
  • 网络modern English;Modern English Language;current english
  1. 在现代英语译本中,当一个角色遇到卡冈都亚时,拉伯雷写道:“欢迎他的是一千个爱抚、一千个拥抱和一千个问候。”但是卢登伯格指出,16世纪的德语译本提到了握手。

    When one character meets Gargantua , Rabelais writes ( in one modern English translation ) , " he was greeted with a thousand caresses , a thousand embraces , a thousand good-days . " But according to Roodenburg , the 16th-century German translation adds references to shaking hands .

  2. 英语一般疑问句之所以会产生中心语移位,是因为现代英语中带有疑问语素的C为强语素,它只有加缀于助动词或情态动词这类结构位置高于动词的中心语才能核查自己的特征。

    C which has interrogatory morpheme is a strong morpheme in modern English , it 's feature can only be checked when it is affixed to auxiliary which has a higher position in sentence .

  3. 在现代英语中,人们对“February”的发音产生了分歧,最常听到的有两种,一种是“Feb-yoo-ary”,还有一种是“Feb-roo-ary”。

    February is a divisive issue in modern pronunciation , with both Feb-yoo-ary and Feb-roo-ary being commonly heard .

  4. 唯一的区别是当时的抄写员是拖着桌子(deske,不同于现代英语中的桌子(desk))辗转于不同的工作地点。

    The only difference was that scribes lugged the desk - or deske - around with them from job to job .

  5. Leech认为现代英语是在向汉语这样的孤立语方面变化;

    Leech believes that the modern English changes towards the isolating language like Chinese .

  6. 那么像Sandra那样,用一些现代英语来和邮局工作人员谈话。

    Do like Sandra did , and use Modern English to talk to the postal clerk !

  7. 从语域的角度讲,可以说科技英语(EST)属现代英语中的科学与技术语域。

    From the point of a register view , we can say that EST is the register of science and technology for modern English .

  8. 计算机信息技术行业是现代英语新词产生频率最高、数量最多的地方,其中重要渠道之一是通过缩短类构词法生成的,该类构词法在ICT英语词汇中发挥了特殊的作用。

    Shortening word-formation is one of the most important sources for neologism in modern English , especially for those derived from computer and ICT industry , which also plays a prominent and special role in producing ICT English words .

  9. 专用英语(ESP)是现代英语在特定语域中运用而产生的功能变体,特定的环境对语言的使用提出了特殊的要求,这种社会交际的需求是专用英语产生和发展的外部动因;

    English for Special Purposes ( ESP ) is the functional varieties of Modern English which has arisen form the actual use of English in Particular contexts . The needs of such social communication is the external cause for ESP to come into being and develop ;

  10. 本论文选择流传广泛而普及的现代英语小说&PrideandPrejudice(译作:《傲慢予偏见》)作为语料来源,将英语原著及汉语译本里的if-假设句作为对比材料。

    Moreover , not all the Chinese grammar textbooks have the systematic analysis of this issue . This essay has chosen the broadly popular modern English novel Pride and Prejudice as the language attributes and has compared the if-hypothetical sentences in both the English version and the Chinese translation version .

  11. 现代英语教学与创造性思维力培养

    Modern English Language Teaching and the Development of Creative Thinking Ability

  12. 谈现代英语名词不规则复数形式构成法

    Comment on the Formation of Irregular Plural Noun of Modern English

  13. 英语新闻忠实记录了现代英语的发展演变。

    News reports record the changes and development of modern English .

  14. 第三章分析了现代英语词典学中的描写性主流趋势。

    Chapter Three illustrates the descriptive trend in modern English lexicography .

  15. 新闻广告英语是现代英语的重要组成部分。

    News advertisement English is the important component of modern English .

  16. 美国英语是现代英语的一个重要分支。

    American English is an important variety of modern English .

  17. 略谈现代英语词汇的发展和变化

    A Brief Account of the Development and Changes of Modern English Vocabulary

  18. 论同义句的信息结构《现代英语语法》练习题(15)积极型外汉语文词典释义的补充信息:理据和应用

    Active Foreign-Chinese Language Dictionaries ' Supplementary Information Structure : Theory and Practice

  19. 现代英语教育与传统英语教育的对比分析

    On English Analysis of the Modern and Traditional English Education

  20. 词类转换是现代英语语法的明显特征之一。

    Conversion is a typical grammatical feature of modern English .

  21. 现代英语写作研究发展脉络及流派评析

    An Approach to the Development of Modern Writing Research and Different Pedagogies

  22. 现代英语词汇特征及其成因探析

    An Analysis on Common Features and Formation Causes of Modern English Vocabulary

  23. 现代英语短篇小说象征主义手法浅析

    A Brief Analysis of the Symbolic Features in Modern English Short Fiction

  24. 现代英语起源于盎格鲁撒克逊语的多种方言之一。

    Modern English derives primarily from one of the dialects of anglo-saxon .

  25. 一个圣经的现代英语版本,新约外传。

    A modern English version of the Bible and Apocrypha .

  26. 而现代英语教育的目标在于培养自主性学习者和问题解决者。

    While contemporary English education aims at developing autonomous learners and problem-solvers .

  27. 现代英语标准发音中语调变体的功能主义视角分析

    A Functional View of Intonation Variation in Modern British English

  28. 浅谈现代英语教学中英语教师的主导作用(英文)

    The Leading Role of the English Teacher in Modern English Teaching ;

  29. 现代英语;现代希伯来语是以色列希伯来语。

    Modern English ; New Hebrew is Israeli Hebrew .

  30. 现代英语词汇和语法的简化趋势

    Simplification of Vocabulary and Grammar Structure : A Trend of Modern English Development