
tián miàn bāo
  • bread
甜面包 [tián miàn bāo]
  • [bread] 用加糖的面包生面充以鸡蛋和水果制成的面点、饼干或糕点

甜面包[tián miàn bāo]
  1. 俄罗斯的复活节蛋糕“kulich”与受欢迎的意大利圣诞节甜面包潘妮朵妮类似。

    The Russian Easter Cake , known as a " kulich ", is similar to the popular Italian holiday sweet bread called panettone .

  2. 在杯形盘里烘焙的速食甜面包。

    A sweet quick bread baked in a cup-shaped pan .

  3. Mark说要买一些做热狗和汉堡用的圆面包,就是bun,一种小而圆的甜面包或点心。Mark还要做一个potatosalad,土豆沙拉。

    Mark : We need to buy some buns for the hotdogs and hamburgers , and I 'm making potato salad .

  4. 鲜美大饼面包,并不如甜面包作为西葫芦。

    Tasty bannock bread , not as sweet as zucchini bread .

  5. (爱尔兰)葡萄干蛋糕或小圆甜面包。

    ( Irish ) a rich currant cake or bun .

  6. 我们早餐吃了甜面包卷和牛奶。

    We had sweet rolls and milk for breakfast .

  7. 我在四点钟时喝了一杯茶,吃了个小甜面包。

    I had a cup of tea and a bun at four o'clock .

  8. 渐渐有试验性质的甜面包,三角饼,形迹可疑的椰子蛋糕。

    In time people experimented with buns , samosas , and suspicious-looking coconut cakes .

  9. 还有免费的葡萄干甜面包,里面布满了茴芹籽。

    and free mosbolletjie bread studded with aniseed .

  10. 你干吗早餐弄甜面包和肉啊?

    Why you cooking biscuits and ri forreakfast ?

  11. 我有甜面包薯条。

    I have cookies french fries .

  12. 引人注目的;惊人的;壮观的甜面包山的壮观景色他们成功地调整了业务,成绩斐然。

    spectacular views of the Sugar Loaf Mountain . They have revamped the business with spectacular success .

  13. 你爸爸一定当过面包师傅,因为你那套甜面包可真不赖。

    Your daddy must 've been a baker , cause you 've got a nice set of buns .

  14. 多种多样的酵母发酵的甜面包卷,加或不加葡萄干、核仁、香料,上或不上釉面。

    Any of numerous yeast-raised sweet rolls with our without raisins or nuts or spices or a glaze .

  15. 因为我们的会面安排在早餐后不久,餐厅给我们留了一盘甜面包。

    As our rendezvous takes place not long after breakfast , a plate of sticky pastries has been left out for us .

  16. 常和咖啡一起吃的蛋糕或甜面包。用甜面包屑和糖蜜做成的平摊馅饼。

    A cake or sweet bread usually served with coffee . open pie filled with a mixture of sweet crumbs and molasses .

  17. 前往里约热内卢感受世界杯的各国球迷们也把甜面包山作为这次旅程的一部分。

    The Soccer fans from around the world have chosen Rio for their World Cup experience , and Sugarloaf Mountain is part of that .

  18. 卷子,玉米松饼、小甜面包、鸡蛋饼,滴滴答答的黄油,每顿饭都有。

    Application of Different Antiseptic in the Egg Moon Cake Rolls , corn muffins , biscuits and waffles , dripping butter , all at one meal .

  19. 为了研究开发甜面包口味多样性、营养保健性和番木瓜资源的综合利用,在面团中添加番木瓜果肉,经过搅拌、发酵、烘烤制成营养齐全、对人体具有保健作用的水果面包;

    In order to enhance the taste diversity of sweet breads and the comprehensive use of papaya resource , papaya pulp was added into dough and papaya health care breads were made .

  20. 萨莉得到了允许讲和我们住一阵子,星期四她终于来了,带着一布袋衣服和一纸袋她妈妈拿的甜面包。

    What sally said Sally was going to get permission to stay with us a little and one Thursday she came finally with a sack full of clothes and a paper bag of sweetbread her mama sent .

  21. 他的情绪很好,到吃午饭的时候,他想舒展一下筋骨,到马路对角的面包房去买一只小甜圆面包。

    He was in a very good mood until lunchtime , when he thought he 'd stretch his legs and walk across the road to buy himself a bun from the bakery .

  22. 小松糕一种甜的杯状速烤小面包,通常要在温热时食用常和咖啡一起吃的蛋糕或甜面包。

    A small , cup-shaped quick bread , often sweetened and usually served warm . a cake or sweet bread usually served with coffee .