
  • The Trials of Life;Lebensborn;Source of Life
  1. 请您爱护绿色,绿是生命之源。

    You love green , green is the source of life .

  2. 珍惜生命之源,关“住”点点滴滴。

    Cherish the source of life , customs ," live " unnoticed .

  3. 古墓丽影2:生命之源

    Lara Croft and the Cradle of Life : Tomb Raider 2

  4. 21世纪将是一个关注生命之源&水的世纪。

    21 century is a century of water for concerning life .

  5. 对于迈凯轮和与之竞争的车队来说,这种合作关系简直就是生命之源。

    Partnerships are the lifeblood of McLaren and its rival teams .

  6. 水是生命之源、农业的命脉。

    Water is the origin of life and the lifeblood of agriculture .

  7. 水,生命之源的危急报告

    Critical Report from Water , the Source of life

  8. 纯正蒸馏水,生命之源。

    Pure distilled water is the origin of life .

  9. 水是生命之源,城市之魂。

    Water is the source of life , the soul of the city .

  10. 稿源是保证学报质量的生命之源。

    The source of contributions is what high quality of the journal needs .

  11. 现代景观离不开水,水是生命之源。

    Landscape is inseparable from water ; water is the source of life .

  12. 水是生命之源,请节约用水。

    Please save water , the resource of life .

  13. 他是无穷生命之源。

    For He is the infinite Source of life .

  14. 水是生命之源,生物不能离开水而生存。

    Water is the origins of life , and biology cannot survive without it .

  15. 水是生命之源,钱塘江是浙江人民之源。

    Water is the source of living organisms .

  16. 它是政府的生命之源,是政治合法性的基础。

    It is the basis of political legitimacy and the source of government life .

  17. 资本&企业生命之源

    Capital ── the Fountainhead of Life to Enterprise

  18. 质量是名牌的生命之源;

    Quality is the life of a brand ;

  19. 水是生命之源,电是生活必需。

    Water is the source of life electricity is the necessity of our living .

  20. 机油是发动机的生命之源。

    Oil is the life-blood of the engine .

  21. 水是生命之源,是人类生活中必不可缺的物质。

    Water is the source of life and an indispensable substance in human life .

  22. 马克思主义是实践的产物,实践是马克思主义的生命之源。

    Marxism is the production of practice , and practice is life source of Marxism .

  23. 水是人类的生命之源,我们离不开水。

    Water is the source of life ;

  24. 社会参与:学术生命之源&浅谈王灵智教授

    Social Participation is the Life of Research

  25. 科学的战略是企业生命之源,生存之本。

    The scientific strategy is the enterprise origin of life , foundation of the survival .

  26. 祁连山&河西走廊的生命之源

    The life headspring of the Hexi Hallway

  27. 水是生命之源、生产之钥、生态之基。

    Water is the source of life , the production of key , ecological base .

  28. 你的手交叠在生命之源(太阳神经丛)。

    Fold thou thy hands at the Source of thy life ( solar plexus ) .

  29. 彝族先民视水为生命之源,万物之母。

    The Yi people consider water the origin of life and the mother of world creatures .

  30. 水是生命之源,是具有渗透性的自然之物。

    Water is the source of life , it is the thing that has osmotic nature .