监测实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)的构建目标,介绍了系统的业务流程、总体设计及实施条件。

    This article introduced the construction targets , operational processes , total design and implementation conditions of lab information management system of environmental monitoring ( LIMS ) .

  17. 从环境监测实验室的角度对比了流动分析技术中目前比较常用的2种技术(即FIA和SFA)的优缺点,并指出目前在环境监测实验室中最适用的技术。

    From environmental monitoring laboratory angle , the paper contrasts excellence and disadvantage of 2 technologies ( FIA and SFA ), points out technology in point in environmental monitoring laboratory at present .

  18. E-Net温湿度监控系统在普通环境动物实验室中的应用

    Application of the E-Net System on Temperature and Humidity Monitoring in Conventional Animal Laboratory

  19. 文章介绍了利用ADO、ASP技术,基于C/S和B/S混合架构,充分利用校园网络环境的实验室管理信息系统(LMIS)运行模式。

    In this paper , the running mode of laboratory manage information system ( LMIS ) was introduced which utilized ADO and ASP techniques and based on C / S and B / S mixed framework and fully utilized networked circumstance of campus .

  20. 本文报道了有环保系统14个环境放射性实验室参加的生物样中90Sr、137Cs及土壤样中天然铀含量的分析比对方法及其结果。

    In this paper , the results of the 90 Sr and 137 Cs contents in biologic samples and the natural U in soil samples obtained in a joint effort by fourteen environmental radiation laboratories in the Chinese environmental protection system were analyzed and compared .

  21. 农业环境监测实验室三废的处理方法及管理探讨

    Treatment and Management of Three Waste in Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Laboratory

  22. 环境监测实验室测量不确定度的评估程序

    Evaluation procedure of uncertainty of measurement in Environmental Monitoring Laboratory

  23. 该系统主要用于环境监测实验室的资源管理和日常自动化办公。

    It is mainly used in the resource management and office automation .

  24. 环境监测实验室存在的污染及处理方法

    Pollution in Environment Monitoring Laboratory and It 's Disposal

  25. 西南交通大学环境工程实验室建设构想

    Constructing Speculation of Southwest Jiaotong University Environment Engineering Laboratory

  26. 化学分析实验室内环境保护实验室制粒机

    The protection of environment in-house of chemic analysis laboratory

  27. 水环境数字实验室的构架与实现途径

    Framework and approach on numerical laboratory of water environment

  28. 阐述了该校新建环境工程学实验室的特点以及在教学实践中的改革和体会。

    This paper presented and demonstrated the characteristics of our new-built environmental engineering labs .

  29. 转轮除湿技术在屏障环境动物实验室中的应用

    The Application of Desiccant Wheel Technology in the Animal Laboratory of Environmental Barriers System

  30. 环境监测实验室文化的发展与构建初探

    On Environmental Monitoring Laboratory Cultural Development and Construction